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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by pcock

  1. pcock

    Now Reading

    china meiveille is great, although i made the mistake of picking up Un Lun Dun without researching it and was disappointed to find a teenage other world novel i would have probably loved when i was 13, but not any more. embassytown was a nice premise, and i enjoyed his New Crobozun set aswell. you can find a bunch of china meiville words as my techno track titles.
  2. i only wish they had gone a bit more all out on the variety of deep and creepy tunes/sound design that come in when you get to certain deaths.
  3. daft punk, head kandi and pete tong can get to fuck, but bits and pieces of that outsider/lo-fi house or whatever it is sit quite nicely with me actually.
  4. there was someone wanting to swap his digitone for eurorack gear on my facebook today.
  5. why dont people like what i like whats wrong with them
  6. pcock

    Now Reading

    anyone read any big, decent, high fantasy recently? the last i read was the 10 books of the malazan book of the fallen, about 2 years ago. it was great in some regards, but the way he kept on introducing interesting storylines throughout a novel, then completely abandoning them in the next was kind of frustrating. great world building though.
  7. you would need tiny needle fingers to actually play that Pico box. 3 hp modules are pretty slender, and sticking any stackables in there and making a complex patch would have the thing overflowing with cables in no time. better to just buy a slightly larger skiff and mix and match with a few other slightly larger modules i would think.
  8. 3 hours into subnautica, highly recommended. looks great, taps into my mild fear of being stuck in the open ocean, my love for sci-fi, and ambiguous yet engaging story lines.
  9. bloodborne is much better, but much harder. the atmosphere in that game is second to none.
  10. really strange to me how you could love DS1 and hate DS2. i mean, they arent that fundementally different, even if 2 is the weaker game.
  11. i enjoyed dark souls 2 the most cos it was slightly easier and im not especially good at dark souls. bloodbourne was pure artwork but it was just so hard.
  12. yeah i came to that conclusion already, although without having played it, it does seem like the right idea.
  13. i really want something to fill my borderlands 2 void, fps, decent single player, rpg elements, multiplayer aswell. any ideas?
  14. to be fair, humour is the historically the pathetic coping mechanism of children, idiots, and women.
  15. i stopped arguing on the internet half a decade ago. maybe give it a try, its quite good.
  16. on my facebook feed, when i actually know the situation of the guys who have become convinced by it, this argument loop is exlusively maintained by guys suffering from obesity, chronically low self esteem, or brutal break-ups of relationships they were heavily invested in.
  17. does anyone play overwatch? is it any good? why is there so many porn parodies of it?
  18. dexadrine absolutely turned me into a piano god for two weeks in my early 20s, then my heart started to feel weak and fluttery and i had a constant headache. i was practicing for 12 hours a day, proper practice aswell, repetition, memorisation technique, scales and arpeggios, daisy chain technique (playing a piece 2 bars at a time, giving each 2 bars 15 minutes). it was a fascinating window into the way a dedicated genius might practice. then it made me feel like i was going to die. i dont have a trace of ADHD. honestly, if i had been able to maintain that level of focus and practice for say...5 years, i genuinely believe i may have been able to actually compete in the world of concert pianism. i literally couldnt stay away from the piano, it was like a incontrollable sexual urge to practice all the time.
  19. yeah that started happening towards the end of my counterstrike phase. who gives a fuck what your gun looks like if it shoots identically?
  20. so, im gonna start putting my 40 quid a week that i have saved by quitting smoking into crypto, is coinbase the best way to do it?
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