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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Not yet, even though I just bought it. Just finished the Super Gore Nest map though. I feel like Doom Eternal requires caffeine to play.
  2. si00 is growing on me now, after more listening. Not sure what it is about this album, but it feels more focused, polished...and almost self-aware than past releases. Somehow I draw from it a sense of "existential unease" that didn't seem present before...if that makes any sense.
  3. If they dig their own grave by wasteful spending, then they reap what they sow.
  4. Hopping back and forth between Synthetik and Doom Eternal. Finally learning to "git gud" at the latter. Not sure if I can continue with No Man's Sky though, even with the Origins update. Yeah there are more diverse environments now with new critters (including giant sandworms) but the core gameplay remains unchanged. Really wish Sean M. would beef up the combat aspects somehow. I like the Desolation update with the derelict freighters, but it could really use tougher, more dangerous enemies on board.
  5. I was the one idiot who forgot to pre-order so I ended up having to wait a week to download. Anyway, just completed my first cycle. psin AM is the number one standout track for me at this time. Bears some similar melodic trends to classic BoC, yet feels distinct enough to be easily identifiable as otherwise. But on a more personal note, it's hitting me in the feels like nothing else right now. I don't really have a good assessment on the rest right now. I'll have to give this album more listening cycles first.
  6. Oof. Time zone compromise can be a bitch sometimes. We were given a rare treat at work today to get paid to go bowling and eat pizza for a couple of hours. But it was shitty pizza that was unkind to my gut. So I ended up eating leftover homemade kimchi over cold millet/brown rice ramen noodles a few minutes ago. Seems to be helping.
  7. I'll probably get mild irritation in my left contact lens for the rest of the month just from chopping a damn onion. They're literally Propanethiol S-oxide bombs once ruptured.
  8. Just started Duskers a few days ago and it's growing on me. It's like the dream outer space survival horror/strategy game the late 80s/early 90s never had. Anyone who does coding or programming for a living should feel right at home with the UI as well.
  9. Glad to see this nation has its priorities in order......................................................................................................
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