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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. I plan on discontinuing purchases of instant noodles after this year. They all have a ridiculous amount of sodium. I still have a bunch of instant jjajang bokki bowls I need to use up first though. (Side note: exercise caution when uttering the word 'bokki' around a Japanese person, as it means 'erection')
  2. Star Wars: Dark Forces...playing a game that's almost 26 years old on the same PC I played Doom Eternal and HL: Alyx on. Seeing an official remake of this would be a dream come true. But now that Disney own the rights... (EDIT: Had to make some minor tweaks to DOSBox to improve resolution and performance. If legal circumstances were different, there probably wouldn't be this lazy DOSBox port in the first place. But there is no other option.)
  3. (No offense to SW fans, but this franchise's music will never be as good as this again..)
  4. Quit talking about Green Day, y'all are making me feel old ? Anyway, I found out that coffee tastes pretty good when you add coconut oil, cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg to it. (Don't need sugar, milk, creamer, etc.)
  5. Playstation as a console series made its debut 25 years ago. Time flies.
  6. Makes me wonder how uncivilized humans still manage to blend in with modern civilized society, at least superficially.
  7. You can always do decaf, but it won't have as much flavor. Just made some bok choy, spinach, & cucumber muchim (Korean seasoned veggies) right after lunch to save for later, but it can be a lot of work sometimes. Gonna sit on my ass for the next couple of hours to recharge before dinner prep.
  8. Just dusted off my Valve Index for the first time in over three months and played a bit of Boneworks. Controls are slightly less polished/more awkward than those of HL: Alyx so far and therefore has a little steeper learning curve, but I'm willing to venture further with patience. Also just bought Titanfall 2 for about $10 on a Steam sale and am downloading/installing as I type this. I'll be 4 years late to the party, but from what I can tell review-wise it's received nothing short of outstanding ovation. Not fond of EA as a publisher, but it's a risk I'll have to accept.
  9. I accidentally sifted cumin instead of sesame seeds over my mixed canned tuna over rice, only to discover that it enhanced the flavor even more.
  10. Oof. Mine is about 195/mo but it includes internet. Bigger fish eating the smaller fish when it comes to capitalism these days, but I digress.
  11. Yeah there's pretty much a monopoly here now on electric. It's bullsh...but I don't think the previous company was much better tbh Latest FWP is that my latest dank meme dump was mostly half-assed. Oh well.
  12. Yeah, just for electric. Gas gets billed separately by a different company, but the rest is taken care of by the condo association I think (except for recycling - I have to do my own recycle runs). But my gas bills never reach $30/mo. Weird. Seems to be the opposite trend here. The electric bill in the middle of summer tends to be as low as the $30-40 range. But then again most buildings here don't have AC due to a milder summer climate. I guess it's the heating that sucks up most of the energy.
  13. My latest electric bill was just under $300. And this is under a different electric company that bought out my previous one, so I was basically forced to create an account with them.
  14. You may be right. Three years ago was just the first time I saw it.
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