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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Who has the best chance of beating him though? As in, most likely to strike fear in his tiny, black charcoal heart?
  2. I've sort of considered a Switch. But I've also recently considered buying an electric scooter. Can't have both on my budget though.
  3. Oh, shit. Pears. That's something I'm long overdue for in my diet. Anjous are the shiznit.
  4. Yeah...I've lived near the Arctic for 19 years now and have never seen it warm up like this during the summer. Although we did get a straight week of snow in mid-April this year. Obviously this isn't exactly an FWP, but I can't help it. It's too big to ignore anymore.
  5. He's sabotaged our long-standing alliances and cozied up to dictators from the moment he was inaugurated. The whole planet would be better off without him.
  6. Alaska is literally blanketed in smoke. I saw it with my own eyes from the airplane yesterday. We've had wildfires raging for a month now because of this unprecedented heat wave. This goes without saying, but climate change/global warming isn't even up for debate at this point. We've had at least two days in the past week where temps have reached 30 C in the south-central region.
  7. You defending that old bitch who followed her in? I see you really have gone full Trumptard with that victim-blaming.
  8. VP Mike Pence inexplicably had to make an abrupt return to the capitol, cancelling a long-planned trip to New Hampshire: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2019/7/3/1869186/-Mike-Pence-s-mystery-turnaround-is-still-unexplained-and-it-s-creating-a-tone-of-WTF-in-Washington?detail=emaildkre No official word on the emergency turnaround, nothing in Pence's schedule for the remainder of the week, "suspiciously" good spelling from Trump's Twitter account, and apparently nobody's seen Trump since yesterday. Something strange is going on for sure.
  9. I dropped an additional 6 lbs in the last month. Net loss of 28 since I started regular pre-work gym visits more than a year ago. Now if I can just shed 35 more...
  10. How on Earth is the original Betsy Ross flag offensive? That's like accusing a kid wearing a t-shirt with a dinosaur on it of being anti-human. ffs the levels of stupid in this country
  11. Yeah I heard that Agony flopped. There are already people in the comments section saying "please don't let this become Agony". I have a feeling that the Serbian team behind Scorn are too careful to make that mistake though. They're obviously no fools.
  12. Again, not really a fan of Biden, but I feel like deliberate misleading of the public should be a federal offense. That campaign "slogan" even sounds like something a 12-year-old would write. Kinda reminds me of the fake Mueller sexual assault allegations Jacob Wohl fabricated. I wanna see that little shit stain end up behind bars so badly.
  13. Remember Scorn? Turns out the project is still alive and progressing well, despite two years of silence
  14. I have to be on a plane in a few days tho ?
  15. Not gonna lie, I get bored too quickly with FL to make any real progress with it anymore. Maybe we can play around with it later this week.
  16. I've been actively engaged in regular exercise/weight loss in the last 15 months, but I'm still tubby compared to my Japanese friends
  17. I'm considering changing my voter registration from Green to Dem. Bernie is still my top choice of candidate with Tulsi as a close second, but I'm beginning to think that probability won't be on their side in the end. Not really fond of Biden, but I'd imagine he wouldn't be that much different from former president Clinton in terms of being a Blue Dog. Harris and Warren are likely to be among the top contenders too, and I'm not ruling out voting for either one if one of them did indeed come out as the primary winner a year from now. This goes without saying, but main thing is that Trump has to go.
  18. Ivanka wanted to discuss the immigration crisis in countries like Such As (I like how they pretty much ignore her)
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