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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. I've been playing Undertale and Baldur's Gate 2 for the past few months and they are both great 9.5/10 for both! Because rating systems are important. Everyone knows this. Undertale is only.. about... 4/5 hours long, but you have to play thru it 2/3 times to get the full effect so I recommend it. Baldur's gate 2 was like 40 hours long, and I'm still gonna do a run thru on a higher difficulty at some point. They're both pretty cheap on steam. So yeah, recommend those.
  2. yeah I've been getting that "complaint" a lot. Little does anyone know, I actually have at least 2 dozen even more adorable pictures that would generate so much traffic on this website. I don't want WATMM to crash tho so.
  3. oh that sucks. I never ordered the tape myself but someone sent me one in the mail for free! Now I just have to buy something that can play it...
  4. A struggling IDM artist strives to find him or herself
  5. He's been pretty truthful lately. And he's been keeping his word for the most part so we know SAW 3 and MfM will be coming at some point. I really hope that SAW 3 being half done thing is for real. Also... srs... badger. Like. I know you said it was a good hint, but um... I still go through that thread every day looking for that 'right' post.
  6. He's already come out with a lot of cirklon tracks, and there's still another EP behind him in the cirklon area? Somehow I doubt that.
  7. A VS LP would be cool. Badger vs Lobster. Then we can have 5 sequel LPs. "BvL5: The Aphexening"
  8. We'll call it the 'BAB EP'. Part badger, part bad ass.
  9. Now is it 'badger' or is it 'lobster' or. Maybe an LP called 'Badger-Lobster' or something.
  10. oh yeah, the volume thing was just an afterthought. You can see the waveform isn't maxed out and you could easily turn it up.. or I can turn it up! Even better on second listen! good jurb.
  11. Almost every single one of my gamer friends plays Pokemon GO. I've tried it. It's aight. A bit lacking since you can't battle people yet. They need to incorporate at least the depth of battling in the actual games. Instead of just 2 attacks >.>.
  12. Thanks for sharing, lush synths! I will say that I kinda wish it was louder.
  13. either/or I'm sure. I've been listening to his music a lot the past week. It's sad to start appreciating an artist after he passes away, but art seems to take on another quality after the creator goes.
  14. Well you never ruled out Robert Downey Jr. being Blank. The carefree personalities match up.
  15. You know I wonder if he brought his kids... surely? Otherwise aphex, who has 2 kids, left them (for a short time) to go hang out with another person's kid. Same! It definitely has to do with the increased quality I think. Thing is it isn't as important for cheetah3 to be well mixed and mastered whereas 7 is so minimal it basically needs to be.
  16. I wonder how close they live. And now I also wonder if aphex is the guy in the mask in the video. AT first I thought: nah it's just a parent or uncle or something. But hey maybe not now. Also happy as fuck for that kid. good stuff.
  17. 2x202 reminds me of ageispolis's bassline. Just in general. Er, well the way it comes out of the stereo, like hard and soft at the same time, not the melody or anything
  18. You've got to like this kind of music in the first place. Btw as I said before I've noticed you have disliked Syro thru cheetah ( I always notice your comments on aphex's stuff for some reason) It's probably because how you feel about aphex stuff and your avatar kinda 'fit'. You may just not be into the style. A lot of people are which is why he's getting the praise still. It isn't a big deal though perhaps you are feeling left out in some way because of expectations. I've always been surprised that some people expect innovation. Innovation inherently doesn't matter to me, it's what the track is trying to get across. Sometimes it's done in an innovative way and that's a huge plus, but the bare bones have to be there for an engaging track. I don't think this is the case. I am 20 and because these kinds of sounds are before my time, they are actually interesting in that way. They don't sound 'retro' actually even though they literally are. They are just another style to me. And not something I was bombarded with as some of the older folk here may have been.
  19. Good to see you come to the light. Anyway, I immediately started playing Com Truise 'In Decay' after I listened through the EP. Just gets me in that mood.
  20. That just tells me he has a LOOOOT of music he could release but just isn't, if he's still that far back. I imagine they're mostly from around that time. Well... maybe the cirklon labeled tracks are the newer ones and the cheetah labeled tracks are 2010 or older.
  21. RIP Somadril. I had just started exploring your stuff about 2 months ago, it sucks to see someone go way too early. This has been happening a lot the past year or two. I'm not sure why.
  22. Same question... This has happened a lot this year.
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