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Everything posted by MassfreeKid

  1. Nice, thanks! Looking cool. Same here, my iPod touch now looks great! The problem is, every time I open it, seeing Richard's smile concinves me to listen, again, to minipops 67.
  2. @chim You're right, some soft in there as well.
  3. Seeing the list of equipment, I think it's fair to say that this album is probably 100% hardware.
  4. We want an Aphex/Vibert collab album.
  5. I agree! Those early reviews are just a way for these webzines to say: look, we are so amazing, we have already heard the new Aphex. Release the interviews instead!
  6. While waiting, cool interview with Richard for the french, from back in 2001. Quite lenghty, actually! He is serious in this one. http://www.lesinrocks.com/2014/08/29/musique/aphex-twin-jespere-ne-jamais-grandir-11521641/
  7. Aphex Twin likes Raster-Noton.
  8. Aphex Twin at Mutek Montreal 2015.
  9. Where are you in Canada, Stephen?
  10. The Kanye scandal goes as follows: a dilettante rips off Mozart, Mozart offers him his help and the dilettante answers: I'm Mozart. Kanye does this to many artists. Who cares? He will be forgotten in 50 years, when there will be university classes in musicology on Aphex Twin's discography.
  11. Melodies from Mars, 4 albums are "ready" and no label is hassling him about it? Come on! Warp is sitting on gold. There should be a label decidated to releasing the Aphex archives. He just asked for it.
  12. I know but we already have it in medium okay quality But is medium okay quality - Aphex quality? The guy spends years in the studio making sure that his new album has the best possible sound environment ever. He experiments with sound in itself as much as he does with rhythm, melodies, structure, etc. He's well-known for being the cream of the cream, when it comes to the quality of his recordings and productions. And you are fine with medium ok, recorded live, youtube quality? Well, I have no idea what to add haha, this is so strange. At least you don't represent a majority on here. :)
  13. Obviously; No wonder that Richard announced his new album in the deep web.
  14. A composition might be from 2007 or even 1998 and yet he's worked on the production of it until 2013-14. Often sound design and mixing are the most time consuming aspects of music making for perfectionists like Aphex. If a track like Flim still sounds so convincing 17 years later, and Windowlicker 15 years after the fact, imagine his current production values!
  15. Except for Analord and The Tuss, when you think about it, Aphex's music was ALL released within a decade or so. Such a short time and look at the long term impact it had... This time around, everything must be thought through. 5 or 6 new albums in the next decade, a couple of concerts here and there. Should be enough for him to secure enough money for the rest of his life. Remember? "If a fan got it [mp3 player with 282 unreleased Aphex tracks], I would have got nothing against it. It's a nice present for somebody I reckon. I would like that, as long as they don't put it into the net and ruin my salary for the next decade." Source: http://www.aphextwin.nu/learn/10033212818976.shtml
  16. It's also true for many other underground scenes that have been doing this for years, from experimental noise to black metal and ambient. So many cassette releases on Boomkat these last few years. Rephlex is more or less following a global trend on this one.
  17. Great album, excited to see the reactions of those who haven't heard it yet.
  18. I'm so glad that Aleksi is not waiting after Rephlex anymore to release his music!
  19. There you go, Colundi level 4 on Bandcamp. http://aleksiperala.bandcamp.com/album/the-colundi-sequence-level-4
  20. Who knows! Maybe a reflection of the fact that our planet is slowly dying? That pretty much everything on it is becoming wrong in some way or another? These two guys seem to have been green-minded and very close to nature for a long time, after all. But instead of fighting against the destruction of the earth as activists, they have accepted the fact that we can't change the course of history. Everything will self-destruct around us and all we can do is watch it all go away. "Being a father fills you with a healthy understanding of your own mortality, and on a bigger scale that responsibility highlights the fragility of our society, or the problems with it. We've become a lot more nihilistic over the years. In a way we're really celebrating an idea of collapse rather than resisting it. It's probably quite a bleak album, depending on your perspective." "It's not post-apocalyptic so much as it is about an inevitable stage that lies in front of us." Source: http://www.theguardian.com/music/2013/jun/06/boards-of-canada-become-more-nihilistic Which reminded me of Spinoza's famous motto: "I have striven not to laugh at human actions, not to weep at them, nor to hate them, but to understand them." Could have been a sad album whining about the end of the world, or a joyful one celebrating the ecstasy of destruction, or a hateful bunch of songs set against the negative trends of our society. But it's a very neutral and detached album. An "understanding" album.
  21. Interesting that you would hear a cold war theme going on! I also feel like the whole album is symbolic of the end of the world. It's like they have composed the soundtrack to watching the world die from a detached point of view. No more happy-hippy songs for the beach. It's time to leave earth behind and move on.
  22. I agree sunshine, Boards have always been on the minimal side of composition. A few layers and a huge mood. In that regard, Tomorrow's harvest is no different, only a bit colder and more distant, perhaps. Less human, more alien.
  23. I see what you mean, but I think the name of the game is minimalism. I'm glad they went with that approach for this one. On the face of it, the music is so simple that it eliminates most IDM listeners with a short attention span who are looking for millions of hidden layers per second and fucked up complexity and so on. This album is back to the basics: E-MOTIONS.
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