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Everything posted by marf

  1. what is this waiting cars for 12 hours to get a test do for you?
  2. east coast heat is a monster in the usa. Fuck that humidity. Im ready to move to Taos nm and look at the stars
  3. I was a valet in boston and the only guy out 20 who could drive stick
  4. never watched X files. Green ooze coming out of a light socket didn't tempt me in. But it's apparently good?
  5. Is this Babylon movie really shelved from 1980? Amazing music.
  6. The Joker finally saw it It's like some fever dream. Perfectly edited for a short attention span. Went by fast. It's kind of like you are living in his head. Is the girlfriend even real? A movie about mental illness but doesn't help in fighting the stigma at all Enjoyed it though.
  7. If she was a he; never would have made it out of prison alive
  8. Unsolved mysteries. Should have used the voice from the guy that does the frontline documentaries, Otherwise great new stuff. Man, that French one was bizarre
  9. I don't think you get immunity either if you get this. Maybe for a month. People are having parties to catch this thing. It reminds me of the bug chaser thing. Where a bunch guys with aids pump death into some poor fellas warm hot ass
  10. Ive been told by a Russian woman that Russian women generally prefer older men. I saw this guy basically get with a 19 year old with he blessing of her mother who was his age.
  11. Bald and Bankrupt got it from maybe one of those gorgeous women he always seems to have around
  12. Well, it came from a real place. ...it came from a real place. After I watched this today @ 5:17
  13. Men who come out and admit they have a micro penis have a lot of balls
  14. Probably a wise move pretending you didn't know about the bounties than a war with America and Russia
  15. I think I'll take the shots
  16. when I heard about that Russian shit. Paying militants to execute US soldiers? That is beyond the pale. Not hearing about it as an excuse from the commander in chief doesn't hold water. Basically an act of war he doesn't hear about
  17. The John bolton book. Spite over not getting his war ? Wherever it may have been?
  18. this Eric Andre story with the dick. I have to see the film. Ive been loopy on cough syrup lately (trying to make it to an allergy test) . And seeing this made everything all the more loopy
  19. It's still going, one episode left but the pandemic stopped that (for season 10)
  20. I shamefully have watched all of the walking dead. All 10 seasons. forgive me and fear the waking dead. all of it. can't get enough
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