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Everything posted by chronical

  1. man i want some more hiphop like doseone/clouddead. any recs I mightve missed fellas?
  2. There's a link to it in my post in the text "their backstage community"
  3. For anyone using or interested in the Blokas Midihub, it just got a huge firmware update that's still in Beta. The S&H for the LFO sounds nuts, just as I thought I'd wrapped my head around it they come out with this Changes here from their backstage community:
  4. I just figured it out.. big brainfart.. was sending CCs to config instead of PGM Change.. I'm such an idiot.. but it works now! more expressive MS-20 to the MAX!! I'm so excited
  5. this goes so silly hard i love it so much
  6. Do any of you have experience with the Doepfer Dark Link? I bought one to convert MIDI to CV for my MS-20 mini.. For slides, microtonal shanaenigans and velocity.. and a digital LFO from the Midihub.. I removed the jumper which is needed to convert to S-Trig according to the manual but it is not working as intended It says I should reverse the trigger polarity too with a CC signal which should work but it's still acting all weird.. The board says it's a V2, maybe I have to put the jumper back on and reverse the polarity? This is currently doing my head in
  7. Some really cool (and expensive) Autechre Oversteps posters up for sale on the designers republic shop. I'd love that blech figurine personally but these are some crazy prices. https://divinerights.co.uk/collections/all
  8. oh yeah GTA VI really needs some SFV Acid in the soundtrack *rides off into the sunset on his left-leaning dirtbike*
  9. It's funny how you're just assuming I'm this left leaning American. I'm from Switzerland. We don't do banana republic politics. We have an actual democracy. You're just a little ball of hatred following whatever angry circlejerk gets offered to you on a silver tablet. Can't wait to find you in GTA6 online and twerk on your car
  10. Check it out boys I agitated a Trump sissy in the gaming thread
  11. I've been talking to and playing videogames with a friend from high school every now and then the past year. He's a gymbro and sometimes uses gay and LGBTQ+ as degrading words while playing games, I've been meaning to point it out to him that I think it's shit behavior that has no place in our progressive day and age. I don't really surround myself with these sort of people and he seems intelligent enough to grasp the concept. I sent him the GTA trailer today and he said he thinks it's too LGBTQ for him compared to other GTAs. I went on a rant about the wording and he felt extremely attacked. I think I figured it out, it's woke to him because it makes fun of the gymbro influencer mentality he identifies with. Good grief can this testosterone driven thinking just die out already. Oh and btw woke just means not being asleep anymore. I think the opposite would be a sleeper sheeple stuck in the past. But you do you. I do me. I love me some sexual spectrums and non-race oriented worldviews.
  12. do you feel personally attacked as a white person by a GTA trailer? that's pretty funny. trailer looks fucking nuts lets go rdr2 level of detail and more.. cant wait to shoot an influencer in the kneecaps
  13. I love how binary this choice is. Free market or snuggle up to Putin to listen to ae. Vladimir can you please give me London B set for a month? I promise I'll be a good little worker
  14. the menu! fun movie, I liked how I progressively started to despise every single character except the cook and pic related. he's a nutter too of course but he lets her take the burger home which is just great
  15. the fact that they took their time should make you feel more confident about it IMO. Outer Wilds is a doozey to port I imagine, since it's an actual physics simulation of a small solar system.
  16. easy.. buy an umbrella.. sell it for 400 bucks on ebay around christmas. finance vinyl. great success! (don't actually do this, scalpers suck)
  17. shipping for the umbrella last time was 13-14 bucks.. now it's 51? wtf? wanted to get another one since someone stole mine at a party.. but thought fuck it i'm not paying this much for an umbrella let's buy the hoodie.. which was also sold out by the time I checked out if anyone bought a spare and can hook up a brother up lmk
  18. What difficulty are you playing on? I played it on hard and tried to go for headshots only, made it much more intense and enemies aren't as spongey doing this. They said at one point NG+ will come out and alter the story in some way, hope that comes out soon, I'm kinda waiting for it to play through it again. I've been really annoyed at Baldur's Gate 3 on PS5 - After the 2nd patch the texture streaming code took a dive and now makes people I talk to look like this: It's so bad and just throws the immersive feeling of the world out of the window Reminds me of TLOU on PC that looked like this at first:
  19. It's not the same at all. I loved every minute of it except for the first boss fight which they tuned after a couple patches. I agree on AW1 but your comment is also wank
  20. the music is at least gonna give the dystopia a bangin' soundtrack you debby downer
  21. 22/11/23 We drove out of town through yellow wheat fields and empty prairies. When we arrived there was this big farm with lots of people there. They were planting food and other things and it looked lovely but something was up with the place. I kept getting this white grey static going through my vision, coming in from the top like some kind of radio signal. There was a voice behind it, one that sounded like it was in pain. The house looked like it had a flooded basement. I walked towards it and this static signal got stronger. I think I was told not to go there right after. Later they prepared a ritual of sorts where they took mushrooms and someone led the room through some form of guided meditation. I kept thinking I'm going to have to call Samson to get me out of here. They were passing the torch so to speak, with only one person talking to the guide at a time. Some of them were crying, some pressing their head on the ground, others just listening. In my head, accompanied by the static I heard "Let go of what you don't see so finally what you see is all you have" and told that to the blonde woman sitting next to me. I knew this was for her because she just told everyone there about her dead sister and how since she's joined this commune she's been trying to see the invisible world. She freaked out when I told her this and kind of hid in her blankets trying not to think about it. I think they were all women there except for me but I didn't really think anything of it. I felt like I was being tested but maybe I was more connected to what they were looking for than any of them were.
  22. I mean I try but boards of canada is the holy grail of the whole shebang to me, not that easy to do. Especially while dealing with depression
  23. let's just not go there.. trump being elected again is spooky as fuck
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