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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Started playing Subnautica last night. Pretty good so far. It's VR-compatible too, though I'm not sure I'm quite ready. As for HL: Alyx, I finally had the misfortune of meeting Jeff. Thankfully I only got killed once before getting my revenge at the end of the chapter.
  2. I haven't been to PA since the mid-90s, but I hear that it's basically Pittsburgh and Philly with Alabama in between. And if the guy was Black the cops would have preemptively emptied their magazines into him.
  3. Made my own kimchi today for the first time ever. Managed to fill 6 leftover pickle jars with the stuff. Now it just needs to ferment for 3 days. Took the smallest possible taste sample, which is, so far, promising. And welcome back Limpy.
  4. Again, this why white supremacist shit-stains need to be expunged from any and all positions of authority.
  5. I lived in Montana once, but that was during most of George H. W. Bush's presidency. But that was well before it was crawling with yee-yee mujahideen.
  6. As a millennial I never infuse any fruity shit in my drinking water. I always consume separately.
  7. Can't help but notice the resemblance between the Gescom logo and that of one of the Combine's from HL2/Alyx (idgaf about copyright discrepancies, purely coincidence I'm sure)
  8. A man after my own heart. Like Oscillik said, Prey is worth giving a shot. No Man's Sky can technically be played like a FPS, although combat is greatly eclipsed by the exploration/survival aspect. RAGE 2 story is meh but it's still open-world with solid gameplay. Void Bastards is a rogue-like made by former System Shock 2/Bioshock devs and follows a similar vein, albeit campier with comic-style graphics. Generation Zero is open-world as well but is primarily intended for co-op play, although it can be played solo.
  9. Got called into work this morning at the last minute even though I was scheduled off today. And my stepdad texted me right after the call notifying me that he's tested positive for COVID-19.
  10. Lingering cheese and grease smell on my beardlett after eating pizza
  11. I'm considering getting my own cat soon, but I absolutely refuse to get it declawed if I do so (didn't watch the vid though). For a human it's like having one's fingertips snipped off.
  12. I bought it but haven't played yet, since I'm just getting into HL: Alyx. Looks horrifically awesome though.
  13. I've learned to mitigate VR motion sickness via Bundaburg ginger beer as well as ginger candy. Ginger is magic.
  14. Trump hates Cascadia. That only encourages more solidarity in the region.
  15. I found out that I can get motion sick from VR after all, at least when I use smooth locomotion (very much first-world problem). Thankfully no projectiles were involved.
  16. Republican infighting can only be a good thing at this point
  17. We need a congressional act that both officially designates white supremacist organizations as domestic terrorist cells and terminates all currently-active military and law enforcement members with said ties, on top of banning all future recruitment of people who are members of those groups. I realize this is the opposite of what the current president is trying to achieve, but I think it would be a good start in curtailing extrajudicial murders.
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