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Everything posted by azatoth

  1. people that walk slowly, duh they block people who are in a hurry
  2. While Stranger Things wasn't awful, it IMO did not deserve all the hype and gushing it received. It was a quite boring 80s pastiche.
  3. Trump can dismiss the disapproval ratings by saying that the polls also showed that Clinton would win the election. FAKE POLLS. Sad!
  4. http://www.politico.com/story/2017/01/trumps-flashy-executive-actions-could-run-aground-234200 Unsurprisingly, the cheeto-in-chief is signing EO's without even knowing what's in them or having run through them with the officials and agencies that they actually concern. It sure looks good for the voters, but will probably be watered down or just ignored if they are deemed to be impossible, but the voters will be distracted by some other bombastic Trumpism by that time. And Steven Bannon having the ear of a simpleton egomaniac more interested in his image than actual governing, is interesting and slightly worrying since Bannnon has said this https://www.good.is/articles/steve-bannon-leninist I can't wait how it is after the first 100 days of Trump in office if this is what we got in less than a week.
  5. Gosling is alright. He good in Nice Guys and Drive. Hard to say what this movie will be about from that teaser. The visual aesthetic looks correct at least. Hopefully there is little Harrison in it. He is just old grumpy Harrison in the movies now.
  6. He has absolutely horrible taste in interior design and ill fitting suits for a rich person.
  7. Little heavy on the exposition monologues, but all in all a satisfying ending to a quality season.
  8. The US way of voting seems like a complicated mess, voter registration, confusing ballots, some states have electronic voting and overall varying methods of voting, voting day is not a holiday and on a weekday, plenty of measures to make voting difficult for minorities, voting disenfranchisement for felons, voter ID laws (which could be solved by a free national photo ID to citizens, but that is somehow a nefarious plot by the Illuminati or someshit). It's all very confusing from a Nordic country where voting is made really simple and accessible.
  9. Yeah it seems a bit suspicious that none of the employees ever seem to leave the complex. Granted, a park of that scale would need to be in some secret remote location.. I think the 24-hour nature of the park requires them to be on the premises all the time. I found it kinda funny there is a resort inside well, a resort! (where Sizemore was drinking). The resort is where guests are quartered to 'decompress' after their stay in the park. I guess a week or more of murdering and raping might have an effect on you that you ought to deal with before returning to the real world. But how is the real world anyways? And where is the park? Is it even on Earth? Or could it be underwater?
  10. I got to say Hopkins is doing a banging job as a cruel and manipulative bastard. Very subtle stuff. I hope he stays longer on the series, but I suspect this might just be a one season gig for him. He old.
  11. it was 30 years ago and Ford told Bernard in ep.2 when they talked in his office that Arnold was scrubbed from the records. Anyone else think that the picture of William's wife is missing a person, it's framed like there should be another person in it, like the picture of Ford and Arnold, that also had an odd framing, which was revealed in the last episode to also include Bernard. Probably just a misdirection as it wouldn't make sense if William was a host too.
  12. Considering how messy and disorganized their campaign machinery was (they basically just organized rallies and the media gave Trump free air time), it is no wonder their transition team is a mess. I thought Trump only surrounded himself with the absolutely best people. Seems like the best incompetents. What delicious clusterfucks to come.
  13. woah, that recording from tavastia sounds great. nice to get a good recording from a gig you attended.
  14. The Zagreb set sounds pretty much like the set we got in Helsinki last night. Loved it.
  15. Good stuff. Hopkins character is insane, and he plays insane very well. Sort of not surprised by the twist, but they played that very well.
  16. Thiel is an insane libertarian. He also involved with Palantir, the big data firm. Think what he could do with access to the government surveillance technology.
  17. I have little faith that the Dems will realize their problems and address why they got their ass handed to them. They are too deep in the pocket of big money. Reading some of the liberal pundits it seems they completely missed the reason why they lost. The Dems got complacent. The minorities have caught up to them and seen that the Dems don't give a shit about them other than having them as a voting block. And they also forgot the working class, completely ignored them.
  18. The EC is only good when my candidate wins! Also check all the right-wing pundits turn around and all be talking about respecting the office of the president and the election results, completely forgetting the last eight years. Hypocrisy from both sides galore. Trump looked shook af when meeting with Obama, I think he just realized the enormous job he just got himself into. He is good at spending other peoples money, but not on this scale and not in away that will affect so many people. He's soon going to see the wretchedness of everyday politics, all the wheelin' and dealing going on, not to mention running foreign policy. I have no doubt in my mind that in the re-negotiations of trade deals and the likes the other parties are going to look to stiff him and the US as much as they can. Trump somehow in his own hubris thought that every negotiation he's involved in will be a win for him, but odds are reality is going to slap his orange face hard. I also think Trump is going to be more moderate than he made himself be on the campaign trail, but I do worry about what kind of regressive pricks he'll appoint to his cabinet, who will further their agenda and Trump will just rubber-stamp it because he doesn't care. He will also flip on many of his promises. No way will he get that wall built. Bill Burr said a funny on Conan the other night, by the time the wall is built it will be the Americans that are trying to get over it. Have a feeling he'll be a one term president. He will tire quickly of of the slow and thorough process that is involved with politics, it just doesn't suit his "everything-right-now" attitude.
  19. edit: damn, 8 hour vaporwave election footage extravaganza blocked by fox news on copyrightgrounds....TRUMP HATES VAPORWAVE!
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