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Everything posted by goDel

  1. Sometime that's always irked me, in fact irrationally more than batshit right-wingers, are truly dumb liberals and Democrats. Some are blissfully ignorant, some have no basic concept of conservative or liberal historical theories, some literally have no idea why the vote that way yet are very loudly demeaning and insulting to anyone who votes Republican. I loathe these people. Also, I can attest to this being the case from working 5 years at the TX State capitol, the theres a sad fact that Democratic parties most corrupt and/or inept office holders very often represent minority communities. It's probably the most shameful bad trend of the party. It's also why cities like Chicago, Detroit, and other rust belt metropolitan areas are so corrupt. In Texas it's even more difficult to acknowledge and combat because we need every Dem vote we can get (it's GOP supermajority statewide) and as much as I want to get bad legislators out, there's the even worse possibility of that district being re-drawn and turned into another tea party office. Fwiw: i was not trying to say dems are better than reps or anything. I was just going from the numbers posted by nebraska, arguing there's a roughly 50/50 division running through the entire party, regardles of ... Ehm can i say race ?. Without triggering the pcs? What is the deal is with the gop? I really dont have a clue. You tell me. Its funny that some observation about dem voters can be immediately taken as an attack on reps, though. It's apparently a very sensitive subject. And really amusing from an outsiders pov, i can tell ya. Must be one of the pros of living in a multi party system: the bullshit about having a certain political color is way less pronounced. But seeing the ease with which people tend to get insulted, i'll just stop here. Don't want to go into the "euro insulting us" mode either.
  2. spiral, this is not the post your most recent picture thread! also, lol
  3. There's a bit of an irony here. Black & white democrats seem to vote similarly, so the racial component has become irrelevant amongst democrats... One might argue. But we're still talking like it matters. And it does... Anywayzzzz...i thought it was amusing :S
  4. Nah, Rich would have a much lower post count. Couple hundred at most *eyes fineprimitivesounds postcount* ;D
  5. Bernie running as an independent would be a good idea btw!
  6. Not sure what people feeling strongly is supposed to mean. Talking about climate change, isis, banks , healthcare and what not makes clear that people already have strong feelings. Perhaps they're not feeling strong, because the end of the world seems always around the corner. But that's a mental state not any president will change. Or worse even, that's a mental state which populists, like Trump, build their strategies on. What do you expect from a Trump in the whitehouse? Will a Chinese wall at the mexican border make people feel strongly again? Not saying people shouldn't vote Trump, but I just don't understand the reasoning behind it. Other than "I'm angry, so f@ck you, I'm voting for the most a-political asshole of the bunch". Edit: trump is not a fruitcake. He's actually more like a real a-hole
  7. If you want to move away from capitalism, you have to move to that one country where you can't buy a house, but the socialist government gives you one of theirs.
  8. they're not actually that socialist. I'm wondering what this "actual socialism" is that is hardly present in Europe. And I really don't agree with presenting socialism and capitalism as opposing ideologies. Not necessarily your thing, I know, as Limpster brought it up. But, imo it's really unproductive to view it as such. Socialism and libertarianism are more natural opposing forces. Which your post already implied as well, obviously. Another point is the thing about governments being small, local and not interfering with markets too much. Although I do understand the desire to minimise the proverbial red tape, the 'solution' is not to keep governments small and local. To be honest, that sounds more like remixing talking-points made by those lovely corporations which are out to maximise short term profits. It'd be really stupid to localise governments in a world with global corporations which present bigger economies than the average country. It doesn't take much for corporations to become more powerful than local governments. The more local the governments are, the more powerful the corporations, I'd argue. Lets find some middle ground in the idea that governments should be optimised wrt the world they live in, such that democratic principles are protected (wrt the markets, and individual people). Sometimes that means making international laws possible (think about climate change and the way corporations pay their taxes) and other times that means keeping things local. It's not an either or thing. (which I'm sure you weren't trying to argue) Whatever is good from a democratic point of view, I guess. Or lets argue that markets can't exist without some kind of regulation. And that the size of the market should be similar to the size of the government which regulates it. Read: global markets require (some kind of) global governments. Whether or not europe is socialist is a bit of a strawman, imo. If you (anyone) want to talk about organising healthcare and whether or not there is a place for a market, fine, there's a discussion. Minimum wages? Sure, another discussion. Implementing policies wrt fossile fuels another example. And the list goes on and on...obv.
  9. They don't think that far. They harken to some non-existent delusional fantasy land in the time of our founding fathers where things were simple and people were self-sufficient and this other vague bullshit, etc and then skip to the cherry-picked corrupt inefficiencies of the EPA and FDA now that some talk radio DJ has relentlessly brought up. Talk about the Republicans of the early 1900s and the Progressive Era reforms like the Pure and Food and Drug Act and they'll change the subject or say "yeah but that could be local control/states rights blah blah blah" Actual intellectual libertarians (who are basically absent from all this GOP / Tea Party clusterfuck) would talk your ear off about hypothetical scenarios where the private sector regulates itself and how consumers would be able to steer the show but in reality people are fucking idiots. Beautiful summary. Belongs to be put on some wall. Preferably some wall on the hill.
  10. Isn't it hilarious that the guy who was hated most by the GOP establishment won? Followed by the guy who was second most hated? Even the registered Republicans hate the GOP. Wait.... what? I don't understand wtfisgoingon. I just hope the single digit candidates take the hint and end their fruitless ambitions. So Rubio might have a chance to be the next (viable) GOP candidate.
  11. o yes, no ufo's! fixt the youtube though ;D
  12. Just seen first x-files episode. What a poorely written piece of junk. Every piece of dialogue was a cringefest. And I don't think it's the actors. Just those aweful dialogues. I'm sure the team behind tp can do much better.
  13. Hard to say. Just interested to see what they come up with. The world doesnt end if i dont like it. I think its more interesting what the younger generations are going to think of it. Will they be interested to see the earlier seasons? Will they prefer those? Whats the staying power of the first tp season? If the new season sucks tp might just be another nineties thing. You had to be there to appreciate it.
  14. He's been reading the artwork ;D
  15. goDel


    These are good tracks! WTF!? Y U NO RELEASE!?
  16. You should be shot for even uttering those horrid ideas.
  17. You can see the stats in you click on the replies count when you look at the list of threads within the (sub)forum it resides. Tells you a lot of interesting info as it can become painfully clear which members are the most emotionally invested. ;P
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