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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. Dead Dad's Jazz find #No.2 - Charlie Christian.....
  2. the BBC's own valium service Spring-Watch has had a bunch of bird chick deaths & nest invasions recently, metal as fuck, shame the presenters arent corralled into such savagery too problem is explaining nature eating itself alive to tiny persons who are still @ an age where their thinking means certain species with fur or feathers are a sure sign of friendly & cute god help us when the wildebeest vs crocodile ambush footage airs
  3. fake phone towers have been a feature around London for a few years, no-one seems that arsed, if its the filth they're not letting on & if its foreign agencies the filth arent letting on about that either time to get trained up on carrier pigeons
  4. Ötzi rrrrrocks, poor sod got done in with multiple arrow wounds, then tried to traverse the Alps probably bleeding to death & exposure = d'oh he had some interesting tattoos/body art, the trinities or 3-lined motifs were in various bodily locations (main theory is these were "recordings" of minor surgeries, but who the f*ck knows).... there's a decent Surrealism exhibition on in Wakefield from next week, featuring Lee Miller & Leonora Carrington among others, bit of a trek but looking mint: https://hepworthwakefield.org/whats-on/lee-miller-and-surrealism-in-britain/
  5. agreeing to go to Stonehenge for summer Solstice plain clothes filth will be embedded everywhere, surrounded by caped druids chanting new-age bolliix, bongo drumming circles galore with many hands laid on the stones to feel & connect with the ancient energies, fkn pillocks an edible & sunglasses will be a personal cloak of invisibility
  6. seems like most of the punters in Bristol & Nottingham pubs tbh sometimes playing pool you're forced to wander through & encounter specific odour hot-spots - tasting notes of unwashed white dreadlocks, spicy peaks of cumin under-arm, sewerage/stale piss from the latrines, rolling tobacco, weed, stale ale, damp dog, samosas, pork scratchings, cider.....delicious
  7. the GH exhibition was a weird confluence of chance & someone being pushy enough to talk me round, mind was pwoper blown, v v lucky to have "discovered" her plus the catalogue got a sweetly vamped selection of prints done as a well produced book/guide thats on sale via the gallery & usual corporate internet behemoths..... the Paul Nash @ the Tate was lined up but circumstances didnt allow it the British Museum curated a selection of Ice-Age (Paleolithic) art a few years ago which was staggering, dunno if you got to that? it isnt often archaeology grabs you by the scruff (not in water-logged arthritis inducing excavation trenches in January anyway), but this was a personal favourite where everything ranged from 40,000BC to 20,000BC, including figurines, animals, anthropomorphic creatures etc: swimming reindeer Lion Man various Venus figurines loads more https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=ice+age+art+british+museum&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiFz8ek0cTbAhVLe8AKHcJsDAkQ_AUICigB&biw=1366&bih=634 complete change of view, clearing out attic clutter recently & found my brother's old Richard Scarry books frrom the 70's, talk about a memory bomb, the creatures always looked like they were having fun & nostalgia isnt always a bad thang Scarry was fkn cosmic
  8. family are away this weekend, so will take a punt on this advice 2morrow afternoon when the venue will still be quiet & i can get a joint in b4-hand last horror i went to see on someone else's hyped recommendation was the Babadook doe & that made me wanna smash that kid's skull in, which was nice
  9. Human Remains, Rob Brydon + Julia Davis = awkwardness heaven
  10. some English lass spontaneously sucking off a bunch of Italian tramps round the back of the Coliseum?
  11. someone left a bottle of Cognac here over le weekend
  12. Unsane - even though i'd rattle the queen's bones, bit of a mixed bag. The stalker bloke is well played, it has some visual flourishes that are eye candy, but the spurious premise behind the victim's sectioning is hard to take seriously. Cliches abound, but some moments of fun here n there, just, well, not exactly
  13. wait for the rheumatism drugs, they're excellent
  14. https://erowid.org/plants/poppy/poppy_info4.shtml
  15. they're proper cosmic, if yer affiliated to a uni/college there are ways round the official tour bollix ;) being Neolithic, its intriguing how they fit into Irish mythology as they'd be post-Fomorian (sorry to wiki oop the gaff), so which invasion group is affiliated is still unclear (Nemed, Fir Bolg or Tuatha?) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fomorians#Irish_mythology
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