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Everything posted by Haste

  1. Because it's an exceptionally good track and the more it is denied an official release the more people want it (the chase is better than the catch?). It has been around for so long that it's probably a nostalgia thing too. i never heard it but i want it all i want it all and i want it now yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm a forum with a one track mind So much Aphex in one lifetime
  2. The robot of course. Don't just let him get away with it!
  3. Just finished Bloodline, which I thought was just excellent. Great performances from the two brothers and nice to see a background of Miami that didn't focus on being a tourist postcard. A+, will trade again. Now a couple of episodes into Sense 8... I guess it's ok... editing is a bit of an assault on the senses though. I'm pretty sure the title sequence was done by one of Michael Bay's drunken interns after seeing the one from House of Cards. Bit of a quality drop after Bloodline.
  4. RIP Ornette. Not to suddenly change tack, but I'm always wanting to find out if anyone likes these guys as much as I do (whenever a Jazz thread pops up).
  5. That version is pretty cool, and Imma let you finish, but Xtal is the greatest song of all time.
  6. I was just thinking about how when I was a kid (long long time ago), you would occasionally think "Man... I haven't heard from that person in ages..." and you would go find their phone number (probably in the phone book, or call someone you know for it), and then you would ring them and maybe talk for an hour. I just can't imagine doing that now. But also hard.
  7. I recently quit Facebook for a year, and it was really nice. However, being overseas from most of my 'friends' I was starting to feel ostracized a bit, and know groups of people that use that as their only communication medium. They weren't answering emails, and phone calls just seemed to confuse everyone. What do you know? I join back up, and people start talking to me again. Quite frustrating though. One friend was actually angry that I left FB. Why would he get angry? Seems to be a modern behavior and it is so confusing to me.
  8. The Wolf of Sesame Street. Will someone please think of the children?
  9. Wow! I just got an iphone 6 - how you do that?
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