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Everything posted by doublename

  1. about to fuck up this mujaddara f'real They sell it at Trader Joe's, mayne.
  2. Ya, I'm about half way through season 2 now. So good.
  3. '71 - Really tense 8/10 Goodnight Mommy - 8/10 Reminded me of a Michael Haneke joint.
  4. jeez And no will, the battle for this money is about to be gruesome.
  5. Just heard Gwely Mernans in the movie '71.
  6. Iron Man 3 is the only Marvel joint I liked.
  7. Already happening - they are creating a movie based on the "Hasbro Cinematic Universe" that includes GI-JOE, Transformers, and other Hasbro toy properties.
  8. Don't despair, here will be plenty of video game adaptations and movies by then as well. In addition to movies based on board games and action figures.
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