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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Speaking of Dank Memes, I fear that the thread might be on life support at this point. Meanwhile, everybody's still going nuts over the Nina Kraviz one. Either that or I'm making hyperbole again and this is a temporary phase.
  2. Question for anyone who's used the Epic Games launcher recently; have you experienced any security issues, or suspected any with the launcher since you started using it? I think the controversy earlier this year started with a Reddit post back in April, making the accusation that it's Chinese spyware. But is there hard evidence of that, aside from the mere fact that Epic Games are beholden to TenCent? I know I've been ragging on it hard, but I'll admit that I haven't used it since about February 2018, during my brief Fortnite marathon. So I still technically have an account, but I also had several failed login attempts to it around that time. I'm already aware that the UI is rather bare bones compared to Steam, but is that the only disadvantage, besides having to run one extra launcher? Main reason I ask is I'm curious about The Outer Worlds in particular. But if I were dead set on only buying it thru Steam, then that would mean waiting another whole year...
  3. So much for separation of church and state. The GOP are in full cult mode now.
  4. Fuck me. So much for the protests at Standing Rock three years ago. Time and time again, seems like it's indigenous people who get shat on the most by the powers that be. Not just in the US, but also Brazil, Japan, etc.
  5. I ate some candy. Not a gluttonous amount. I think next Halloween I'd like to just get piss drunk and stay at home and watch crappy grind-house horror flicks. More appealing than having to endure hyperactive kids from the step-family, which I've already done too many times.
  6. The one red cable in front center isn't even fucking connected to anything. And the embarrassment on these men's faces is plain as day. We truly have a god damn toddler running the show.
  7. Especially of the dank variety. They're actually some of the healthiest dopamine boosters if you think about it. They're addictive, but without the risk of withdrawal and nasty side effects that come with. Kraviz owes all of her fans one giant Sorry for wearing cornrows. Because 2019.
  8. Is life worth continuing? This is a question I ponder not out of melancholy, but as a legit existential one. The trends throughout this planet...climate change, potential rising sea levels and temperatures along with lower pH levels...the resurgence of fascism...widening income inequality between social classes...an increasing proclivity towards irrational behavior among people in general... Or am I just overthinking it?
  9. How did I not detect this one all these years?
  10. Will probably play it eventually. Might either get for Win 10 from the XBOX store or wait for it to release on Nintendo Switch and buy both. But I've already made clear my attitude towards the Epic Games Store. Trevor deserves his own standalone game. He's such a crazy, fearless motherfucker.
  11. Last time I tried to beat The Awakening path the game crashed lol. But that was before the current Beyond build. GTA 5 is huge. Never did finish it...got about two-thirds thru the campaign, but that was four years ago.
  12. A college/uni degree is not a guarantor of higher income, trust me
  13. Well the same argument can be made that Donnie didn't kill al-Baghdadi either. Why don't we just call it even and move on?
  14. Made my first rice grilled cheese sandwich - using rice instead of bread basically. The trick is it use freshly cooked short-grain white rice and mix with corn starch and salt, then mold it into a square using plastic wrap, twice. Although I probably need to add the corn starch and salt immediately after it's done cooking next time, rather than wait a few hours for it to cool first. Still came out tasty though.
  15. I remember watching The Dark Crystal back when I was about 9 years old. It was definitely darker than other fantasy movies I've seen at the time, and not just because it says "dark" in the title. I also heard that there will be a sequel or remaster soon...can't remember which.
  16. I just realized that Blade Runner and Koyaanisqatsi came out the same year (1982). Both have that similar gritty, dystopian vibe before the 1980s turned corny. We can make exceptions for Aliens and Akira though, although the latter had corny dialogue in the English dub.
  17. I've got an entire back log ready. But I was the last one to post any, so I'm waiting for someone else to make the move first
  18. The Dank Memes thread has already sunken halfway down Page 2 of GenBan and I am concerned
  19. As chaotic as things seem now, I think it's only gonna ramp up from here. Once the election gets in full swing one year from now (assuming Trump is still in office), there could be right-wing terror attacks everywhere in attempts at voter intimidation. I hope I'm wrong, but I have a hunch.
  20. Fuckin Trumpkins need to go back and retake every English class they failed in grade school
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