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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. Had the cd for ages all scratched n borderline unplayable, so had to had to have the vinyl. And finally, it's here. Comma. Ned Lagin is a name that could've launched out of the 70's electronic world, but a buffled lp release on the original label & disenchantment w/the music world seems to have ceased what might have been a solid career catalogue. Not for everyone, but a spectrum of outstanding musicians contributing contributed (David Crosby, Jerry Garcia), so good ears on board. The longer-minute sections are the most coherent & fit in sweetly making mixes too. https://www.discogs.com/Ned-Lagin-Phil-Lesh-Seastones/release/781249
  2. Wicker Man re-make cough splutter dry heave projectile spew lick it all up & swallow then spew again at no2? Yeah art is subjective, but gtfo comingsoon.net
  3. Some away days never change, even if the haircuts have:
  4. Kinda forgot, oops Not in the same class as Wake in Fright but Oz-related w/similar tropes, Razorback came to mind. Haven't watched since the early 90's, but memories of dust, wild animals, Aussie twangs & w/zero kangaroo slaughter (but the hogs are off the scale):
  5. in this neck of the woods that more conservative, pan-populist, disgust-weighted mindset understands the entire sexual revolution as a primer/marker for increased depravity partially built on their own sexual frustrations, the onset of HIV, chlamydia, teenage pregnancy, drug use & everything else in-between. Add association with/of "other" or occasionally you'll hear it expressed akin to "ex private school wannabe bohemian cunts, like Corbyn". Britain exported plenty of religious radicals, so please Merka, say a special fank-u for the collective foresight of our landlords.
  6. Words most commonly heard during 30yrs @ free party set-ups: "techno", "rig" (de-rigueur) , "site" (for travellers) & take yer vehicular pick from "truck/bus/van" (see above photo). Ever driven a bus on loads of drugs, a manic hangover & yet with a Hunter S Thompson-esque air of grace, precision & mystical skill through miles of police cordons making Neal Cassady look like a pussy? A friend managed this feet of engineering & endurance, rrrrrrave moar hard.
  7. Wake In Fright, the Australian psych-weird foray into booze, dust, screaming heat & fucked up locals, might fit in this category by corollary. It’s a bit like Straw Dogs in that humans are the real threat, no ghosts or goblins, but it has a sense of unease that’s very rare & Donald Pleasence rrrrrrocks.
  8. Grew up a stone’s throw from Arthur Machen’s homes in Caerleon. whenever in the area w/mates tripping many moons ago, an encounter w/Pan was always standard rib tickling and no that’s not a discreet sheepshagging confession either
  9. olde LTJ from here (there's a pile of wank in among them, but more than enough gems too): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi51xhF3k1KDG1kI-n_L0xw/videos
  10. DiY 30th Birthday: Sat 24th August - boat party London. Tickets available, Weekend 23rd November - Nottingham
  11. Had a blast. When mixing drones ideally the key/harmonics should equal something more than the sum of their parts, so blending tracks like these eg: Time Machines megatitletrawks, are gold for letting the transitions take their time no pun intended
  12. better than pornhub, but kill them all anyway, First Blood Rambo in the woods style storm the building, get your half naked mate to wait outside as getaway driver, slaughter the entire session attendance, run to car, lead the filth out into the woods, get stuck at a cliff top, leap off hand in hand into the evergreen branches, stitch up your arm wounds with boot-laces after falling, when the helicopter crew & that one vicious cunt starts taking shots, throw a rock left-handed at the craft dispatching the shooter as he falls to his death, take his radio & gun & proceed into the forest, set up booby-traps to kill the ensuing chasing Dobermanns & maim attending local police including a younger David Caruso with weird white stetsons, hide in a cave, when the national guard show up use your last magazine to distract them from accurately discharging their rocket & head into the mine. Eat live rats for sustenance, wrap an unidentified fabric round your hunting/compass/weed stash knife & use as a torch to navigate to a safe spot, hole up, smoke a joint, the radio crackles, it's that cunt Trautman, what a buzz kill, so you nip out the joint & talk: Trautman : Troop leader to Raven. Raven come in please. Troop leader calling Raven. Troop leader to Raven, talk to me, Johnny. Troop leader calling the Baker Team: Rambo, Messner, Ortega, Coletta, Jorgensen, Danforth, Berry, Krakauer. Confirm. Colonel Trautman speaking. Talk to me, Johnny. Rambo : l'm the last one, sir. Trautman : It's good to hear your voice Johnny, it's been a long time. Look John, you've done some damage here, they don't want anymore trouble. That's why I've come. I want to come in there and fly you the hell out. Just you and me. We'll work this thing out together. Is that fair enough? Rambo : Where did you come from Sir? Trautman : Bragg. Rambo : I tried to get in touch with you, but the guys in Bragg never knew where to find you. Trautman : You know I haven't been spending much time there lately, they've got me down in D.C. I'm shining a seat with my ass. Rambo : I wish I was back in Bragg now. Trautman : We'll talk about that when you come in. Rambo : I can't do that Sir. Trautman : Look John, we can't have you running around out there killing friendly civilians. Rambo : There are no friendly civilians! Trautman : But I'm your friend Johnny! I was there with you knee-deep in all that blood and guts. I covered your ass more than once (*with what is never revealed, a romance perhaps?). Seems like baling you out of trouble's got to be a life-time achievement for me. Rambo : There wouldn't be no trouble except for that king-shit cop! All I wanted was something to eat. But the man kept pushing Sir. Trautman : Well you did some pushing on your own John. Rambo : They drew first blood, not me. Trautman : Look Johnny, let me come in and get you the hell out of there! Rambo : They drew first blood... Trautman : Rambo, are you still reading me? Covey leader to Raven! Rambo! Acknowledge!
  13. Not socially deprived little cunts setting fire to entire mountains out of boredom like here then summer has become the let's burn as much life out of the gaff as we can season, lengths, compounded by going to an English seaside town & the beach being covered in sewage, wtf, yeah don't play there either kids
  14. https://duanegraham.wordpress.com/2011/03/13/trout-fishing-is-for-socialists/
  15. https://archive.org/details/4ComposersByPeterGreenaway
  16. + B2 off this: https://www.discogs.com/DJ-Nature-Conflicted-Interests-EP/release/12672755
  17. Kenneth mfkn Grant, who doesn't love ritualized menstrual-heavy hex sex to charm & charge an egregore from shadow cults, or Offret depending or your mood/definitions
  18. add Gurdjieff & Complemation http://simply-superior.blogspot.com/ https://www.simplysuperior.org/seven-single-quotation-marks.php
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