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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Damn, that is a nice one. Looks like it would be excellent for chopping all kinds of fruits, veggies, tubers, etc. Santoku knives are generally my mainstay for cooking prep. Can't go wrong with Japanese-style blades I reckon.
  2. lal It was around noon tho. So she probably just went to grab lunch.
  3. I experimented by making my own sandwich. I made sourdough toast, layered with fried egg, extra sharp white cheddar, sauerkraut, Japanese mayo, kielbasa, and pickle, top-to-down, in that exact order. I drizzled gochujang on top of the egg the first time I made it but decided it wasn't compatible with this particular combo. I don't know what to call it. I thought about BFS 9000, but that's pretty corny. But it washes down well with beer.
  4. On my way into the specialty goods grocery store a young woman was standing out front with a clipboard asking people of they're registered state voters. When she asked me next, I did not respond. After I'd finished my shopping, she was no longer there. Did I hurt her feelings? I'll never know. Regardless, I don't take kindly to beggars or solicitors.
  5. One can make the same argument for our man Bernie tho. At the end of the day it's sources of income, policies, empathy, and ability to speak coherently that matter the most.
  6. Sriracha or gochujang?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Joyrex


      Dude - waaay better than Shitracha - you'll thank me for it later. Especially coating it on a whole chicken and grilling it

    3. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      Mm, it looks good - I just googled "gochujang grilled chicken" and lots of recipes came up, looks like it gets a bit blackened. 

      I think I might just try that this Sunday!

    4. dingformung


      I wouldn't do that. Trying new things is never good. It's dangerous

  7. I'm not fond of the fact that Bloomberg is in the race. He's a Trojan horse as far as I'm concerned.
  8. Yeah it was Avalanche who developed it. For some reason I thought Rage 2 also ran on Id Tech 6, but I guess that's not the case.
  9. I bought Rage 2 and attempted to install it back in May, but had to get it refunded because my PC couldn't run it. Which is odd considering Doom 2016 runs fine. My cousin recommended Disco Elysium, but I haven't tried it yet. From what I've seen it looks like the second-gen Shadowrun games. But I still have a back log of like 5 games I haven't yet played that I purchased from Steam sales lol No Man's Sky just got another big update. Main thing is that you can upgrade Starships now, as well as scrap them for resources. And first-person view mode as been added to Exocraft driving/piloting. Plus local star system economy stats have been added to items when buying or selling, which is nice.
  10. Seems like every accomplishment by Elon Musk in the last few years has become a meme. Hell, the man himself is a meme.
  11. Good. Yeah FO4 is the last decent product Bethesda Game Studios have produced. More than a year later I'm still giving FO76 a wide berth. BGS upper management seemingly know no boundaries when it comes to scamming players for a still-broken game. At least FO4 has a highly active mod community, who help maintain replay value.
  12. I've put in 100+ hours on my current No Man's Sky playthrough. Supposed to venture to the Galactic Core. I'm still trying to expand my home base, but the game won't let me hire an armourer for some reason. So I've decided to take a break and try Wrath: Aeon of Ruin instead. It's the next big indie throwback "boomer" shooter. Digging it so far.
  13. My single most favorite product of the entire Star Wars franchise...from 1995
  14. Old people in the grocery store. The moment I walk in I get stuck behind some old guy walking slow as balls in a zigzag pattern apparently trying to read some slip of paper the whole time. So I couldn't just jet past him without bumping into him. Then I needed to grab individual carrots but some old lady kept turning them over one-by-one and inspecting them. They're fucking carrots ffs. What's the difference? And upon checkout there was another old guy in the self-checkout next to me going "WHERE DO THE COINS GO? IS THIS WHERE YOU PUT THE CASH IN?" Fuck. And Ignatius it sounds like you need some kind of pressurized diaper bin to place out front overnight as a junkie deterrent. A jack-in-the-box full of poopy diapers basically.
  15. After seeing the HL: The Pre-Sequel Alyx trailer, I'm suddenly more interested in VR. Honestly, I was not disappointed. My biggest worry is having to by a VR set, let alone new PC to be able to play it. My laptop is unfortunately in that potato phase as of the last year or two.
  16. NYE is my favorite holiday anymore tbh. The two preceding it are field days for capitalism and family-related stress and anxiety. They're full of peer pressure, societal obligations, and pretentious quasi-sentimental bullshit. Where's all that "joy" that's so superficially emphasized?
  17. Trump could get hit with a bribery charge if proceedings go according to plan, but obviously that's just the tip of the iceberg. This whole presidency is nothing short of a complete shit show. His legacy will be a benchmark to future candidates as what not to do as POTUS...running the administration like the mafia, for example.
  18. A welcome but risky move by Valve to break their 12-year silence on the next Half-Life installment. My main gripe is that it's only on VR, which I haven't used but choose to avoid on account of being spendy and potentially motion sickness-inducing. Alyx has proven her combat prowess though. Even if Valve can't count beyond the number two, so the joke goes. EDIT: I say "risky" not in terms of sales, but PR. Lord Gaben is already filthy rich from Steam sales, so we can rule out monetary concerns. I'm just saying that HL: Alyx is gonna be a wild card in terms of public reception.
  19. A few dank memes. But don't worry, they're not going anywhere ?
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