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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Yeah Bethz are offering a 100 USD annual subscription for their still half-baked, jank-ass, microtransaction-ridden FO76, which has been out for nearly a year. What a joke.
  2. I checked the XBOX store yesterday tho and The Outer Worlds is available there for pre-order at the standard 60 USD for Win 10. So the subscription is optional then I wonder? Maybe I missed something.
  3. I wish I could pay Obsidian directly tbh, especially after their solid work on F:NV. Like I said, I just refuse to deal with Epic.
  4. I'm playing NMS again too lately. Noticed a huge change to the Space Anomaly since the Beyond update. Haven't really gotten into much base building this time around yet. Just trying to follow Artemis's trail atm. Also been playing the Hell On Earth Starter Pack WAD via Slayer's Rampage mod on classic Doom (GZDoom source port). Slayer's Rampage is so satisfying. And was done by a chick from Brazil apparently, which makes it even better.
  5. I'm in the process of roasting a second batch of thin-sliced potatoes for a potato pizza I'm about to make because I burnt the previous batch to a crisp. Could be worse.
  6. WATMM will get banned in China now. That would be ultra-dank.
  7. The Outer Worlds is out on the 25th. And I just found out I can buy/download it from the XBOX store and play on Win 10, rather than to go thru the Epic Games Store bullshit in order to play on PC. This gives me hope.
  8. Guess I better stock up on canned goods and bullets in prep for a Mad Max/Fallout scenario then. The fact that Trump's head looks like a mushroom cloud isn't reassuring.
  9. lol. Hillary needs to shut up and go take a nap.
  10. Fair point. Like I said, I've never actually played. Beauty is only skin deep and all that.
  11. I went to the courthouse this morning to reschedule my jury duty, but the front entrance doors were locked, even though the hours specified that they were open 8 AM to noon on Fridays. And my summons notice also specified that rescheduling cannot be done over the phone. Fuck-monkeys.
  12. I wish. But he does need to get punched in the face hard.
  13. And to think a majority of us here are old enough to remember blowing the dust out of bulky plastic NES cartridges prior to insertion...
  14. Amidst all the controversy surrounding South Park getting banned in China this month, as well as Blizzard's banning of a pro-Hong Kong player blowing up in their faces, I now find myself having the hotts for Mei from Overwatch, despite having never played the game. But she got those thick-framed glasses and just the right amount of thicc...mmm.
  15. I will eventually get a Switch Lite I've decided. But Google Stadia? Nope.
  16. For dinner I had a bagel split in two halves. Toasted, with cream cheese, local sockeye salmon that I smoked a week and a half ago, and topped off with a slice of tomato decorated with salt and pepper. Sublime.
  17. Either way, Pelosi better fucking finish what she started. The longer she tiptoes around this case, the weaker the Dems will look to the Trump cult.
  18. I got called over a month ago as well. But now my boss is requesting that I reschedule because one of my co-workers booked a trip on the very week that I'm scheduled to serve, after the fact. Bullshit complications I never asked for in the first place.
  19. Another batch of Japanese curry cooked in my Instant Pot, using combined Golden Curry and Vermont mix packs, plus added marinated tofu at the end, served with rice. God DAMN is it goooooood
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