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Everything posted by marf

  1. sounds like autechre; its got a good beat and you can't dance to it
  2. what did you think of Exai? Did you like it? Did you hate it? Why? And what should i review next?
  3. rind mod cancels out the carrier freq. the part you want to hear. you'd have to isolate the sum and difference frequencies to do anything. (im not sure what) and it sounds really busy with other noise in that sample
  4. ring mod is amplitude modulation
  5. anyone ever use reason? does Steinvord sound like something that could have been done with reason?
  6. i dreamed my grandfather hugged me and i felt his love like an otherworldly energy. I woke up crying. He passed away this year. I didnt go to see him on his death bed nor did i attend his funeral because my relationship with my Grandmother is very, very, very bad.
  7. i didnt mean to imply that autechre dont make an effort or have artistic sense. i see what they do as live jam style and i think their audience doesnt judge them as harshly as aphex's audience. granted, usually the same people :-)
  8. how many aleatoric patches have they created by now? they could just change a few settings and pump out a whole new album just as bad ass. AE are lucky they do the aleatoric style music. Aphex has to write melodies which takes inspiration. I love AE but i think its half machine music, literally
  9. the benzos are very hard to discontinue. you have to taper very methodically or you could have a dire situation. its easy if you taper correctly
  10. damn man, you are speaking my language.
  11. Wait, did you get all those synths, or trade them? If you traded them, you made a shitty trade. If I read that correctly, that is.& I got the chance to play around with an arp2600 and cannot believe it sells for that much. Its cool, but not that cool. Sorry, i was vague. didnt have my coffee. yes, i got the synths. Dont mean to sound like a cocky know it all, Yes, Samplers were very very expensive in the 80's.I doubt Mr pusher saved up ten grand for his first sampler.. it didnt take long for them to level out to around a thousand dollars at the start of the 90's. The 80's were crazy, it went from synclavier 250k, to fairlight 100k, to emu sampler 10k, to akai 1k within like 5 years. Moore's law i guess?
  12. well, i traded a jupiter 8, ms20, mc-202, 606, and a linn drum to a synth dealer for a kurzwiel 2000 back in '95. i had to send him back the jupiter 8 cause we found out the kurzwiel didnt have the sampler chip. lol. facepalm. i should have bought him the sampler chip. you cant tell me it was more expensive back then. samplers were no more expensive. it wasnt the 80's. Yes, the 80's you paid boat loads for samplers and fm synths.. You could still find deals pre-ebay. now, forget it. although a couple years ago i found an ad for an eml-400 for $700. in the old harmony central classifieds. some old dealers who cant use the internet can be a good place to look. i sold it for 2500, wish i kept it, but now they go for 4 grand on ebay, which is terrible) An arp 2600 went for 12 grand a few months ago on the ebay? that site is ruining everything. it's also global, so shifts in currency value have a huge impact.
  13. im almost as old as SQpsher. I dont know what he means the equipment was very expensive. fuckin hell, gear is outrageously expensive these days. ebay and inflation i guess.
  14. i like the metallic percussion sounds here. those sort of sticks on a metal fence sound. i cant describe it here:
  15. no, i think because he thinks it is uninventive. it just sounds like a wash. no clever programming, nothing new added to the world.
  16. i dont know. i imagine the creation of a track like that is done in segments and he probably tests out certain parts. starts from beginning, goes back to a segment and re-edits. piece meal in other words. i guess certain phrases wouldn't fit if the tempo changed without time stretching or changing the pitch? the genius of aphex is the fitting all the parts together into a cohesive idea. . its nice to hear it slow cause you can dissect it as a listener .
  17. why write something slow? whats the difference? it's all meticulous editing whether it is fast or slow.
  18. this is great to hear. so much anti meds propaganda out there and i think it's dangerous cause i KNOW they help (from experience) We need more people out there giving testimonies. I just think docs over prescribe off label which is wrong. Usually to avoid putting people on addictive benzos
  19. what you mean given the nature of the music?
  20. Whitey can't appreciate MIles. You whitey? You can't feel it and that's it. forget-it
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