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Everything posted by marf

  1. Mt Saint Michel+Saint Michaels Mount is the sound of Richard fucking my brain with his unkempt ginger cock
  2. i bet its tracks they made for MEN records. They are probably 10 years old
  3. one thing we know. he's english. cause they do the idmz
  4. really doesn't sound original enough. could be a sqaurepusher/ aphex project. Doesn't scream purely aphex to me
  5. wow. clicked on that link The Oram Tapes. that stuff is amazing
  6. a lot of the music coming out recently sounds like early Madonna without the vocals, the sound of digital multitrack circa '81 and the slew of black studio musicians adding funky hooks. Still, Im not complaining
  7. fuck the tuss. enough with the tuss
  8. Clark's invention for his company was non nutritive varnish for cereal in the movie Christmas Vacation. So milk wouldn't penetrate the corn flakes
  9. my brother in-law goes to weekend retreats to deal with his problems and they hit pillows with tennis rackets
  10. it has to be tough to grow old and be vain at the same time
  11. hilarious. good observation. they do all seem to have white afros dont they Im guessing its cause old ladies suffer from hair loss too and they are fluffing their hair to cover up the issue
  12. currently debating what i should go back to school for. I'm an older guy. Returning to school. A career change. Should I go into something I'm good at doing? Or should I go into a field that is hiring. Basically, Should I go into IT or should I go back for something like landscape architecture. I'm better at being a creative person with some technical stuff. I can't program code to save my life. I'm terrible in calculus type math but pretty good in geometry and spatial thinking. Also good at biology. I could maybe do the other stuff involved with IT but I think I would hit a wall and I don't think i could grow old doing IT as it is basically a young mans game. But its a hot field. I just don't think i have the raw talent. I tried to learn easy Object Oriented programming and couldn't do it. . In the third world I wouldn't have a choice.. So for that I am thankful!
  13. excellent stuff. feel like IM standing next to a train passing by. Very pleasant music
  14. they say he was into "the cars" and looking into synths before his suicide. Thats what i heard. I dont know. But it bet he could have kept making great stuff
  15. it was just a reaction to the monopolistic stylized white tower music world of the 80's. Combined with a healthy college radio scene prior.
  16. youd have to have SC1. ancient software
  17. Code Rich posted in SC forum.. Found here http://www.audiosynt...-users-archive/ umm.. no how about this its the only NON sound patch i've got,apart from a tron game patch I posted here a long time ago, looks pretty, oh its SC 1 aswell of course. let me know what ye think. defaudioout L R; var zss ox oy oz thX thY thZ; init{ guiPort.setPort; changeOR; `startStop.dspStart; } startStop{ 1.dspKill; } start{ } C {arg r g b; ^newColor(r*64000,g*64000,b*64000) } changeOR{ zss=13.getItemValue; thX=9.getItemValue; thY=10.getItemValue; thZ=11.getItemValue; drawGraph } move3{arg i,x,y,z; r=i.itemRect; l=r.left; t=r.top; w=r.width- 1; h=r.height- 1; c=rot(x,y,0.5,0.5,thX);x=c@0;y=c@1; c=rot(x,z,0.5,0.5,thY);x=c@0;z=c@1; c=rot(y,z,0.5,0.5,thZ);y=c@0;z=c@1; x=x*w; y=y*h; z=z*13.679+zss; idx=1/(z/10+1); x1=l+x; y1=t+h-y; x2=l+(0.5*w); y2=t+h-(0.5*h); x3=(x1*idx)+(x2*(1- idx)); y3=(y1*idx)+(y2*(1- idx)); ox=x3; oy=y3; oz=z; } line3{arg i,x,y,z; r=i.itemRect; l=r.left; t=r.top; w=r.width- 1; h=r.height- 1; c=rot(x,y,0.5,0.5,thX);x=c@0;y=c@1; c=rot(x,z,0.5,0.5,thY);x=c@0;z=c@1; c=rot(y,z,0.5,0.5,thZ);y=c@0;z=c@1; x=x*w; y=y*h; z=z*13.679+zss; idx=1/(z/10+1); x1=l+x; y1=t+h-y; x2=l+(0.5*w); y2=t+h-(0.5*h); x3=(x1*idx)+(x2*(1- idx)); y3=(y1*idx)+(y2*(1- idx)); c=clip3(x3,y3,ox,oy,l,t,h,w); if (c@2) then moveTo(c@0,c@1); c=clip3(ox,oy,x3,y3,l,t,h,w); lineTo(c@0,c@1); end.if ox=x3; oy=y3; oz=z; } rot{arg a1,a2,b1,b2,th2; r=((((b1-a1)**2).realPart)+(((b2-a2)**2).realPart))**0.5; th=atan((b2-a2)/(b1-a1)); if ((b1-a1)>=0) then th=(th)- ¼; end.if th=th+th2; if r!=0 then x=b1+(r*cos(th)); y=b2+(r*sin(th)); else x=a1; y=a2; end.if ^[x,y]; } clip3{arg x1,y1,x2,y2,l,t,h,w; if ((y1.asInt)!=(y2.asInt)) then y3=y2.clip(t,t+h); x3=((y3-y1)*(x2-x1)/(y2-y1)+x1); else x3=x2.clip(l,l+w); y3=y2; end if ((x1.asInt)!=(x3.asInt)) then x4=x3.clip(l,l+w); y4=(x4-x1)*(y3-y1)/(x3-x1)+y1 else x4=x3; y4=y3.clip(t,t+h); end x4=x4.clip(l,l+w); y4=y4.clip(t,t+h); ^[x4,y4,1]; } drawGraph{ i=1; r=i.itemRect; l=r.left; t=r.top; w=r.width- 1; h=r.height- 1; C(0,0,0).backColor; C(0,1,0).foreColor; r.eraseRect; xm=5.getItemValue; ym=6.getItemValue; zm=7.getItemValue; dp=8.getItemValue; x=0; x1=(x/xm).sin+1/2; y1=(x+¼/ym).sin+1/2; z1=(x/zm).sin+1/2; i.move3(x1,y1,z1); for x=0;x<dp;x=x+1 do x1=(x/xm).sin+1/2; y1=(x+¼/ym).sin+1/2; z1=(x/zm).sin+1/2; ci=(x1).map(0,1,0.3,1); ci=(y1).map(0,1,0.3,1); ci=(z1).map(0,1,0.3,1); C(x1,y1,z1).foreColor; i.line3(x1,y1,z1); end.for } eric :)
  18. he posted some code made with supercollider V1 way back when he was trolling the SC list. He can code.
  19. There is simply no way of know what Richard uses. I only know he was user Panflet on Analog Heaven mailing list. I can only guess on Bucephalus Bouncing Ball an eventide H3000 was used. Or some other high end digital delay with sampler option.
  20. atari falcon would just be a sequencer no? I imagine very limited sampler ability. How would anyone know anyway
  21. Maybe it was a tracker. People forget about trackers. When i was on xltronic i saw people rip into Grant from rephlex on all manner of things. No one knew it was Grant. I only knew cause I got his email by accident after asking for tech support on a synth. So it goes to show how little it matters if you are one of the cool kids on an internet forum. No reflection on real life and what you are doing.
  22. quit your complaining. I haven't had sex in 6 months! 6!
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