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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. I can't think if the appropriate reaction. I think it's high time we had a Ghanaian pallbearer one.
  2. My thoughts are too pointless lately to be worthy of comment manifest
  3. Prodeus now marked Overwhelmingly Positive in Steam reviews. Again, it's basically Doom but better. Can't wait till it's finished.
  4. Dunno if Andrew Hulshult got the inspiration from Second Bad Vilbel or if it's just coincidence
  5. His feelings aren't worth it. Besides, I doubt he's gonna get his way in the end.
  6. Prodeus now available on Steam in early access. Put in one hour so far. It's exactly the game I was hoping it would be. The Doom-like gameplay, the reverse sprite mechanic, the map design, the music, the design in general...they all tick the right boxes for me. Just wish I had more time for it right now.
  7. The GOP will have to learn to adapt by then. Or it will probably be split into two sub-factions: forever-Trumpers, and everyone else who still has sanity (i.e. The Lincoln Project). It would be rather pathetic if most of them feel that Trump is their best hope for the survival of the party. Either way, they need to do some serious soul-searching for the next four years.
  8. Had a similar experience with jalapeños last year if I remember right, though I can't remember which dish I used them for. Left a minty burn for at least a day.
  9. For the American populace that still has their sanity in tact, the name Trump will forever be tainted in shame and embarrassment. The biggest challenge is making sure future generations learn this history - especially those yet to be born. May this be a valuable lesson.
  10. I would ask if they like dank memes probably well, maybe not
  11. Hahahahaha bye-bye ya orange sack of crap (Remembers that inauguration is still 2.5 months away) ...oh.
  12. This is about to sound nerdy af...but I think Autechre as a word can be transcribed into phonetic kanji (ateji) in Japanese. The best I could come up with is 王手化 - pronounced "outeka", and means (roughly) "Influence by the King's Hand".
  13. A strange election indeed. Seeing Orange and his disciples already losing morale by melting down and throwing shit fits has to be a good sign though right?
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