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Everything posted by Schlitze

  1. You're too far gone. I'm cringing hard seeing you back here under the circumstances. Just go.
  2. Pipe down child. you're getting very excited. You left here for too long to make amends. Jump off the bandwagon.
  3. most of it's markov chain stuff done in max, with conditionals forcing scales and harmonies we still have those sequencers but we developed them a fair amount since, they're not as trad as they were then Geek alert :-D
  4. That quaristice 2008 live stuff was some of the best dance music ever pumped out of some speakers.
  5. Letting the crew ad lib like they did in Alien set up an excellent group dynamic. It was natural. Some of the early scenes in this were too stilted. That's Ridley's fault.
  6. The soundtrack suffered from the same tune being repeated too much. (the same track that was played over the credits). It was pretty unsuitable in parts. I watched this again last night at home in 3d, just over a year after seeing it in 2D at the cinema. A couple of things struck me after the second viewing. - There were some weak characterisations and a lot of weak deliveries of lines with certain characters. I noticed this after the first viewing, but more so last night. It's annoying because it's stuff that could have been easily fixed with a few extra takes or better editing. - The CGI is excellent, as was the pacing towards the end. I'd like to see the storyboards for this shit because it appears they did an incredible job of bringing it to life. The action is built up well and it gets pretty intense. The last scene is awesome. - The pacing in the first two thirds could have been improved. It's slow in parts, then jumpy, with some irrelevant scenes with the crew. Again, easily fixable. I'd be pretty pleased to have confirmation that a sequel is on the way. Sure, a bit of patchwork is required, but i'm sure old Speights is frothing at the mouth to bring some of his old ideas to the forefront again with his significant other out of the way.
  7. Oblivion 6/10 It had such a good premise...AAAAGGGGHHHH!!!! Lindehof where are u!!
  8. Schlitze

    tac Lacora

    Tak supplies. Just make sure your speakers are loud enough.
  9. T'as....t'as....t'n ah a h say t'as ias......t' as.... It...'...t..t...t...t..it has certainly been been an exciting 4 tracks. I'm listening to it with some sweet visuals from the first 40 minutes of Oblivion. Cruise Control.
  10. It's a bloomin belter. No idea what any tracks are called, just been listening to it on the stream which is quite disorientating yet exceedingly pleasurable. These be some sweet beats, you bitch.
  11. I was purty impressed by Byzantium for the most part. I liked the dismissal of the vampire conventions...You can see yourself in the mirror, you don't have fangs (you have a sharp thumbnail instead), you can walk around in daylight.... The visuals are splendid and the story is gripping (''the past walks with you, it lives'') until the final quarter where genre conventions go into overload and characters motivations are rather questionable. Theres an actor in it called Caleb Landry Jones who overacts the part. He thinks he's Brando or something. Fortunately Johnny Lee Miller and Sam Riley cast a brooding shadow over his awkward endevourment. So yeah, this would have been ace apart from the ending. I still recommend everyone watch it though.
  12. Need For Speed - Most Wanted. I'm racing the shit out of an Aston Martin DB7 with vekoS blaring out of the speakers. This is gaming at its finest.
  13. Shit yeah. I think I saw a trailer for this during the advert break for Bates Hotel on Universal on Thursday. I'll check it out. Also, gonna be checkin out Agents of SHIELD pilot on Channel 4 this weekend :-D
  14. 8/10 Theres a similar kind of BWAAAHHH moment at the end of Inferno which contains perhaps the most WTF jump cut in horror cinema. Suspiria is great but it did take me a few viewings to appreciate it. I saw Inferno for the first time a couple of months ago and it is the same kinda thing. The acting/storyline is negligible, it's all about the atmosphere and the lavish sets and the BWAAAAHHH factor at the end as a character is drawn into a maze of murkiness ....for the most sinister of revelations to be revealed.....
  15. Stoker 8/10 - An artistic revelation. Time will judge it kindly. Mud 7/1 - Slow mover with a lotta heart. Innocuous. Nice film to reflect upon. Batcock 2: Glans On Wings 4/10 - Too bittersweet and sentimental. Prequel planned to be shown on Universal Channel, set in the present day.
  16. The bigger the time away I spend away from this album the better the tracks are when I return to it. I had been in the habit of skipping to my faves but as i type this i am pretty immersed in prac-f. It's awesome.
  17. Gotta say...''The Rave Colonel'' is an exceedingly cool name.
  18. Total waste of 8 hours. (not including the 30 seconds or so where you see Lena's tits) Gaylord. LUDD reminds me of the Matthew Mcconachay character in The Paperboy.
  19. Nice set. All great films except Le Donk. It's dreadful. Something of a Shane Meadows vanity project or something of that ilk.
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