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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by pcock

  1. thats good to know, i want something i can just faff about with by myself at times.
  2. no, its good for your back because it forces you to use your core. sitting on an inflatable ball is good aswell. if you start slouching you feel weird and notice it immediately unlike reclining into a nice office chair.
  3. is destiny 2 actually good? ive just reached level 72 in borderlands 2 and learnt that there are 8 'OP' levels now where you dont even get a skill point and i cant be arsed. need something else shooty to move onto.
  4. this is actually a great premise for a sci-fi novel i am yet to read.
  5. its crazy how many films/tv series i watch then learn later that they are originally stephen king novels. ive only read the dark tower series, which was the most frustrating blend of being compulsively readable as incredibly stupid and annoying ive ever known in a book. the constant and relentless of everything being explained away as 'ka' (fate), objects, people, and doors literally appearing out of thin air in completely ridiculous situations. i should probably read some of his less fiucking stupid books.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLR8voyv9Ug
  7. cow milk isnt very good for cats, i thought i heard somewhere. it needs some kind of processing to go through their bodies healthily.
  8. ive been playing borderlands again aswell, upto level 68 as a gunzerker. still havent managed to finish a raid boss on UltimateVHM, the servers seem to be a bit empty these days
  9. i keep on consistently forgetting my posts will vanish unless i copy paste them and add them back in, and its extremely rare i care enough about commenting that i can be bothered writing something out twice.
  10. maybe next you could watch skins, plotwise the most nonsensical depiction of bristolian 6th form college life you could ever hope to see. its kind of like nothing but crescendos, storylines build to breaking point, and then as it moves to the next central character, anything that happened to the character from the last episode is completely forgotten about, deaths, OD's, cheating, you name it. brilliant stuff.
  11. Been playing through Ori and the blind forest, pretty good relaxing fare for when i get back from work. challenging enough to be interesting without being annoying aswell.
  12. me neither. i have a depressing 4700 hours logged on that game. i stopped playing when my laptop broke 6 months ago, and that includes all the times i left it running while not playing it, but still.
  13. Great moment :) it was so cathartic. it took me 15 hours of time investment to really get the hang of this game (yes, I am a responsible grown man). finally started to get it. now I've killed Mom's Heart about 5-6 times and killed the Devil twice. Azazel is the business, he's my preferred character now. one time I got this ridiculous combination with him where his attack was this giant ever-present circle that could move around the room and wipe everything in it out in 2-3 seconds. I read someone itt say ages ago that the game is a bit too random though and I actually agree. some runs you just know are going to be wasted because you just haven't lucked into the right combo. skillors have proven that you can beat any run with the right amount of skill, patience, and game sense though. i think the record is around 900 runs for playing on hard mode with random character selection, not including the lost or the keeper.
  14. looks pretty neat, hopefully it doesn't turn into some convoluted identity game where the characters have to keep explaining the plot to each other so we can keep up. It may, especially if they feel the audience can't follow it. The human sleeves and such.
  15. https://soundcloud.com/romella-belx/jammmmmmm jamming out on my mates octatrack with my modular yesterday. made me want one tbh. tonnes of fun.
  16. i mean... you would find it very difficult to escape the reality of that viewpoint though. i dont think algorithmically generated or naturally occurring computer games have made much traction yet.
  17. a girl in work likes to drink the msg'd olive oil brine with a spoon. maybe she should start banging it in cocktails.
  18. speedruns are always broken down into a huge number of niche categories though. dark souls has tonnes of them, depending on which path you take, or glitches your exploit or whatevs.
  19. <script> </script> why does this happen edit: it doesnt happen when i use the ''more reply options'', only when i use the quick post section at the bottom of the page.
  20. i keep on forgetting that my fucking posts are now just invisible when i first post them. just spent 15 minutes writing out some musings on the nature of my perceived inability to memorise music and then it just dissapears.
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