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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. According to the late Carrie Fisher orange shitbag was likely snorting lines during the 2016 prez debates. Anyone who isn't brainwashed knows he's a complete hypocrite anyway.
  2. Shittenhouse arrested (if only for deescalation sake): https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/08/teenager-kyle-rittenhouse-arrested-charged-kenosha-shootings-200826180242065.html
  3. Law enforcement - white supremacist alliance confirmed
  4. How tf are these kinds of people allowed to run amok. Basically domestic terrorists sanctioned by the highest echelons. Can't imagine the kind of voter suppression and intimidation they'll try to pull come November. I feel like we have to prepare somehow.
  5. I wonder if getting cucked by the pool boy involved the actual pool. Evangelicals are fucked up.
  6. I don't believe that's ever been done before Bunker Bitch moved in. Telling.
  7. I couldn't make it all the way thru that Trump cheerleader trash. Pure dictator shit.
  8. Probably a half-assed Trojan horse attempt. His sarcasm regarding liberals is too obvious.
  9. Finished Ion Fury again on Ultra Viscera difficulty. Man that final level is an absolute bitch. Otherwise playing Hedon again, which could easily be mistaken for a TC Doom mod but is in fact a standalone game based on the GZDoom engine. Playing a bit of Quake II on the side as well. Also reinstalled Doom Eternal after a five month hiatus. Might play it again later to see if I still suck at it.
  10. Came across a random ad on YouTube for Colgate saying "Years of coffee, gone in one tube." Idk why but this shit cracked me tf up.
  11. No doubt he'll bring up Obama and Hillary. But we can expect him to get even more aggressive and inflammatory. He'll come up with some fascist bullshit like the entire Democratic party being anti-American and calling Biden hell incarnate or some crap. He'll basically demonize anyone with an iota of dissent, because that's the putrid pus-filled cyst that he is.
  12. I could not find gochugaru (pepper flakes) at my local Asian grocery store today, even though I was able to find some there like three weeks ago. So I ended up ordering a pack via Amazon (even though Bezos is the richest man on the planet and I'm only further contributing to questionable treatment of Amazon warehouse employees)
  13. TN governor Bill Lee doesn't like BLM, so he's seeking to "punish" protesters by stripping them of both their 1st Amendment and 15th Amendment rights https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/513201-tennessee-governor-signs-bill-increasing-punishments-for-certain
  14. Yeah he's the one. Being a Queenslander might have something to do with it. Let them. More shame ammo to use against them once Tangerine Nero is out.
  15. Pretty sure I've seen at least three since he was inaugurated, including a (former) moderator. One member was banned last year for being a blatant troll if I remember right.
  16. Pretty much same bullshit under Bush, but with a white supremacist trust fundie at the helm. Someone should tell him to drink the oil because it's rich in vitamins.
  17. Just made my first batch of cucumber kimchi (oi-sobagi). Haven't tried it yet tho - gonna chill it in the fridge overnight first and then bring some to work tomorrow for lunch.
  18. I don't think in-house UPDs are really a new thing, at least in the US. I remember back in 2004 we had one at my uni. Although I don't think they have the leftover surplus military hardware that most municipal PDs seem to have inherited these days.
  19. Damn. I thought I'd filtered out anything political in my ad preferences, but somehow they still get through. Nothing like lagging poll numbers to send him on a rampage I guess.
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