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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. What's most frustrating for me rn is the extra hoops we have to jump through just to mark active quests. Instead of pressing a single key like most open-world games, I have to hit the Call key and then manually navigate the Journal menu, which is just stupid. I'm just over 4 hours in myself. One famous YouTuber mentioned that the most effective tactic is to go in guns blazing, while hacking is basically a gimmick and the stealth approach makes the game boring. I'm pretty much in agreement. Cool atmosphere and soundtrack overall though. But I still don't think this game was quite ready for launch in its current state. So what if CDPR had to delay it again if that meant ironing out the bugs?
  2. That's exactly the play style I'm hoping to go in with. Another thing worth noting is that skills levels increase as you actually use them, much like Skyrim.
  3. Finally got around to Cyberpunk...2.6 hrs in. The upgrades look complex as shit and it'll take me a while to figure everything out...but damn is it immersive. Surprisingly not as buggy as I expected - only noticeable bug I encountered so far is when Jackie very slightly bumped a locker as he walked and caused all the contents to violently burst out and cause the doors to flap. I think this was right after I rescued that naked chick from the ice water bathtub for Trauma Team extraction. The whole vibe feels like a perfectly crafted dystopian jungle - like there's clearly overlap between GTA and Deus Ex story elements, but somehow feels less civilized and more chaotic than both, packaged into one big Darwinian struggle. I just hope the game doesn't get too imposing about the stealth approach. I prefer to tear shit up.
  4. We should send him to Iran. They've been demanding his capture, so let's not keep them waiting.
  5. Still haven't played Witcher 3 but have heard nothing but good things about it. Hopefully a year from now most of the bugs in Cyberpunk will be ironed out. (It's ready to go on my PC but I've been holding off this week due to my work schedule) I guess they were doing a YT live stream yesterday but I completely ignored it lol
  6. Sasha Grey customizing her Cyberpunk character (NSFW)
  7. lol nice. I'll bet that adds to the challenge. I'd like to play again for sure, but some time next year. I haven't played the Doom Eternal DLC yet either. So I heard. Game's installed on my PC and pretty much ready to go. But I wonder if it's better to wait til CDPR put out a patch update for it first. Plus I have to wake up early again tomorrow. Ten years ago I probably would've jumped right in the moment I got home from work. Age does that I guess. Supposedly the game basically lives up to the hype, but the current bugs prevent it from being a masterpiece.
  8. Who needs dating apps when we have dank memes
  9. Your profile is 0% complete!

  10. Whew, found it All I did differently was use shrimp instead of chicken basically. Still turned out good.
  11. I made a batch of shrimp curry in the Instant Pot which turned out better than expected. My big accomplishment for the day (yay)
  12. His first pick happens to be McConnell's wife. WTF is this shitbag even trying to accomplish this late in his presidency?
  13. Or she could have actually been interested. But the uncertainty is vast. Last I tried anything dating-related was on Zoosk back in August-September 2017. I did chat back and forth with one girl for about a week, but I think she lost interest as soon as I mentioned that I work weekends. And these days the very prospect of dating strangers feels extremely awkward to me, even though I'm taking much better care of myself physically than three years ago. Completely unrelated FWP: There's all this new shit that I wanna learn but barely know anything about aside from the programs involved. But one thing to focus on right now is that I found a potential Adlib Soundblaster emulator VST plugin that is supposedly compatible with Reaper, and I already have a trial version of Reaper that I'm considering buying a license for now. But I haven't used it in months and feel like I need to watch tutorials first. And I have major plans for a new YT channel starting late January, but I'm not entirely sure how to proceed. One thing at a time I guess.
  14. Just finished Dark Forces on hardest difficulty on all missions - no cheats, no super shield. Can't believe how far I've come since first playing it back in 1995. Cyberpunk 2077 is preloaded now. First time playing Gunfire Reborn (basically a roguelike Borderlands from Honk Kong) in the meantime while waiting for launch.
  15. I plan on discontinuing purchases of instant noodles after this year. They all have a ridiculous amount of sodium. I still have a bunch of instant jjajang bokki bowls I need to use up first though. (Side note: exercise caution when uttering the word 'bokki' around a Japanese person, as it means 'erection')
  16. Star Wars: Dark Forces...playing a game that's almost 26 years old on the same PC I played Doom Eternal and HL: Alyx on. Seeing an official remake of this would be a dream come true. But now that Disney own the rights... (EDIT: Had to make some minor tweaks to DOSBox to improve resolution and performance. If legal circumstances were different, there probably wouldn't be this lazy DOSBox port in the first place. But there is no other option.)
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