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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Turncoat. Some aren't. But that's beside the point. We have to be more wary than ever of the Trump propaganda machine pushing insidious, manipulative bullshit across any and all forms of media.
  2. Bernie be like "you guys done? cuz shit's on fire and nobody's put it out yet."
  3. Some days I feel like the only smart person at work. EDIT: No. Having worked there the longest doesn't mean I'm the smartest. My responsibilities differ from most other coworkers, and I guess it's only natural that I'd get frequent questions. I just need to manage work stress better in a non-passive-aggressive way.
  4. See you in 2021...provided we either have a new POTUS, or Shit Dumpling gets re-elected but Congress is under full Dem control with a Senate flip.
  5. Amid Evil is now complete with all 7 episodes. I left off on Ep. 5 back in December. Might be time to jump back on. And Ion Maiden is supposed to be finished any day now. The official 3D Realms site said Q2. But it's almost July. Hurry tf up Void Point. Then again, I hope the lawsuit from Iron Maiden (really) didn't hamper their progress..
  6. He looks like a Q-tip. Probably a difficult customer in most establishments too. (hi pej brek)
  7. About time. Barr better not get in his way either.
  8. What a douche. Maybe I need to invest in a dash cam, I dunno. But Escalade drivers generally tend to have a shitty reputation anyway.
  9. Maybe within the next decade we'll get a modern/near-future sequel to Black Dynamite, starring one of his 27 grandchildren. He/she shall be named Black Thermite, and the arch villain shall be
  10. 1. I'm fairly certain that birds outside my workplace are using my parked car as target practice, because I didn't notice a long white streak on my passenger-side front door until today. 2. An aggressive driver in what appeared to be an Escalade passed me on the way home using the meridian because there was a driver in the lane next to me. Too bad a police car wasn't there to chase him down.
  11. Same. I missed the entire Warp 30 broadcast over the weekend, hearing it by name only. Hadn't realized what it actually was until about an hour ago because I'm a stupids.
  12. Shitbirds are a predominantly flightless species
  13. I think chicks with deep voices are sexy for some reason, so long as they aren't chain-smoking hags. Or Miley Cyrus.
  14. The GOP today are the very definition of jingoism, but with mafia bosses in charge. I don't know how many moderates are left in the party, besides Murkowski from my state.
  15. and don't forget all the trouble

    1. sweepstakes


      rubble rubble

  16. John Bolton needs to disappear. Old, dirty war-hungry Lorax.
  17. Just stick with indies. The AAA companies are becoming bloated, corrupt, and impotent, like the US government. Maybe it's a late-stage capitalism thing, I dunno. But I'm seeing nuanced parallels.
  18. I'm guessing this was outside that same rally Typical brainwashed, witless, insecure MAGA goblin with a chip on his shoulder. At least the way the Secret Service handled the confrontation proves that humanity isn't entirely lost.
  19. Just heard about that. Iran had a sovereign right to do so. I really fucking hope the administration doesn't pull the trigger over this. From what I can tell they've been trying to shove Iran this whole time in hopes that they'll throw a punch back, because they really, really want a fight. Trump is an absolute bully. Always has been. His legacy will be as the biggest rotten taint of a POTUS in our history. I hope something terrible happens to him soon.
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