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Everything posted by marf

  1. I posit they will be able to bring people back to life for a short time after being dead for at least 24 hours. Either they'll be in the middle of signing the book at the pearly gates and Jesus walks up waving his hands wait wait... etc or nothing or you become part of the electromagnetic spectrum It's going to happen. It will change everything
  2. that's some serious travel! good on you. What do you eat in Africa? I'd be like idiot abroad. I am not an adventurous eater. A little but not really
  3. How about a degreasing pizza game?
  4. Watched a lot of 80's horror of late. A lot of door opens to other dimension. Window breaks into other dimension. Still , damn entertaining though
  5. This can't be true. I didn't google or wiki anything. But Latino, eeessh. That is very broad. Latin America a thousand years ago? Not the same people. Id wager most of Latin America is of European decent with breeding with local indigenous people and some pure bred indigenous people. But many, many tribes have been wiped out. There's even Amish people. Large German populations in Argentina. Chile. etc. I don't know. what you mean really. Is there a Latin Europe versus Caucasian Europe? Never heard of that
  6. You know how many black dudes are gettin some sweet white pusssy right now. sheeeeeet. Ok. that was over the top. sorry Anyway, we all go to see Caligula in the museum. Time is the only difference here
  7. "it's almost primordial"
  8. Killing of America. 1981 Not much has changed. Less crazy serial killers I guess.
  9. Why do people fight cops? It's not going to end well no matter what you look like.
  10. George Floyd/BLM/cooped up at home from pandemic/ party in the streets/ voting is boring
  11. I don't see protesters. I see a bunch of kids raised on social media pressured by trends, followers, if they were really engaged we'd have Mr Sanders as the democratic nominee but the youth never really cared and they still don't care despite outward appearances.
  12. Im Gen X we are nihilists. We don't do protests. We watch the world burn. It's actually alarming to see 20 year olds care about anything but beer pong. Or beer in general. And you can be agiest, but Aphex is a good 8 years older than me so kick him off, too.
  13. Im holding out all opinions until I hear Phil Collins take on this
  14. He's doing the same thing the cops do. Take everything at face value. You don't know anything about those people. I used to party like that when I was in college. My Dad was grampa Joe from willy Wonka basically. Poor as dirt but I was in school and trying to make the best of it.
  15. why are places like the UK and France rioting? Whats it to do with them? There's no racism in the Uk, last I heard
  16. I am going through season 3, but the ending is so less dramatic.(if not aggravating). Im not as enthused. Even though it too is a great season
  17. There are no flights! No flights, no Chemtrails. It all makes sense now!
  18. Ok, yeah, if some dude was coming at me with a machete, Id do the same I guess. Get the whole story right
  19. I wasn't a huge fan of either actors, but something happened in this show. Mathew carries the show. The dialogue is insanely good. Maybe it's a chemistry of two Texans acting together, Just some magic happened with this season.
  20. Well, there you go. Maybe things are changing in a bad way. LA riots were way worse. Nothing is going to change Im afraid.
  21. Im not diminishing the situation with my comment. Please. Im saying in general. Comment on the op's topic. Yes, Minnesota is bad. Consider the country and its make up and comparable nations around the world. Its amazing we are still here as a democracy in general. Just by size alone
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