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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by hoggy

  1. I probably should have said Breaking the Waves, but Melancholia is more thematic ?
  2. elseq - loving the textured bass and the feeling of vigorousness and movement
  3. Suspended upside down in a sewer, with underwater speakers - dodging the lumps of coagulated cooking fat and shit prevents me from being too in my head. I usually have a strobe light going but tbh that's just to make the rats look cool
  4. hoggy


    The AR cube thing is a cool idea, but it does remind me of the "mULtiMedIA!!" craze of the 90's when everything came with a crappy CD-ROM - which is a shame because I'm sure a lot of work went into it
  5. hoggy

    The KLF

    I don't get it? They are renting out sub bass speakers?
  6. hoggy


    Would love to hear all of it on a really massive high-quality system, not on my Megaboom or my headphones - hopefully the sound quality is good at Field Day
  7. Wicked tracks, not complaining. Would like a longer EP (I think I prefer EPs to albums actually), but I guess Windowlicker was about the same length. tbf it's obviously the kind of stuff that takes more work, like the way newer Venetian Snares EPs are shorter and take longer to come out (though Snares is way more prolific in terms of releases)
  8. I've kind of felt for a long time that nothing will be done about climate change, and since I don't want kids, I don't really worry because I'll be dead before the worst of it (although the bad stuff is already starting, I know) - like, I recycle, I use public transport - should I be protesting with XR? Should I vote Green? Would it do anything? Being angry at the greedy, stupid and corrupt doesn't really make me feel morally superior in any way, I think we are all greedy, stupid and corrupt - we're animals, same as any other, except we have the capacity to cling to abstract things and things we want way in the future... I wonder if putting some real work in to collectively trying to imagine what we really want in the world, rather than always reacting against what we don't, might be more motivating? Politicians never seem to have any kind of creative vision, it doesn't mean we can't also be pragmatic, but nobody seems to know what we're being pragmatic in the service of achieving. Survival, yeah, but to create what kind of world? What would actually make people happy?
  9. DJ Rectal candy floss
  10. On my psychology masters, there was an assignment on personality testing, according to the Big 5 - I was really skeptical at first that it was "real science", but when you look at the huge body of research on the topic, attacking it from many different angles, you realise (as they allude to in the video) that many different approaches to establish the validity and reliability of the model do show that there is at least something interesting going on there, in terms of the dimensions of how personalities tend to vary, which for some traits IIRC appears to be linked to specific brain regions (e.g. neuroticism). Interesting that there is some cultural difference in how reliable the test is, but particularly in certain factors such as agreeableness. Myers-Briggs seemed pretty crap though tbh.
  11. Are you? "smd" is not hyperbole - saying western feminism is the worst thing to ever happen would be hyperbole Maybe not, but your criticism is representations in media and people pulling up the ladder behind them, right? Seems like those are the people with the ladders, or maybe not middle-class, maybe just wealthy people
  12. If you had said middle-class white interpretations of feminism can be vapid and self-serving, maybe there'd be a discussion worth having there, but "smd".. it seems a bit self-defeating to phrase it like that
  13. what can I say, I'm a sucker for the syrupy voice and off-key 808s
  14. Hereditary is one of my favourite films ever - perfect film. Kill List is on my list to watch and I was thinking to watch it the other night actually but the synopsis didn't sound like much - I'll check it out.
  15. I guess stuff the Cheetah stuff - it's not bad per se, but it's frustratingly emotionally neutral and lacking some kind of motivation or sensitivity - but at the same time it's just creative and interesting enough to make me want to "get it". But I'm sure that in the right environment and in the right state of mind it would be perfect... I think, not sure
  16. overhyped maybe, and not perfect, I can see why someone wouldn't like it - like first time I watched it none of characters seemed sympathetic, sfx of head smashing looked rubbery etc. but I dunno - I like it personally
  17. DJ Free associative stream of consciousness in the guise of DJ names DJ name
  18. DJ Dicks dicks dicks DJ Cock DJ Dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks DJ Cock cock cock
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