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Everything posted by Haste

  1. Disagree with the Anthrax statement. Worship Music sounded to me like they were finally getting their shit together and working out what kind of band were/are.
  2. Haste


    I would sincerely like to thank this thread for bringing this artist to my attention.
  3. Frightening. https://soundcloud.com/user48736353001/36-shroommdot-micro3
  4. Haste


    Cutting out the (ha) middle-man, by becoming the (ha) middle-man (ha).
  5. I remember someone complaining about this album being crushed to death (or whatever) and I was analysing some tracks today as a mixing reference... So I pulled Xmas_Eve into my DAW and had a look at it. The waveform looks like it has been slammed, but as I expected the dynamic range is not too bad - I was getting 10-12 dB RMS on that song, which is quite good and not too different from other tracks that I thought sounded good also.
  6. Can't have been easy in that 2nd series with the network pressure to solve the murder, and the cast members starting to interfere with the script.
  7. Was it black album he started doing that? Can't think of earlier examples.
  8. Classic, classic record. Meatier & less frenzied than Reign In Blood, but pure power-chord heaven. Favourite track? Fuck knows and it seems surreal now that it was recorded in 1985, same year that so much Glam/hair-metal wank was hitting its stride Disposable Heroes. You will do what I say, when I say, BACK TO THE FRONT.
  9. Only read back a couple of pages, so not sure if it has been mentioned - but surely you guys like YOB?
  10. Lawyer up, keep going... lawyer up, keep going. Lawyeratus.
  11. *chug chug chug skiddley chug chug* ARTWERK! *chug chug chug skiddley chug chug* LAWSUIT! *chug chug chug skiddley chug chug* HEALTHSCARE! *chug chug chug skiddley chug chug* Yeah, I reckon there's plenty to mine there. Should be quite heavy.
  12. yeah it does ,but way better. I think it's a pretty nice reminder to a lot of newer producers today like Balam Acab that a single electronic musician invented/refined so many original styles over such a relatively short period of time. I would like to think of it as some kind of challenge and encouragement for new producers especially to break out of the box more and not feel comfortable staying with one genre/sound palette too long, and hopefully see why its a good thing to keep trying new types of sounds Yes, great statement. I kinda feel the same way about the Cocteau Twins where their mid-80s albums... something like Treasure - every song is like a new style of music and all these years later I hear artists doing a watered down versions of those styles. Same sense of freedom and abandon in those albums. 35 Japan gives me the same feelings Mezzanine did back in the day. Why were you hiding this track on your hard drive, Richard?!
  13. Very nice. I don't understand the whole championing of Soundcloud. It's a company with a bunch of servers. Not a musical artist. internet police gonna getcha What happened to Laura Palmer's face ?
  14. This track just made my week. My year even. Goddammit Richard. https://soundcloud.com/user48736353001/35-japan-1
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