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Everything posted by marf

  1. Man, I just watched the video. I was stranded in Barstow California for a month! Ran out of gas in the Mojave desert 20 miles from town in the middle of the night, back in '97. After hitching a ride into town with a trucker to the nearest gas station a woman at the cashiers desk lent me her car to fill my tank a bit to drive into Barstow. The Month Lady Diana died. I returned to the east coast after I sold my shitty car for a plane ticket home. That night I visited my friends and they were watching the news about the princess. Barstow is Hell!
  2. I think I need a briefing from the higher ups on the Exact meaning of the emojis here.
  3. He was the actor that played the youngest heir of House Lannister. His sister in the show is the gorgeous woman in the series Servant on HBO by M. Night Shyamalamadindong
  4. Point Break is one of the Greatest Action films. Don't deprive yourself!!
  5. We need a President NOT firm on beliefs but a President who is willing to change course and not be stubborn enough to steer us into an iceberg. Pun intended. Can a president be too dumb to put in jail?
  6. We need leaders not "firm in their beliefs" but a presidents who are willing change course and not be stubborn enough to steer us into an iceberg. Pun intended
  7. They need to be pressured. By protesters. That has shown to make a difference. Look at the Redskins here in the usa. We'd have to use Nuclear energy in the short term. But its worth it The "Adult" dismiss Thunberg. But she is the Joan of arc in this. She is the truth teller. The emerging countries using fossil fuel need capital to grow. They get it that capital from somewhere! The leading companies are as big as some nations. Also. Amazon, Apple, Uber, Airlines, Trucking companies that use fossil fuel could make a change immediately to use green energy. They are too greedy for that short term pain to make a difference.
  8. ALL the Big companies could make our air a lot cleaner in a year if they moved to green energy. Amazon could deliver with electric vehicles. Uber could go electric. Apple is worth trillions now. They could go green too. Short term pain . Long term blessing foe the rest of us . Some companies are as big as nations. They could make a change now if they were pressured
  9. I didn't think that could get any funnier but imagine Big Ed asking. \
  10. Its Origami.. Japanese businessmen took Origami and turned that into Transformers
  11. The MOON and MARs are Butt buddies the last few days.
  12. I wish I still had my transformers. They were easily the most creative coolest toys ever made
  13. Saw Facebook live of a guy blowing his head off with a shot gun. Holeeeshet. Really graphic . Wtf did I just watch
  14. I listen to BBC radio in America. I emailed Jim Davis on a Coronavirus question and he read my email on the air. Wild
  15. I want to be the Smartest human on earth. A thousand times smarter than that Ashkenazi Einstein. It willl be called brutalist intellect
  16. We need to get together and ride dirt bikes in the desert
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