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Everything posted by Blir

  1. Right, here goes for the third time. Let's see if it hits above "pretty good" this time round.
  2. Unreleased live track by the sound of it.
  3. No, childrens playgrounds are Troons playground.
  4. I heard oversteps was made by some dude called Ade Blacow
  5. It's funny because it's true. The album isn't that great, three or four good tracks. Mostly forgettable. And as for Com Truise, WHAT A LOAD OF SHIT.
  6. Hah! Why is it people who don't like something others like try to be extra loud? As if they feel they have to counter all the praise with a large slice of hate... I'm looking forward to the CD arriving. Hate that Boomkat released it early! Come on Skam! So, it's better than the EP then? I like the EP, nothing special but it's great fun.
  7. Posting in a vamos scorcho atrocity
  8. I couldn't disagree more. I still can't stand Krylon. Not sure it'll ever grow on me really, plus Yuop works as a fantastic closer on its own. (IMO)
  9. i guess you didn't notice the quiet fade in on r ess? with the 24bit WAVs you can hear it fade in at least 29.7% quicker than if you were listening to the 16bit WAvs (or the CD). if you have the vinyl though, you can hear the fade around 40-70% quicker than any other format. at least in the listening tests i've conducted. yeah on the vinyl you hear the fade come in REALLY early. within 10 seconds approx. on the mp3s and the cd it's at least 20 seconds or so. actually you're full of shit, because i'm full of shit LOL.. gotta be shitting me
  10. Vproc! Not much! Keeping it surreal as always. Just enjoying a weekend after an insanely busy (but productive) week at work!

    How're you keeping bro?

  11. Bleep have been slipping up recently, they hasn't sent my Dopplereffekt vinyl for a month so I emailed them and they basically said they forgot... Send them an email with the order number and find out what's going on mate
  12. And cheers for posting the scan, that's fucking crazy! Haha, that's made my evening!
  13. Fucking yes! I have been immortalised in Belgian print media! Any chance of a translation of that top bit?
  14. RESPECT! Good call, what a fucking tune.
  15. Your post made it into the Oversteps review in this week's Humo magazine. Haha, are you shitting me? Where can I find this?
  16. Most recent: Autechre KeyNell remixes Dopplereffekt Gesamtkunstwerk Not sure who this is, I just pulled it out of a bargain bin. All new.
  17. If ever there was a sound of the sun shining through icicle caverns, see on see is it. The reverb is appropriate for the track I think, not sure it ever struck me as amateurish. Are you saying that using a lot of reverb is amateur? Because I think it sounds good and technical ability has nothing to do with it - imagine the track with no or little reverb. Just wouldn't have that twinkly shine that makes it magic.
  18. Blir


    What's your point? Because someone was involved in one horrific abortion of a project anything else they've been involved in is also shit? For real. David Cross is in Alvin and the Chipmunks. Doesn't make Arrested Development any less brilliant.
  19. Blir


    I'm working my way through Seinfeld, on series 4 now. I really like it! It's not side splitting but there are some seriously funny moments. The bit where Jerry puts the Pez dispenser on Elaines lap while watching the classical pianist had me in hysterics! Plus, I have a bit of a thing for Julia Louis Dreyfus "STELLLAAAAA!!"
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