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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. the Inglan football team can all fuck off
  2. there is no good part kill the cunt & leave the scene all witchy like Manson
  3. When I worked in a bookshop she coughed in my face without covering her mouth so I will not agree with this sentence. aka bohemian flirting ep2 has lesbian tribadism (yeah had to google scissor frottage) & a mother-in-law side gag thats supreme
  4. now you have a scar story for the pub & potential fuck victims, scars are excellent lair bait, Manson swastika forehead tattoos too
  5. car vs human is a dare some psychopath driving a car might enjoy
  6. the Satanic cult had the best tune bit like Wagner meets..... https://youtu.be/B_2WxnWi-MQ?t=486
  7. pour into bag leave bag on door step of least favourite neighbour depart into the night
  8. some Norman stock items here came w/out the cd, aaaaagggggghhhhhhhhhhh crate digging 2nite rediscovered this beast
  9. 3hrs of Chris Watson going deep on sound, recording, radio & broadcasting https://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/play/b0bn22mh
  10. drones through to Fripp tuned for calm https://soundcloud.com/cwmbran-city/defixiones-antidote
  11. if you'd like a dive into the utter strangeness of pagan Britain, from all manner of perspectives, sources & places, would recommend this: https://www.google.co.uk/search?biw=1366&bih=635&ei=4lO-W62oLoHAlAbVn6PYAg&q=sacred+britannia+miranda+aldhouse+green&oq=sacred+britannia+miranda+aldhouse+green&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i160k1.87256.103107.0.103555. avoids all the yogurt weaving of crusty bollix Glastonbury & punches with TS Eliot, Rowan Williams neck-bearding & bawdy humour
  12. @Aust ribbing you, snooker on mongolian plains sounds cosmic enough that field of phonetic linguistics (plus accents/dialects generally) or the term for the scope of those subjects is fascinating, their performance mechanisms, Bourdieu would be all up in that practice-ass, you could add Judith Butler too, but she doesnt like the cock, soooooo....... agree with you on the generational front, case studies have been a conveyor belt of presentations where this pestilence has crept in, sitting through them is/was torture, if it gets really bad the possible sequences of violent scenarios start to seem morally liminal or in off the red at the very least
  13. maybe time for a frame of snooker or 2 & a couple of pints? best of 5? split the lights fee with you or loser pays all? fwp - missing the cigarette smoke that used to hang under snooker table lights, zero fresh air ever circulated, just the aroma of microwaved pasties & a "no junkies" sign decorating the bog door
  14. consuming weed, on a cruise-ship, at sea? surely a Winslet on the bow is called for, a triumphant salute to the gods of the green just beware a whitey from over-chilling
  15. A Dangerous Dynasty - BBC doc on Syria's Assad clan & recent history. Not quite sure the subject focus is anywhere near tight enough, or critical enough, in terms of international relations. Mrs Assad Jr always gets the interpretative deferment pass, that because "she was a Londoner, she was, cough splutter, civilized", when anyone marrying into a middle-eastern ruling dynasty must surely have a whiff of the Lady Macbeth about them. She smiles a lot for a tyrant's wife too.
  16. Australians, at least to my ears, seem to carry the uplift inflection quite a bit, at least tonally w/out certain slang few exceptions were the str8/flat "bowling Warney, bowling" by various Oz wicket-keepers during Ashes series, but that's uber cricket nerd-ism edit - fwp = no real problems today, yet, some Saxon wannabe-Levellers busker cunts tried to charm me into parting with a few shekels earlier, but other than that it's all good
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