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Everything posted by d-a-m-o

  1. Joni Mitchell I think? Getting the same kind of fun playful vibes I got from a few of the more surprising tracks on CWLP from these two tracks. Really great to hear this stuff yes you're right it was sampled by jackson !
  2. couch + micro modular = hours of fun
  3. from aleksi's facebook : https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152475621953341&set=a.423850583340.204250.596033340&type=1&theater
  4. This channel is freaking me out yeah creepy as fuck...
  5. AMA or MFM (or both ) PLZ !
  6. eznzea is on the way. Actually, something even more exciting... stay tuned. nice !
  7. stop enjoying it you guys ! you all have tiny minds and ears full of shit
  8. lel at the haters... this album is mindblowing !
  9. Where's the best place to go if I want import one of the Japanese CDs with the bonus track to the US? Amazon JPN ?
  10. Thanks jason ! this one is fantastic !
  11. same here "la poste" you know...
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