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Everything posted by goDel

  1. He's been smart enough to net get in the way of trump. But if it were only trump and kasich left.....trump would be on top. Even though kasich is by far the better politician. But that doesnt count in a barking match like the gop race.
  2. goDel


    You OK again? Someone posted about some illments a couple of weeks ago. Also, the track on the compilation on fundamental records, funky intellect, will that get an actual proper release as well? And whats the deal with releasing patronen a+b through them? Sorry to tangent, but these questions are burning my mind
  3. In the highly unlikely scenario that Paul Verhoeven gets to respond to your remark, my bet would be that he'd laugh hysterically. As if any other president would imply not living in a Paul Verhoeven movie... XD
  4. Quite amusing though. If Cruz gets the GOP-ticket, you're pretty much set with a democratic president. And if Trump gets the ticket, you'll end with a dead GOP (but potentially Trump as president...)
  5. ^^^top post Pro - israel also means: votes from the pro-israel crowd. And more important, funding from the rich pro-israel crowd. As you already know: if there are some potentially huge donators, then there's political importance. Politicians simply need friends with money to stay in office nowadays. Although someone like Trump is a bit of an exception, although not entirely. (As you can tell from his brown nosing all the people who have recently endorsed him. Suddenly those people are all experts in one field or another. So endorsing Trump potentially means political power for those who endorse him. And Trump can sell himself as a viable option for presidency: having people with political experience is just as good even if he has none himself. It's funny because its so transparent)
  6. "I can emphatically state..." First had to get past my personal bias of reading a disfigured empathy. Then wondered about this elaborate way to emphasize a simple point. It's like throwing candy into a room, to cover up the fact that someone just dropped a fart.
  7. Sorry, you rusty oldies Seriously your retro orgasm Simply young required organs
  8. Well, you could ask some people to do the boring stuff for you. Right? #TeamNotBoring
  9. Well, if you need hope, why not believe that? Sure. It's more likely it's not enough, however. Also, if headlines and buzz matter, Trump has already won the next two presidential elections.
  10. Not sure whether those numbers mean state won. Thing is, the number of delegates is the one you should like at. As it is a better representation of population size. As far as I can tell, Clinton far outwon Sanders in this department. Sanders winning Vermont, for example, is nice but simply won't cut it. Winning Vermont is of a different order than winning Texas.
  11. The attempted format was pretty much thrown out of the window during the GOP debate. :-)
  12. Liked this interview with mccain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkMGrqNWxw0 Pretty sober assessment of the political "reality" by mccain, imo. (How sober? Well he openly admits Sanders being able to draw larger audiences than he could)
  13. Just like reality is real. (No clue what you're trying to say. Well besides; don't trust politicians.)
  14. goDel

    Smojphace EP

    The Kill The Place Alive was a great find, btw. Whether true or not.
  15. I'm sure the EU will be just fine without the Brits stepping on the brake. The Brits however, good luck.
  16. Lol the death knell of England. Death to "The Empire"! (and God save the Queen)
  17. Talking about voting; I hope the Brits vote for the Brexit! Please leave the EU!
  18. And the media would be very thankful if you'd just do that. Well played!
  19. Trump as president? Try to imagine what it would be like to live in Italy while Berlusconi was in charge. It'd be fun within the borders of the US. And the international community would stop taking you seriously. Or rather, would act around the guy with a fox on his head.
  20. Lovely series. Would be interested to see people coming up with their compilations of the best tracks. I really didn't have the time to take it all in properly, and there are so bloody many tracks....
  21. On a positive note, I think it's proof for Twitter still being alive and relevant!
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