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Everything posted by goDel

  1. Was thinking in that range as well. Good to see I'm the only one in flanel in there. Pre-BCM flanel. ;P
  2. Damn, that collage is what 10 years old or something? Older? And the variety of ..euh.. white guys is noticable.
  3. Lovin the ann telnaes drawings of the debates https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/opinions/wp/2016/04/15/sketching-the-brooklyn-democratic-debate/?tid=ss_tw
  4. 6 I'm at risk of losing my watmm membership card
  5. Thought this was an interesting piece on the intercept on how the big money donors buy influence on the policies of presidential candidates https://theintercept.com/2016/04/07/super-pac-backer-reveals-that-big-money-entitles-donors-to-campaign-oversight/ In short: they just buy themselves into the board of directors of these so-called super pacs. Which in turn decide about the political agendas, or rather the policies they support. In a way, super-pacs are some sort of political parties in the shadow. Only difference is you can vote for them with your wallet. Or, in other words, it's politics with a business model. The painful thing is they don't even care whether 'their' candidate wins. These super-pacs have influence on the political agendas regardless of whether the politicians they back win.
  6. This thread is now about Pamela's workout shirt. Despite numerous attempts to make it about the gospel of Richard the Holy Twin.
  7. And such... So, if I'm arachnophobic and I want to study biology, should a teacher be aware of my fear of spiders and teach accordingly, or perhaps even change the curriculum? Or is this just about racism and sexism? I can understand people expecting a certain level of sensitivity from teachers for issues wrt race and sex, but certain levels of awareness clouds are a given as well. A white historian teaching a course on colonialism will never fully understand what it means to be a slave or what it means to be black in current us society. Or a heterosexual teaching gender studies being clouded wrt to being gay and/or transgender. A woman teaching male issues in contemporary society. In the lingo of those non-existing SJW people: those people do not have agency. But they still can talk about the science behind these subjects. And imo, i prefer them teaching the science as they seem fit, even though it should be perfectly fine to bring up any potential issues when it comes to race and sex. Or, the uncomfortable conversation, if you will. But I don't see it as a logical extension to change the curriculum. In a way, the science up unto this point could have been clouded wrt certain issues and you cant expect from teachers to re-science or de-cloud the stuff they have been taught themselves. Teachers are accountable for teaching a certain curriculum. The science. And some teachers will be better wrt dealing with certain clouds in awareness than others. That is a given. A black teacher will in some aspects be better when it comes to awareness of racial issues. And to a certain degree students have to accept this. Just like the existence of "good" and "bad" teachers.
  8. perhaps this is the part where different point of views are most in disagreement. one side thinks it's absolutely normal, or logical, that once a trigger-point has been "established" (as if they're unmovable points/norms/values in social space) it should be addressed such that it wil never ever happen again, or something. at least, that's how i understand your logic to be. if that's the case, the other side of the argument is arguing that it is impossible. and even if it wasn't impossible, it would be counterproductive. it's not rocket science - you've learned not to say nigger in class now learn to not make remarks that will offend/cause harm or discomfort other groups of people in particular contexts. those trigger points are not static either, they are very context specific, dependent on the ways of communication of professor with particular public, their degree of closeness and so on. Sure. But aren't things weakened to just being respectful to eachother at this point? If that's what this discussion is all about, it's pretty useless (because obvious). and if you start from the the idea the whole SJW thing is a strawman, this shouldn't be a surprise, i guess. But I'm wondering whether that is really the case, btw. You can say it's a strawman, and I'd like to believe you, because I think the whole notion is nonsense. But when I hear her discus like that, I'm hearing someone with a brick wall in front of her, not acknowledging any other point of view whatsoever. Like some sort of social jihadist, or whatever. (yes, freely using another strawman here!)
  9. perhaps this is the part where different point of views are most in disagreement. one side thinks it's absolutely normal, or logical, that once a trigger-point has been "established" (as if they're unmovable points/norms/values in social space) it should be addressed such that it wil never ever happen again, or something. at least, that's how i understand your logic to be. if that's the case, the other side of the argument is arguing that it is impossible. and even if it wasn't impossible, it would be counterproductive.
  10. i don't know what you're referring to with her "i don't understand", where is that part in a video? 4:30 her response: i dont understand... which was pretty obvious considering her follow up she kept rehashing it because haidt didn't seem to get it and used some boogeyman anecdotes instead. where is the problem in making teachers/professors aware of their environment and the damage they might cause? there was no problem in making teachers aware and having that debate. there was a problem in forcing teachers to do anything to avoid stuff like this happening. haidt said a couple of times it was perfectly fine to create an environment of more awareness. she didn't say that, quite the contrary she repeated the point about having "uncomfortable conversations". she did, and she also repeated that teachers should be completely accountable for "triggering" students. or even potentially tiggering. 18:30 and note her response from 20:30 on. the whole idea that uncomfortable conversations are good, but at the same time the teacher should be completely accountable is a contradiction. students could sue teachers for triggering them - they are accountable - but at the same time having uncomfortable conversations are supposed to be part of the process? i'll offer my whole weekend if you/others will be challenging me to address specific points, otherwise it's a waste of time.
  11. she clearly showed not understanding haidt arguments to begin with. and she explicitly said so ("i don't understand..."). she didn't even try to understand, imo. she was just rehashing her point that teachers should be completely responsible/accountable for potentially "hurting" students because of some unknown but possible backstory of said "hurt" student. And that teachers should do everything to avoid hurting students. Even if that means avoiding stuff that could be misinterpreted. (eg. the "gay" example haidt gave). @eugene: you DID offer to waste your whole weekend btw. i'm not pulling any rabbit out of a hat or anything.
  12. nice try. you claim she won the argument, and you offered to explain why. i don't see any other reason for you to not doing that than to chicken away from some bs. i'm honestly thinking this was your aprils fools.
  13. here eugene, something new to chew on. and please don't forget the point by point thingy on why she did better than haidt in the debate
  14. #BLACKLIVESMATTER *zing! Yes, please do a point by point. I dare you! I really want to see you bullshit your way out of this bullshit position.
  15. Thank god for Haidt. The most annoying thing was that she didn't move in her perspectives one millimeter. Regardless of the arguments of Haidt. Her views and her views only. Perhaps a conscious debating technique, but not a productive one, imo. Trigger warning: She deserved a punch in the face.
  16. No please don't! * makes a new appointment to go to the next Aphx Anonymous *
  17. Awesome tunes from teh actress! Luvvly stuff
  18. This is just brilliant: a petition to "Allow Open Carry of Firearms at the Quicken Loans Arena during the RNC Convention in July" https://www.change.org/p/quicken-loans-arena-allow-open-carry-of-firearms-at-the-quicken-loans-arena-during-the-rnc-convention-in-july-2 I really want to see either some eggfaced official trying to explain why guns arent allowed, or that open carry guns are allowed and things will escalate just like you'd expect them to.
  19. couldn't help but lol XD plus we can all go back to sleep now. as ignoramuses we simply can't know the extent of our ignoramussythingy. by definition. ..well, ok not by definition, but by empirical research. ;p
  20. I guess I am finally starting to understand the american dream. The dream of no government.
  21. goDel


    Good to hear youre ok again! Any ideas on how to get alek to release digitals through bandcamp? He's releasing loads of excellent stuff, but ultra limited/exclusive/ expensive and vinyl only with no option to buy digitals. So the music has become virtually unobtainable. Which is kind off pissing people off. Me included, tbh. There are many people willing to buy. And people have been asking for digitals, but simply shrugged off as if it's the most stupid thing to ask. Help?
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