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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by kakapo

  1. Unfortunately I have an active interest in flu pandemics as due to an underlying co-morbidity I ended up with a serious pneumonia post 2009 swine flu. That and Egon Schiele. The irony of it all is that I used to regularly see Boris Johnson cycle past my office on the South Bank when he was mayor. I remember walking towards him once, just as a rubbish truck was over-taking him and thinking it would be so easy for me to push him under the back wheels and no-one would know. Now the cunt has pushed me under a bus.
  2. A series of autopsy cases of soldiers who died from influenza in 1918 reveal this evolutionary process; the viral sequences obtained from the lungs of victims who died in May 1918 (before the pandemic really took off), show an HA that binds avian-like receptors and confers poor airborne transmissibility between ferrets. However, by autumn 1918, the autopsy material reveals that the virus had mutated in ways that enhanced its ability to bind human airway receptors, presumably gaining transmissibility. Similar studies of the 2009 H1N1 pandemic virus also showed the transition from a first wave virus only just adapted enough to sustain transmission, to a third wave virus that had potentiated its adaptation to its new host. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanres/article/PIIS2213-2600(18)30272-8/fulltext That seems to suggest a mutation that increased transmissibility for the 2nd wave. It's conceivable to come up with a theory that explains rapid transmission in the 2nd wave in 1918 without a mutation occurring, but I'm not sure if there's an explanation for the change in demographics for the 2nd wave other than it mutating to a more aggressive form that caused cytokine storms.
  3. I don't know if the UK response makes sense. People are questioning why the UK are trying to balance herd immunity while mitigating effects on the vulnerable, as opposed to trying to stop the spread completely. The UK approach makes more sense if you believe it can't be contained and that it is likely to mutate into a more dangerous form (i.e Spanish flu 1st and 2nd wave scenario, where the survivors of the first wave retained immunity for the 2nd more deadly wave).
  4. I'm loathe to add to misinformation, but the UK response makes more sense if you think the virus is going to mutate into a more dangerous form.
  5. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-51827356 It's a sort of lol.
  6. CofE vicar. Pay is crap and my parishioners are wankers to a man, woman and child. Free house is nice.
  7. Ok, I mean there are a lot of possibilities here. Let's have a think about a couple.. Scenario 1. On Wednesday on an obscure internet message board you make a post about buying a behringer 2600, probably the most hyped and eagerly awaited of their synth releases alongside their planed big polysynths, and in response someone from behringer sends you a pre-production prototype as they're not in full manufacturing just yet, presumably from China with all the coronavirus delays, it arrives in a day, for some inexplicable reason in a Thomann box. You offer to post some samples and then suddenly remember that you signed a non-disclosure agreement with them. Sorry, no, the multinational company who own a town in China simply asked you not to post anything, because that's how they do business. I mean its just about plausible that Behringer's batshit mental marketing department sent by incredibly expensive 24hr courier from China a borderline retarded (and I use that phrase unironically) internet troll who a day earlier expressed his desire to buy a 2600, with a friendly note 'please don't show anyone lol'. I mean never say never. Scenario 2 In an effort to troll an obscure internet message board some idiot bought a behringer odyssey thinking he was getting a 2600. I'm really struggling here. We may never know the truth.
  8. Why are Behringer shipping you a 2600 in a Thomann box?
  9. Is it just me or does this idiot not know the difference between an odyssey and a 2600?
  10. Most watmmers give the impression of someone who doesn't wipe their bum properly in the first place.
  11. This is typical trump in another way, in that there is a kernel of truth in there somewhere surrounded by bullshit. Every single reliable source that has talked about death rates since the beginning has provided the caveat, we don't know the true rate because among other reasons not everybody who has the virus will show serious symptoms or report it. Hopefully the impact of the virus will be mitigated and contained, but even so populist politicians and conspiracy theorists will still make hay. One of the reasons for the seriousness of the global response is to reduce transmission rates and try to prevent it reaching areas where there is major societal disruption already i.e. a warzone, because you don't want a Spanish flu scenario, where you have widespread mutation combined with circumstance (WW1) that exacerbates it. The wider it is transmitted, the more chance for mutation. Society can cope with a bunch of 80 year olds dying. It won't be able to cope with significant numbers of otherwise healthy 20 and 30 somethings dropping down dead after hemorrhaging their lungs up, as happened in the 2nd wave in 1918. Edit: Apparently corona viruses have a significantly lower mutation rate than flu, but the corv19 has already mutated into a more aggressive form at least once, so the point stands.
  12. It's a bit of a honker but nothing compared to the rest of the family. My nanna grew up in Gateshead where there is a substantial hasidic jew population and they thought she was jewish because of the nose and jet black hair. My grandad on the other hand, who fought in the war, thought the holocaust was the best thing Hitler ever did. Scanner put a description in quotes as a passive(aggressive) way of making sure people knew who he was writing about, so there was no point pussy footing around it. It would've been better if he had just said it. Fair point. I think there is a difference between a bit of a rant in the public sphere where a) people have a right of reply b) nuance/irony/context is more easily interpreted and pointed out if necessary and shitty behaviour can be shouted down. I have a history of being a bit caustic on this site, but never ever would I dream of using PMs (apart from my Joyrex hate campaign where I send him a birthday message each year to tell him that I hope he dies soon). There is sometimes, at least from a 3rd party pov, a fine line between a victim and the provocative victim. But I'm finding it hard to think of any justification for sending shitty harassing emails over a period of years. Did scanner kill his dog? Yes it doesn't read well (incl. above point about passive aggressive naming of the Caretaker). I gave the benefit of the doubt as it seemed spontaneous and cathartic writing. We've just had a 3 year harassment campaign from a neighbour come to an end. I could laugh it off, largely because the anti-seizure medicine I take simply means I could't be bothered if I tried, but it used to understandably upset a flatmate and I saw first hand how they were able to get under their skin so that even normal interactions became stressful. So if somebody goes to the trouble of declaring 'this is unacceptable and upsetting' I'm inclined to believe them.
  13. Not Jewish though I am circumcised so I sort of am, but this ^ more or less. Interesting blog post from Scanner. http://scannerdot.com/2020/03/playground-behaviour-in-the-cultural-industries/ Its the Caretaker in case anyone's wondering, always seemed a grade A twat. Maybe we should we start a twats in the music industry thread, I've got a few names, although the Behringer thread seems quite apt.
  14. Being a cunt and being boring with it, great combo.
  15. I'm assuming the sequencer doesn't put out polyphonic midi when using the Chord machine? Missed a trick there. Modey, I didn't realize you were vague robots, I've watched a few videos today and your demos are making the best use of it compared against the usual suspects.
  16. Look, I don't go spouting nonsense in the gay sadomasochistic techno thread because I don't spend my weekends taking Hans from Hamburg's girthsome cock up me shitpipe in the back of Schwuz. What I'm trying to say is perhaps Germans should stick to what they know best and leave the recipe thread to those nationalities that can actually produce edible food.
  17. If he was cooking a curry from scratch that might have some limited merit, but he was asking how to add flavour to a packet of vaguely Indian food with what he had to hand. I've reported you and requested a temporary ban. I've never had joyrex refuse one of my requests in the 18 years I have been a respected member of this site, so perhaps use the time out to consider how not thinking before you post might affect people in real life.
  18. Something like a simple Indian Aloo (potato) dish which I think that tasty bites thing is trying to replicate is often spiced quite plainly, maybe even as simple as turmeric, cumin, a dried chilli. Garam Masala can be used in different ways, its not always added at the end, you're fine adding it to curry powder. Just remember that ground spices burn very easily and will go bitter. Whenever I'm using ground spices I keep a glass of water next to me so I can quickly take the heat out of the pan if I need to. With the ingredients above I would make a sort of Tarka. Fat carries flavour so if you are simply stirring in these extra ingredients to the packet dish it probably will be bland. Technically a Tarka is where you fry up some spices in oil/ghee either at the beginning or end of the cooking, but in English use if a recipe specifically mentions a Tarka it usually means at the end. Look up 'Tarka recipes' for ideas, but from the above ingredients, gently fry some ginger in oil/butter (add a bit onion and garlic if you like), then add in the spices being extra careful not to burn them. Hold the sriracha (it's thai, but use as a condiment if you want rather than cook with it). Stir in the hot Tarka to the cooked tasty bites. Taste at this point and season more if necessary. If you're unsure of how much spice to use, make a bit more Tarka than you think you need and then just add it by spoonful and taste until you're happy.
  19. Warp has an established low bar and a high bar. This is better than Campfag Fuckface but not as good as Marcus has the Right to take some time off for Children. I quite like them, that's all I can muster. I suspect warp's a&r wants to unload his scrotum on the singer's pouting face, as she's well fit.
  20. By my neurologists own admission I am at the weird end of the migraine spectrum, crossing over into epilepsy territory. I don't have set triggers, I work more on a cycle where I am more or less prone to episodes, and I can predict it to a degree due to fairly extensive auras, anywhere from a mild aural aura to full seizures and collapse. Get both the psychedelic castellated auras above and more monochromatic pulses for visual auras. I collapsed on the street a year ago and was rescued by a couple of evangelical christians who then tried to convert me as I lay 'dying'. Since then have been on seizure prophylactics but still the most important thing in managing it is a regular and sufficient sleep pattern.
  21. My, my, my, aye-aye, whoa!M-m-m-my Corona
  22. They're long gone, I dyed them black and then put them in a charity drop off. Someone in Africa or Blyth or somewhere is wearing secret lilac chinos.
  23. It was revealed to me in a dream. It was just some bags of sand.
  24. If you didn't exist, we would have to invent you. You're the counterweight to some kind of cosmic balance. I live in fear of what is on the other side.
  25. I never realised yegg was a real person. I may have to re-evaluate the past 20 years of watmm. How many of you are real people?
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