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peace 7

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by peace 7

  1. Holy shit, Zach Galifianakis is on WATMM. Slimmed up, man. Looking good. I loved you in the Between Two Ferns series.
  2. Whilst doing your poopoo, did you look at yourself in the mirror and repeat, "It's not your fault... *hnnng* It's not your fault....."
  3. OMG my remix track is fucking good, and I only started like 10 minutes ago. F U C K
  4. Thanks, man. Totally stolen. I'm just gonna send your track to Warp and get signed and release an album of 13 copies of the track untouched. And then when you try to sue me cuz I made birrion dowla, I will argue that I just "sampled it".
  5. If you want to know lol :) #1 Nicknamed -Pepe le Glue- is a hybrid of Gorilla Glue #4. The GG was the female and was knocked up by a trinity OG dad, then the resulting selection was hit with male pollen from the trinity again and then selected out of this pool. We selected to find the one with the most diverse terpene profile and to focus on finding the long bred-out mercaptan group of terpenes in small amount. Too much is absolutely horrible smelling, like rotting meat, but if there is a very tiny amount (like less than 1% total terpenoid content) and a healthy amount of Humulene, Limonene and Myrcene - it creates this amazing boquet of skunk cabbage, spices, high acid hops, lemon and lime. True old-skool skunk style. #2 Nicknamed -Ballard Skunk- is a dense polyhybrid. Its mother is a cross of Haze C (M) and Bhodi's White Lotus, we selected the shortest flowering and most white dominant genetics on that, aiming to take out the played out smell of modern haze hybrids and shorten the flowering time, but up the structure and yeild to a white-dom plant. The Father is an Afghani x Columbian that a few friends work lines of. It stinks to high hell, some of that stuff you can smell from a while away. They had a male they really liked and passed it on. We worked to isolate the skunkier side of things, but settled on this one, which has a much more woodsy citrus funk. The thing that sold me was the taste. The first taste is lime slurpee mixed with a classic funky sour-d taste and its finish is somewhere between pumpkin spice and an spiced apple candle with and very heavy after taste that reminds me of blonde bubble hash. I'm blessed to do what I do and very happy that I get to do so. I haven't been partaking as much lately, just focusing on the perpetual cycle and making sure that everything I have a hand in at work is pushing forward. It's lusciously zen to not have to talk to people for 8 hours at a time and spend time with the gardens, getting things prepared, following my teas very closely, working with a microscope sometimes for fun to see the life I brew in compost/kelp teas. Sometimes when the irrigation comes on and the drip starts I watch the earthworms, springtails and arthropods run about. I'll shut up now Thanks, man! Sounds greeeat. Gardening- ganj or not- is really meditative, and I wish modern peoples had the opportunity to live life with a bit o green thumb. I used to daytime smoke around my plants after watering, and it was like laying around a bonfire with ancient family. Also, I used to come across some fucked up phenos (like flowers with tons of leaf in it, crazy foxtailing, interesting colors, etc.)- things that would generally be considered weaknesses- and it made me realize that ganj could be a totally different thing, if it weren't for selective breeding that has made it mostly geared towards bag appeal, strength, and weight. One of my best tasting strains was from mystery bagseed, tasted super spicy like spiced chai, but it couldn't produce worth shit- and it couldn't last a third revegging, so I never got to cross it. So kudos for breeding with flavor in mind, cuz even though a lot of breeders imply all sorts of flavor shit, you know that it's mostly generic picking and copping other breeders' lines. Your #1 and #2 sound yuuum... Num... myam... mmm... I think there's a niche for amazing tasting low THC strains, so people can just smoke for lengthy periods without having aliens come around the corner. When I lived in Egypt, I bought a few ounces of lovely desert grown mids for $50, but the point is that it was great to be able to roll and smoke fat ass joints, without having to sit it out due to overwhelming strength. Also, if any breeder is able to sooomehow stabilize a wholly albino strain, it will be epic.
  6. Holy shit, that acid line has MAD POTENTIAL. There was a time when I was experimenting with acid, not to be ghey and retarded, but to capture entrancement and phorward movement with squiggles. Your acid line works well in that regard. Is it possible to get a download of your acid riffing to work with it?
  7. Fuuuuuck..... So was this (re)search based on Sour D, NYCD, et al phenos, or more "pure" strains? If secret, nevermind! Damn, man..... In Tokyo, with IDM hookups, $40/g. I gotta make like $150,000 a year to be a stoner. End up fucking working 18 hour days, going to meetings constantly, making shit happen... "Damn, dude- why you working so hard?" "CUZ I WANNA BE LAZY AND SMOKE WEED CONSTANTLY YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!!"
  8. peace 7


    Self spam: I guess in this track- with regards to acid- I stayed away from the 80's acid house vibe, or the ever-popular rave-trance-tunnel vibe, or the post-breakdance acid, and I guess... I dunno, but because of the strings in this track, it reminds me of something that would play before a basketball game in an alternate dimension. Nah, it has nothing to do with the NBA. But if you take out the strings from 2 Unlimited's "Get Ready For This", you'll notice it's a base for acid house, complete with rimshot and everything.
  9. Nothing like getting pumped in ze butt and eating a hamburger. Living the good life, yo.
  10. I went to art school in Sarasota and lived there until 2004, and there's definitely some crazy shit, which I attribute to vibez of the land or something in the water/air. It feels really easy to live there and do nothing with your life and not become homeless. Cheap everything is a plus- I miss the 8 pieces fried chicken for $4!!!- but unfortunately, where I lived anyway, there isn't much in the lifestyle that supports responsibly being able to use the advantage to progress in life. When I was there- outside of the nice art school full of privileged artsy fartsiness- it was prostitution, drugs, pawn shops, crack houses, racism, general ignorance, general not giving a shit. So basically it was like a lot of people were just poor; but with a fuck you, rude attitude at its worst. It was nutz how often racist shit was yelled/said to me from cars or sidewalk or in stores, for being Asian. Seriously- so many people stopped me in the street, wanting to see my kung fu or karate. One time when walking to the market, this group of black neighbor kids stopped me (Sarasota is like 99% white, btw), and one of them wanted me to punch him in the face, to see if he could dodge it. This is not normal. A few times I hung out in the rich neighborhoods, and they're amazing, like a Floridian fantasy, full of lush greenery like Jurassic Park, fountains, ridiculous mansions with columns up the wazoo, with not a flashing faulty street light, pot hole, or crackhead in sight. The whole structuring of the communities is different, and they have nothing do to with the normal areas. So combined with the land vibez and chemtrails or whatever, being poor and uneducated makes everything worse. It sucks, cuz I do have friends who I met there, who are still there, who feel trapped in Florida and generally don't like it or hate it. It's like the land offers you a chance for paradise with affordable living and beaches, but then it just drains you for all you've got; much like IDM Man. Even one of the most intelligent guys I met there, from Russia, was going to go on this massive bridge, pour gasoline on himself, and suicide in a blaze of retard, until we all stopped him with the power of peace and love. I might visit one day, but I never want to live there again, despite cheap Chinese buffet and general living costing pennies on the dollar. But if I wanted to just do crack/meth/heroin for the rest of my life, Florida seems appealing. Miami and Tampa are different, though. A bit more... modern. Especially Miami.
  11. "When Nam flashbacks are cute"
  12. That's like $1 a gram, fuck that.
  13. Saw the new Ghost in the Shell prequel a couple nights ago. Uh, was okay.
  14. you could make a fish burger for cheep probably Fish is still expensive, unless in the country side. Pork is cheapest. Just bought some Canadian pork. Tokyo has some of the best food aesthetics in the world, but the only problem is its sterility. Sometimes I just want to eat a 3/4 pound burger cooked medium with Amurkhan style crispy bacon and "cheese", all wrapped in a tortilla lined with re-fried beans and guocomole, fried in butter and drizzled with garlic mayo plus cilantro, all wrapped in a pizza that has deep fried Snickers duct taped to the sides. Have that with a large vanilla malt... Yum.
  15. Fucking motherfuckers, you know I cannot get a proper burger in Tokyo?! If I make a good one myself, it'll be like 20 dollars. Just cuz this thread I'm going to McD, buying several small burgers and putting them together, then I'm gonna punch a child in the face for not having burgers anywhere.
  16. You put that chip in your peepee hole, and then YOU BECOME THE SYNTH. Unfortunately you only get one knob, but it'll have to do.
  17. According to the Japanese Yamaha site, these are a run of approx. 5,000 units for the first year. In Japan, CS/DX September 1, CP/YC November 2, WTF. But, list price is 45,000 yen, which is about $370 US.
  18. Despite costing $940,000 per unit, they are reeeally quite nice. Industrial design wise and feature wise, as well. If at $300, I might pickup the CP. Cuz if I buy a keyboard, at this point, it'd just be nice to sit in the corner and lap play. If I wanted hardcore synth shit for music composition, I could just use Logic. I've been looking for a standalone keyboard for ages, and I never considered lap playing. The CP and YC have made me consider it.
  19. I dunno, man..... How many sluts later mature and then try to erase their consented sexual past with ideas of being forced? Also, quaaludes are supposed to be the shit, but nobody has that anymore. Would like to try them someday. I used to live with a cousin who did even hard drugs like meth and crack, and he stated that quaaludes were the best (70's, 80's). And meth and coke (never done crack) are great- even though I don't care for them now- so quaaludes must be like, "I like dis." All this talk about Bill Cosby is disturbing... I used to watch The Cosby Show growing up, and to think that I used to masturbate to him on screen... All those years, masturbating to a rapist. Makes me feel sick inside. ...Makes me feel so sick, like I wanna rape him.
  20. Awww... And holy shit-- I saw this pic on Reddit a couple/few years ago. Small world. Or small internetz. I dunno. But I downloaded it, cuz I was Photoshopping it for no reason. Made it look really nice. Haha.
  21. A Million Ways to Die in the West 9-something / 10 Hilarious. Heart-warming.
  22. Nothing like the first LSD trip, yo. God is like, "Dude, check this out..." *touches your taint*
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