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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. I think the 3-year-old-meme-turned-contemporary-term-for-alpha-male "Chad" is bullshit and needs to die out. Chad is a mythical conformist asymptote for pretentious clout chasers.
  2. Prodeus (early access) user maps Duskers (at night - need to buy a light-up keyboard so I can play in full darkness) Synthetik (why is this game so addictive) I'm thinking about getting back into NES & SNES emulators too. Recommendations welcome.
  3. Good. I'm glad your reading ability serves you well. YT is merely an alternate learning method - one by which I've learned many recipes this year. If there are cataclysmic ramifications for preferring one learning method over the other, then I'm curious to know why.
  4. I pre-ordered Cyberpunk 2077 back in April, but I agree that the amount of hype around it is reaching levels of absurdity. I just hope it'll live up to it.
  5. Oh god. I know exactly what you mean. It's like they all feel that they have to write a god damn autobiography that takes up two-thirds of the page. I don't get it. That's why I just use YT for recipes - most vids are less than 10 min.
  6. I'm up at 4 AM on WATMM, eating cold noodles and guzzling a 24 oz can of Modelo. This is my life now.
  7. Oh yeah. That's the one where a certain anime dog girl accidentally murders Santa.
  8. I hope Samurai Gunn 2 becomes available on Steam at some point. But from what I can tell it's Switch-exclusive. Could be a Holiday release? I started playing the first one again last night for the first time in years. Seems almost criminal that it's localized multiplayer only.
  9. As an Alaskan, we don't need this turd to stain this state's natural beauty. He's already smeared his fecal mass just about everywhere else. (Still a lot of MAGA chuds here, but they don't speak for me.)
  10. To his credit though, he seems to know the appropriate application of olive oil for each dish he uses it in. Plus he doesn't use it when making egg fried rice. Hell, the man straight-up got the Uncle Roger seal of approval. So here's my confession: I used to think Gordon was prime meme material (and I guess he still is). But I'm starting to have more respect for him as a culinary practitioner. Sure, he tends to have an intense demeanor, but there's no denying that he knows what the hell he's doing.
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