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Everything posted by goDel

  1. Just logged in to post this Awesome minimal drexciya ! Love to hear more about that drexciya flick btw
  2. Thanks! And 90 is more likely. It has that early nineties rave sound.
  3. "The one that makes you shiver" Well, F that! Which track ws that? Please tell it was dumped in the sc. I want those afx shivers!
  4. Trump and kim would make a cute couple. Hey isnt there some online simulater to see what their kids would look like? ...awesome hair!! Wub
  5. Didnt know they had color video in the 50s. Might be one of those clever restoration vids.
  6. He actually won the Brit award in the category Aphex is nominated for in 2014. What exactly would they nominate him for? What did he do in 2015? he released 2 eps and 270 tracks lifetime achievement award duh ;P but since he released his final release in 2016, we'll have to wait a year edit: the david bowie thing, not the rdj thing
  7. Hopefully the pic works as well. spot the alien ;D
  8. and some red lipstick. she wears red lipstick in my dreams as well (plus leather catsuit...) anywho..
  9. It's the glasses! someone please photoshop those classic mdmchaos glasses on her avatar so we recognise her again!!
  10. Yeah. Literally holy. Marco Rubio is the holy fuck. Praise the lord!
  11. Nice to see some follow up to Varela's work. It had me searching for old posts as well, because remember having some threads about consciousness. Found one here: http://forum.watmm.com/topic/82146-theories-of-consciousness/ And actually think it would be a shame to start again here, as there were plenty people contributing great ideas in the old one.
  12. didn't he mention getting some new DAT & Tape decks to start importing more stuff recently in the comments? hopefully he'll return. It was amazing when the new tracks would pop up :) my wishfully thinking mind relates the ending of the soundcloud to the start of an aphextwinbleepstore thing in the imminently near future. if this happens and all the tracks from the soundcloud are for sale, i'd instabuy them. yes, i'm that kind of an idiot!
  13. You might be surprised how people might think them white fruitcakes in oregon are "well regulated". Having a white skin implies being well regulated. Hmmmffff
  14. this track needs an afx remix richie, pls leave out the vocals. track feels like kanye fucking up over a potential beautiful instrumental track
  15. i did get the feeling the part was initially written for waltz. disturbingly so. totally ruined my emersion. just like tarantinos voice overs, btw. wtf was he thinking!? after watching h8ful eight i did watch reservoir dogs again, and i must say, even though i still prefer reservoir, tarantino did improve his filmmaking over the years. but i'm not sure whether his writing improved. h8tful was better on almost all points, except the most important: the dialogues/monologues. i prefer reservoirs bullshit dialogues over any from h8tful.
  16. I'm still in the proces of watching the recent town hall meeting with obama and people supporting gun rights. It's a bit of a cringe experience as its obvious both sides of the argument having a pretty fucking tough time to have some kind of reasonable debate past the emotions. Although the intentions were good, i dont think obama was able to effectively reach across the isle. I really hope he learns from this (dont go into professorial mode when frustrated, thats just really stupid). It's obvious the gun rights people dont trust him, and with what ive seen in this town hall meeting its obvious things havent improved (but didnt get worse either, i believe). And solving the trust issue is basically obamas responsibility, imo. That comes with the job of being president. In the end i believe that everyone can stand behind the idea that in order to protect kids, adults share a responsibility to create a safe environment. Not simply for their own children, but also for others. And i believe that even a majority of gun rights people agree some things need to be done to improve the current situation. But the biggest bottleneck is simply the lack of trust in obama. Moreso than some special interests putting clickbait bullshit into the either that obama is coming to take away peoples guns. If anyone is in the position to reach people, its the president. But he simply has to be more effective in doing so than he currently is.
  17. yeah, from the looks of it, it's more a vsnares cat. what the smeg
  18. nah. the watmmm civil war is more like a monthly cycle. must be moon related. werewolves are the meat munchers y'all
  19. not sure if i understand you correctly, but your skepticism is fed by the idea that things can change quickly? or that quick action is possible, regardless of what the action(s) should be? the most difficult thing is figuring out what to do (without creating new problems), and yes that could take years. and there could be plenty reasons for that, which i assumed would be trivial to imagine. some justified (international coordination takes time), some less so (fossil fuel/coal industry hijacking political discourse fucking things up). in the case of the pharm industry: with things getting more transparent, their wiggle room will get smaller and smaller. and when i say pharm. industry, i actually mean the banking and the pharm. industry combined. because the two a very intertwined (consider all the mergers and acquisitions). i haven't read the report, but my bet is that banks have a huge influence on drug pricing. whenever pharm. companies need to buy their new innovative drugs by buying the innovators, the banks jump in to help and play investor. and because of this dependency, theres also a certain amount of power for the banks. or in other words: tackling this problem will be a bit more complex than one would think, given the way the industry is currently organised.
  20. not sure what to do with kind of a loose canon comment like this, but perhaps an example could help lower your cynicism: how about the subject of tax avoidance? lots of facts have been brought out in the open leading to more (internationally coordinated) initiatives to tackle with this issue. http://www.theguardian.com/business/taxavoidance another example, perhaps even more obvious are the snowden leaks. are you paying attention? in general: lots of policies wouldn't have existed without facts supporting them. (hint: most policies actually are often outside of the public eye, because well people/media are only interested in pulp fiction)
  21. Sorry to put this here, but something positive...or what i think is positive and important...just got released. It's an investigation done by members from the senate of the pricing and marketing strategies of a pharmaceutical company. The people investigating had a rare opportunity to look inside the workings of a pharmaceutical company. Even though the outcome wont be a big surprise, the fact that people actually had access to key players and key documents moves this discussion beyond the level of opinions into the world of facts, and better yet, politics. Yes, the world (not just the US!) is one (important!) step closer to solving the issues wrt drug-pricing. source: http://www.finance.senate.gov/ranking-members-news/wyden-grassley-sovaldi-investigation-finds-revenue-driven-pricing-strategy-behind-84-000-hepatitis-drug
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