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Everything posted by goDel

  1. goDel


    If there was some timetable to cut these sets into individual tracks, I'd be all over it. I actually hate skipping through these sets, and I can rarely finish a set in one sitting. It's like being forced to eat an entire chocolate cake, when you're only interested in eating one piece.
  2. goDel


    Awesome post, cygnus! Love it! There are a couple of reasons I'd love to see a new album besides these livesets. Old-fashioned perhaps, but here it goes. Most important reason is that, imo these sets are filled with tunes to be heard on a huge set in the dark. This is not your average listening autechre, imo. This is turn up the volume, turn off the lights and feel the music autechre. Stop listening but be immersed and feel the bass. That's all bloody brilliant, but I'd like to have an album worth of listening tunes from ae as well! That means not the banging AE-tunes from these sets dominating your mind while you're playing it, but rather the stuff which can also be played in the background. Somewhat lighter. Perhaps more ambient. More melodic. Music made for smaller speakers, so to speak. (yeah, i'm prolly an effeminate sexist fruitcake) Second, I'd like to be able to listen in smaller doses. Which is exactly what an oldfashioned album with individual tracks brings to the table. And I'm not interested to cut these livesets up myself. Although at times I'm pretty close at giving that idea a go. Third, I'd like it if these tracks had some sort of definite shape. Again, old fashioned, but I'd like these experiments to lead into some final endstate where you can say: "ok, this is it. now move on to something new." Anywhos. Loving these sets. And hoping a new album will see the light of day pretty soon too.
  3. goDel


    was going with 150821_AE_LIVE_KATOWICE myself. year/month/day is the ONLY proper way to sort properly by trackname.
  4. goDel


    Agreed. Although some familiar themes are still present, it seems like some parts are new and familiar ones morphed into something else. I wonder whether this set of performances is more similar to eachother than to the older sets, if you know what i mean. And if that is a conscious effort from ae themselves. Changing there set after a certain period. Adding some new tracks. Deleting some of the old. Besides from the usual modulations that is. Could mean the next set of gigs will have a slightly altered playlist as well. edit@hellospiral
  5. Arnies comments on his facebook about dealing with climate change put a smile on my face though https://www.facebook.com/notes/arnold-schwarzenegger/i-dont-give-a-if-we-agree-about-climate-change/10153855713574658?fref=nf
  6. goDel


    Yeah, thinking that as well. And you don't have to buy them all, obviously. Next time I'lll prolly go for the most recent. As it's the one which probably sounds more different from the ones I already have. This time, I couldn't resist my consumerist urges and bought them all...o silly me edit: @phudoshin
  7. On a certain level it's just brilliant what he's doing. Honestly. All the other GOP had some kind of sugercoated anti muslim policy in their head. Religious tests to filter out certain people. A list of countries telling which people could not enter the us. And there must be a couple more shining examples of how gop candidates think they can protect their ideals. And then Trump comes in like a giant gorilla and says: that's it, no more muslims! And all the other gop fruitcakes can only respond with being flabbergasted. They can't deny they were basically saying the same thing. Only difference is their proposals were so sugercoated and understated, the bigotry went sort of under the radar. Their version was the passive aggrassive version of what Trump proposed. Trump is plain and simple. He's like a translator for all the bullshit ideas the gop shoots into the ether. You can accuse Trump of making obvious what should have been obvious all along. And the way the other gop candidates are sugercoating every bigotted proposal seems like a sign they somehow know that what they actually intend to propose, can not be proposed, because that would be silly. (Although that religious test was pretty out there) Dunno though. When i read all the facebook discussions on gun control and climate change, and all the social issues, holy sh@t... It's getting pretty dire in the us. I thought it was a joke, but no, people actually are repeating the bullshit they hear. Good luck yalls.
  8. goDel


    This is turning into a really expensive month...my god. Love it though
  9. goDel

    ? - twels

    You are doing a very good thing with music And an amazing thing for cancer research Massive respect from me (and honestly, I care who made these tunes and I hope we soon find out. It really is a great listen and I look forward to receiving the CD) fixt
  10. goDel

    ? - twels

    ?? dude, relax. it's a covert release.
  11. goDel

    ? - twels

    I'm currently getting more the idea that it's a compilation about artists doing impressions of other (wellknown) artists... (we've been trolled)
  12. be sure to check this album as well, if you haven't already: http://www.discogs.com/Joey-Beltram-Aonox/master/27666
  13. other tracks that appeared on the ep this track is from sound great as well. 4th track, tempest, being the obviously inspired by afx track, btw http://www.discogs.com/Code-6-Untitled/master/5658
  14. A madman and an outlier! And a strange one at that as well. *tells secret santa to give jeb! a pack of stella*
  15. I finally understand why ae gigs have to be completely dark. It's to facilitate all the booze and drugs. If it's really dark heavy use of those mind enhancing substances become legal. Nobodies sees shit anyway. And in order to really appreciate ae, you haf to be completely bonkers.
  16. Yes, I'm on the "somethings imminent"-camp as well. Some new release might be on the horizon (earliest in 2016?), and I'm guessing activity will return to soundcloud after the hassle of releasing new/old shit has passed. Could be a while though. Also, in the event that he's currently busy cherry picking tracks from the dump to put on a compilation, he might be legally forced to retract those tracks from the dump. Don't know, though. I'm certainly not a legal authority. But I can imagine something like this might play a role. And he prolly just took everything offline to keep us from speculating why specific tracks were deleted. Especially the popular ones. Would be quite obvious if he did, right? Dunno. Wishful thoughts can be fun, though. :) I really don't believe in the "he left because of some controversial youtubes"-theories. I don't think he really gives a F@K about any of that.
  17. LOL See, now I understand why Trumpy doesn't believe in the earth getting warmer as well.
  18. In the US the TV series "Game of Thrones" is categorized as a drama series based on true events.
  19. Rename thread to "Richard D James political comments cloud". Which is prolly more like a thick foggy coffee shop one can find in amsterdam. Where the smell of pot makes you confused about whether you need to puke, or have another go at the cake theyre serving.
  20. I see no jesus on the wooden cross on the right. But i can still feel his energy... *badumtssssj* :S
  21. Would you agree that socialism and capitalism aren't mutually exclusive? The two can coexist perfectly fine, imo.
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