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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Typical modern right-wing boycott strategy. This girl is my age and acts like she's 15. And I don't need to mention her implied disposition on Black people.
  2. He looks like one smug prick. I'd pay my life savings to throw my right hook to his face.
  3. Where I'm from that's early fall weather. I'd say reheat it on stove top if in doubt. Heat sterilizes.
  4. Fuck you you orange scrotum-head piss-colored clown hair sack of shit. You can't just abolish a 245-year-old national mail service just because your brain is literal shit and you have the temper of a 5-year-old and can't stand the fact that more than half of humans in the US and most of them elsewhere on the planet despise you and prefer mail-in voting so they don't risk a life-threatening infection from a pandemic that you don't think actually exists. Fuck you. (Seriously, we need to off this motherfucker already.) Damn, never imagined a drunken rage post would get so much validation. Thx guys
  5. I'm drunk, hate my job, and want to destroy something. (Perhaps my inner Mr. Bubz is beginning to manifest)
  6. Apparently the rest of America views Florida the same way the rest of the world views America.
  7. Palpatine had cunning, intellect, and magic powers though. Trump has none of those.
  8. Can't say I have much enthusiasm. But at this point I'd rather be cynical under a Biden presidency than despondent under a second term of Trump.
  9. New Atomic Heart gameplay footage. Looks like Mundfish drew inspiration from both Prey and Carrion for this mini boss fight
  10. Decided to try a new indie throwback FPS called The Citadel. So far it's like Wolf 3D and Strife put together but with a Reich-like cult of cyber-augmented anime waifus. Also nearly done with my second HL: Alyx playthrough on the side. Seems much easier now that I've gotten pretty familiar with the VR interface. Probably should have turned up the difficulty though. (No relation between the two despite the title of the former)
  11. I heard somewhere that sugar mixed with water is supposed to help stop hiccups. Well sure enough last night after going for about 20 min, I dumped about a teaspoon of pure cane sugar directly onto my tongue and gulped it down with water. Hiccups stopped immediately after that.
  12. Y'all mentioned exercise. I'm no fitness guru, but I can confirm that a basic cardio routine does actually solve a lot of health problems. Both my physical and mental health were in decline in early 2018, including difficulty breathing in bed, constant foot aches, and worsening depression - all from not having worked out in years. Even if you're brisk walking or having a light jog @ 30 min any given time 3-4 times a week it works wonders.
  13. Freshly cooked rice with canned kochuchamchi (spicy tuna) and my own homemade kimchi on top, garnished with sesame seeds. Simple but satisfying.
  14. Sounds like it to me...assuming our 244-year-old democratic process hasn't been completely subverted at this point
  15. Electric mowers might be the solution. Supposedly the loudest they get is about 75 dB - about the same as normal human conversation.
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