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peace 7

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by peace 7

  1. WHoa..... So right now I'm watching the Yamaha Reface vid and realized...: I'm watching Japanese people speaking second-language English, for a Japanese company product launch, in an English language promo video, whilst I sit in Tokyo, in an office space surrounded by native Japanese people, as a Japanese who speaks first-language English, drinking the Japanese version of Monster Energy drink. I'm tripping so hard right now. And no, I'm not gonna buy these $47,000 high-end toys. In a couple years at ~$250, they might be aiiight. Wanna play these in person, though. It's weird how everyone on the left side of the screen is tweaking.
  2. Aesthetically, these are beautiful~~~
  3. Yes. The greatest human potential with regards to physicality and tech, is harnessing the power of nature and benefitting all of humanity. Too much focus on protecting sacred bullshit in all fields. Too much focus on money. Tesla is sighing with Zeus... And laughing. Much left on Earth, yet we think outer space matters. Humanity is like a talented bedroom producer without enough discipline-- tooons of great track bits, some good completed tracks, never finished a set of solid albums.
  4. the timber wolf can get bent at some point in the future though It'll still sound like shit, though. MC-303 has better acid capability and is cheaper. Analog/digital mean nothing if it sounds like garbage and can't stay in tune. Maybe the Timbre Wolf is good for noise drones or something? But Akai's whole new tingz, are sad. Names are good, though. Tom Cat seems to fix some Rhythm Wolf issues, but still... So many better options. Poor Akai... Long live "MPC", I guess. And their old school samplers.
  5. If dis 'bout me- jah, thanks, yo. My hair just grows fucking fast... Like Samson or someshit.
  6. Man..... Feels greeeat when hardware developers create something that actually makes sense (as opposed to horrible creations that are so bad... and despite being based on ancient concepts, are still garbage *ahem* Akai Timbre Wolf *ahem*). Gives a glint of hope for humanity.
  7. Aesthetically, the following vid has got it down, and it's so genuine, it seems fake (cuz it was, even then-- cuz it's hyperreal fakeness realness- then it's an infinite loop of wtf is what, mang, etc.). WHAT ARE REAL AESTHETICS, MYAAAAAN..... This is good for listening to vaporwave over, with orig vid on silent. ...Cuz the actual vid is Bolo Yeung with fake teeth singing Chattanooga Choo Choo: [youtubehd]-EeE4B559uA[/youtubehd]
  8. I would like to see the videos where the 'pranksters' get dropped, i don't like this trend, i have seen before when it goes wrong and these people always end up looking like whiny narcissists.. "How dare you not find my bag snatch prank funny and punch me for it." You go in to battle you gotta expect to get burned. lol yeah this looks terrifying .. look at those people. They not laughing saying haha you got me theyre terrified heh heh heh nyuck nyuck nyuck !! clearly bitroast this particular prank wasn't very scary and just by the way the guy is dressed it would be a give away to most withit passengers that if something silly starts occurring that there will be no threat involved. But, i was using these videos as a jumping off point to have a complain about the general trend of pranking videos. i would restrain that guys arms if he put them in my face though, i wouldn't be able to stop that reflexive reaction, i would then say something like "settle down man, i don't give a fuck about your prank just let me ride the lift in peace and respect my space, thanks." Of course then the guy would moan about me grabbing his arms, completely oblivious to what he just did, and i'd realise that i probably should have just let it be, and start freaking out that this little cunt is going to call the cops or centre management on me and my life will get more annoying for a little while thereafter. so yep, fuck all these bitches. Yah, man. I love harmless pranks in general, but pranks where you put people in a situation where they feel immediate threat for their lives is not cool. But then again, I think making someone think they're being abducted by aliens is funny, but being attacked/mugged is not funny. So I guess I'm just talking shit or being selective about how to fuck with people. Iii dunno... But, I do know that if someone pulled that shit on me in an elevator, my immediate reaction would be to elbow them in the head. And then since I thought they were attacking me, I'd pound their face to a pulp when they're on the ground, so they lay motionless as I drag them out of the elevator and call the police. Japan used to do hardcore pranks, but they stopped with the general populace, cuz people got hurt or other hardcore shit happened. They still do it with celebrities, though. Like send them to other countries for a fake show, then have them captured at the airport by police, then put in jail and threatened in the cell, etc. Or send them to America, then all of a sudden there's a shootout. Or I saw this prank where they did a lot of fake tv shows, etc., to convince and make fun of a comedian who used to want to be a musician-- so for something like 6 months, they convinced him that he had great potential in the music world, famous musicians commended his efforts, etc., and he even recorded an album in the studio. The day of the reveal of the joke was a solo concert, where the dude actually announced his retirement from comedy and intention to focus on music. At the end, he was crying and shit, it was so sad... Not cool, yo..... Not cool. Fucking hilarious, though, but not- cool- motherfuckers.
  9. Yah, dude- here in Tokyo there are vending machines with 303s in them for $100 a pop, and they come with a pair of used panties. It's pretty dope.
  10. Finally watch Gyardanz Obuda Gyarakshi-- very funny and good time.
  11. agreed, is space caused by time or is time caused by space anyway? probably neither are real. and what is experience without the redundant parroting of concepts and frames of context? could subjective experience suffice? it seems that in a way the redundant array of brains is needed in order to offer the human animal a sense of fulfillment. it is as if we need each other to handle the overflow of surplus data in order to differentiate dreams from the reality that we use each other's attention to maintain. Some important points there, mang. There is definitely an element of unified beliefs of arbitrary concepts that shapes this projected reality. But on the plus side- because of this inner-working- an individual with immense focus and reason to believe, can craft the world to their will.
  12. Imagine the VR music studio of ze phuture, where we play in a studio of our own design, full of any equipment we want. Room materials, mics, speakers, hardware-- all emulated. Full body suits to give force feedback, making feeling materials, keys, etc., realistic. Even the smell of plastic and incense will be emulated. Then when you get tired, you can take a break with virtual ganj and bang some random downloadable slut on your emulated console. Actually, forget the music studio.
  13. Hurrah for cleanliness and organization~!
  14. lala, I think your studio is the only one I've ever seen that has the potential to be super awesome, yet it's for some reason covered in a thick layer of dust, with gear just laying everywhere. Or maybe others who have dust-covered studios just have shitty cameras. Anyway, man..... Your studio is like a beautiful woman who doesn't bathe or dress well. I'm being complimentary, btw! Sorry, no offense intended. Except... The dust..... It's like an IDM Superstar was abducted by aliens, and the room was left untouched for ages. All right, enough.
  15. ~*~*~WE LOVE YOU GREYS~*~*~
  16. I feel Bladerunner is an abstract emotional experience, about feeling the ambiance. Bladerunner is one of the few films where I can feel the walls, and feel the fabrics, and smell the air... For me it's like 2-D VR, with 2-D everything-o-vision.
  17. Hmm, maybe Hollywood will do a shot-for-shot remake of Cocoon, except every character will be browsing the internet on their iPhones.
  18. Holy fuck-- giving acid to sharks would be insane, dude. I don't want to fuck with sharks, and I especially don't want to fuck with sharks on acid or pcp. They'd tear me to shreds, then go back in time to repeatedly tear me to shreds. Sharks aren't responsible enough to receive psychic powers.
  19. Yamaha has released some pretty good gear in the past, feature-wise, as well as aesthetically, so I'm looking forward to whatever comes of this (thread). The whole Aira thing was such a massive letdown, I'm sure most of us who were hoping for some killer shit got way younger by being sent back in time due to such heavy levels of disappointment. Yamaha gear that made an impact and difference in somewhat modern times (in "the scene"), are stuff like the RM1x (used to want), RS7000 (used to waaant)-- AN200 and DX200 were even notable. Though I think the only Yamaha gear I've owned was the P-140 electric piano, which was lovely, but has nothing to do with dance music. One of their electric guitars I used to want is the RGX. So basically, Yamaha has released a level quality that if I wanted to go all-hardware again as I was in the late 90's and early 00's, I could actually buy all Yamaha and have a solid studio (well, my monitors would prolly be Dynaudio, though). Anyway, what I'm thinking is... Actually- ACTUALLY- Yamaha will not disappoint. But then again, Japanese aesthetics (superficial aesthetics as well as inner-working aesthetics) have gone dooooown in the past 10 years, so who knows what the fuck kind of shit this could turn out to be. And I just remembered that a couple weeks ago when I was picking up a Tascam US-2x2, I looked at the Yamaha AG03, and it was kind of meh. Interesting features for the target market of YouTubers or whatever, but build quality and trying to cram in novelty features showed their desire to really hit that "everybody" market. If that's any indication of their direction for "general music gear", this thread is gonna be a downer, yo.
  20. Gosh, I wonder if humans seem this cute when teaching their young how to do things... Like maybe on Galacticon 7 in the Xorphax Nebula, Greys are watching their version of YouTube with titles like, "Human teaches his child how to use Logic Pro", and then the Grey is like, "Awww... Look how clumsily that baby is inputting notes on the piano roll."
  21. Also, why in the fuck in a Yamaha thread is there a picture of a bed with a boy on it, using his leg to masturbate a male gynecomastia corpse that's coated in a thick layer of wax to be made into a human candle? THE FUCK THAT HAVE TO DO WITH YAMAHA?! And then I scroll down on my phone and someone posts s pic of a frizzy haired dude with no eyes in his sockets, tickling an armless girl with his hand and a stick. DA FUK DA HA DU YAMHA?!?!?!
  22. It'd be badass if "reface" was actually for a line of lime-green plastic faceplates for previous hardware, that have one of those piezo buzzer speakers in them like greeting cards, that you can send samples to via MySpace and Friendster. So when you startup your CS-80, you can play the orch5 sample with the faceplate's 1 octave keyboard.
  23. Dude, why the fuck in this thread is there a picture of a mattress that used to have a rotting corpse on it?! 'The fuck does that have to do with Yamaha and their future wannabe-analog hipster instagram-connected midi vacuum tube, dude, the fuck.
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