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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. I know I've been fanboying over NMS heavily these last few months, but I'm at a crucial point in the main quest line now. Yes it does get repetitive a while. But I'm eager to see it through. Plus I haven't tried ByteBeat yet, which is a completely new thing. Idk if other games have included an in-game DAW like this before as a side option. Who cares how old a game is? You'd be surprised how many new vids pop up all over YouTube on older games these days. All that matters is the enjoyment factor when it comes down to it.
  2. Yeah despite all the rallies throughout the country in support of impeachment, I can pretty much guarantee it will be DOA the moment it reaches the Senate. I'm not saying impeachment was the wrong thing to do - Trump absolutely deserved it. But realistically it will fall through in the end. So I'm not about to run victory laps in excitement. Besides, 2020 is imminent.
  3. Nah. Makes me feel young af compared to prehistoric humans. To their credit tho their only contribution to greenhouse gases back then were farnting and pooping
  4. I've seen that reference in two different games but have never seen the film from whence it originated. And I'm 35 now. But I still like Kubrick films, Taxi Driver, Blade Runner, Aliens, Akira, Koyaanisqatsi, etc.
  5. That MySpace Tom one tho...I felt that
  6. Aww man you beat me to it! This makes me love this game even more. Of course the Synthesis update wouldn't be complete without an in-game DAW, amarite??
  7. This is basically what Valve are trying to achieve with HL: Alyx. I'd most likely need a new PC plus a VR headset to delve into both though. It's tempting but also counter-productive.
  8. ^ Holy shit that's a banger. I love the raw, gritty tone of the C64 SID chip. And Team Doyobi have gone AWOL for the last six years. They could certainly use that bit for some inspiration. As for System Shock 2...
  9. Just made some meatless spaghetti, with Caesar salad and garlic bread on the side.
  10. Remember - every time Donnie gaslights, he is actually projecting. Also, Trump's Whore Room is a waste of our planet's oxygen.
  11. FOX News sure love their middle-aged blondes. I think he's legit falling apart mentally, just like Trump.
  12. Wolfenstein: TNO is awesome. I remember more than two years ago being hyped for The New Colossus since at the time it was partly intended as a middle finger to the alt-right and their rise to prominence. But after playing the game itself I felt like it was a mixed bag. It just didn't have the consistency and context that its predecessor did. Also I heard Viktor Antonov (who worked on HL2) was involved for the level design throughout The New Order. Far Cry 5 certainly had some fun moments. I particularly enjoyed flying around in a heli...could pilot a chopper way better than I ever could a plane lol. I'm not sure whether I'd play New Dawn again tho.
  13. That is correct. So is Biden. To be fair though age shouldn't matter as much as attitude.
  14. Greta Thunberg won TIME's PotY 2019. Not a coincidence. Just shows what petty, insecure incels they are in the War Room. EDIT: Looks like I mentioned what was already obvious. I didn't realize earlier that Trump's Whore Room indeed edited that very TIME cover.
  15. Said people out there had a false sense of desperation in 2016...manifested out of xenophobia (never mind that white people weren't America's first inhabitants) and a fear that their Second Amendment rights would be stripped of them. I'd argue that Rupert Murdoch is partly to blame for stoking this paranoia. And then we saw the beginnings of the Tea Party movement a decade ago which was more or less a precursor to the MAGA cult, which I think was little more than reactionary zeal over the fact that it was the first time a black man became POTUS. They should ask themselves though - what is their true purpose, besides perpetual spoon-fed anger? Does independent thought matter to them? Or do they prioritize on the fear of being ostracized and then vilified by their peers?
  16. If it's any consolation Trump's consistent strategy to ascension has been the art of lying. In this case that same tactic could be his undoing. The election is still 11 months away, and the MAGA crazies have been chanting "TRUMP 2020" for the last two years now. But is it really a foregone conclusion? They think they're unstoppable. But I'm pretty sure throughout the course of human history the least stable leaders have also seen the shortest reigns.
  17. A coworker from Lithuania is genuinely saddened by the sparsity of snow this winter where we live compared to past years. And I fear that there's little I can do to console him.
  18. The White House might as well be run by 4chan at this point
  19. 0:28-0:32 couldn't help but notice that the stove igniter is capable of producing some sweet synthetic drum loops
  20. HL Alyx does look cool. But I'd need an expensive VR set, plus very likely a whole new PC just to be able to play it. So I'm not sure if it's worth the trouble. Still deeply immersed in No Man's Sky at the moment. Just now completed the base-building quests, and only recently learned the art of rapid profiteering. Still need to get to the Euclid galactic core. But I like what's been done with the latest Synthesis update, especially the Personal Refiner. Pretty much makes the Portable one obsolete, as you can refine materials literally anywhere now.
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