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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. think i'd do Rees-Mogg's sister doe bet she can teleport & everything
  2. M&S do these cunts for 6quid a throw, done the Philly Cheese & Meatball "things" and subsequently realized that the weekly food shop must be completed unstoned
  3. big fat chunky prawns & pizza are righteous but tricky, too long & they get chewy, too quick/low heat & they ooze out their water which guarantees a soggy base *side-note: cut any supermarket pizza in half b4 you lob it in t'oven & you get a crispy middle bit every time
  4. MP's are off for approx 3&half months between now & Samhain, ideal for sledges who couldn't conjure a consensus even by channeling the deceased spirit of Paul Daniels as if setting dates around equinox & the heebie jeebies wasn't Icke-ian political witch-craft enough Brrrr-Hex-It = jus sayins
  5. my Ma said it could look better with some fitted curtains, but possibly an Irish itinerant plot hawking for shoddy, half-finished work it seems
  6. 200£ a month would get you a 6 bedroom Victorian townhouse in Nottingham Don’t ever live there
  7. Brexit needs more psychedelic-infused irreversible neural damage Time to crack open some Kevin Ayers
  8. someone beat you to it https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-north-east-orkney-shetland-47893307 Neolithic monuments invite you to sostooooooooooooned, take in the views & wonder what these cunts were thinking they're their own systems of power & people probably argued over every aspect of their existence, from the provenance of stones, architectural designs, getting round trade unions & legislation, to negotiating wages, you can go the full Marxist or go toostooooooooned like Graham Hancock @Marf - def time for a mission to Avebury to shake the Brexit bs off
  9. The sun’ll come out tomorrow, something about a bottom & toooomorrow
  10. isn't that the real reason the English play cricket
  11. The Trial of Ratko Mladic. Chilling doesn't do it justice, perverted might be more appropriate. You forget so much in life, then a documentary hurls you into a web of memories when, all you really had to worry about at the time, was the quality of the drugs you planned to consume that coming weekend. Perverted seems appropriate not because of hindsight, but for the footage of Mladic in "conversation" with a local Bosnian Muslim patriarch, offering his very beneficial terms if they all surrender, or disappearing altogether if they don't. The footage of a father calling out into the forests to his sons hiding from the slaughter while under orders from Serbian paramilitaries, that they'll be granted generous conditions if they surrender & move down from the hills, while patronising laughter engulfs him. The wife who goes to The Hague to offer witness testimony about her husband & sons, the same emaciated bloke calling out to his sons on a sweltering summer day. The forensic archaeological nightmare of identifying mass graves, that section alone was tough. Outstanding, the eyes burn with the inscrutable arrogance of an ideologue throughout.
  12. peak prolapse is yet to be reached hammers bought, tinned tuna/peaches stocked, traps/trapdoors set and tunnels excavated Viet Cong styles, fuel/generator + sound test done, all good cos we know all about the inclination of English raiding gangs in times of sketchy when the shit hits rob all your local pharmacies cos they'll go down first, opiates/benzos/rusks, then the shops, then individual homes, then Ree-Smogg suspends habeas corpus in a coup while Gove struts out across this new freakshow land in a lederhosen inspired home counties meets Waffen-SS hybrid, kinkeh cunt, so the only answers are hammers folks, hammers & Fray Bentos
  13. end to No Deal option gets through by one fkn vote, love to see the voting pattern by MP's on this one meanwhile, throughout our rivers & along our coasts, raw sewage from storm water overflows continues to pour into tributaries & onto beaches unabated Brexit has to be the biggest ruse since......since.....fuck knows, so instead of talking about wild meadow depletion, fauna/flora collapse from pesticides, fish stocks abused til the North Sea is effectively empty, we're chewing the fat over the various incompetencies of a dithering public school commie & a bunch of braying ERG public school cunts, with a PM who might need an actual exorcism to get her out of office Neil Hamilton was in S Wales y'day and got heckled repeatedly to the point he had to bail early....yeah you and your cunt wife can both do one, fkn parasites
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