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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. https://nursewithwound1.bandcamp.com/track/beware-the-african-mosquito-blue-lacuna-mix
  2. the fact that Morrissey never had a release on Factory & yet hails from Manchester is all the proof i need that he's still a cunt
  3. Lustmord's "Goetia" turned up too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LBUbJ0nO9o
  4. there are certain rumours surrounding Coil, eg: despite the clear homoerotic context, some of these lads have to be under-age, its uncomfortable viewing particularly if you've ever been forced to "dance" with the devils that lurk among the Roman Catholic clergy was anything ever taken further? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B16vnANrNIs think SimplySuperior is an Andrew McKenzie project, at least the original url where all the Gurdjieff & 14hr ritual sound workshops were listed & where this was sourced from: https://simply-superior.blogspot.co.uk/2016/11/youre-dead-but-so-what.html accusations & hearsay without direct proof are ultimately hippy rumours undermined by the farce around GPO's archive being seized by the filth where there was fk all justifiably prosecutable Thighpaulsandra got into some murky waters with a partial advocacy of some aspects of under-age fantasies & their legal parameters, one interview covering his positions is detailed better here: https://heathenharvest.org/2014/02/02/harvest-history-month-pt-ii-an-interview-with-thighpaulsandra/ it seems in a homo-erotic context, somes artist want to articulate transgressive fantasies considered taboo, but whether they've pushed further remains unknown In rock things gets murkier still, Jimmy Page loved young teens & this has been confirmed by multiple sources, but millions of people still crank out Led Zep tunes but thats a whole other rabbit hole, rumours & confirmed facts are different worlds entirely
  5. not quite, i had to agree to a no booze rule for a calendar month after this (completed), except her shopping addiction & Xanax abuse were casually reasoned away with the logic of a seasoned bs artist....all wise with hindsight eh the shopping addiction was one of a couple of capstones, i mean how many sundays can you spend @ the same Nordstrom Rack, sifting thru the same fuckin garments that were there the previous week frittering away hard earned shekels, except now they're just a lil bit more creased/micro-torn/out of season/fkd/boring? Kenny Loggins was horrendous doe, a distillation of the worst kind of work conference entertainment scenario imaginable like something out of a Dr Hunter S.T. hallucination, compounded by people you couldnt get on a level with conversationally, sketchy food, hence the shift up thru the gears from red plonk to bourbon, anything to numb the Potomac-based horror....the horror
  6. https://inkswel.bandcamp.com/track/outer-space-connection-the-mixtapers-remix
  7. add Kenny Loggins & Jimmy Buffett i once passed out & projectile spewed red wine & bourbon all over an ex @ her work conference when Kenny Loggins was the musical half-time entertainment rrrrrrave on
  8. 400£ root canal cap came off, like Marathon Man's "is it safe?" scene on steroids, but.....come to Butthead my pretty tablets cunt better pony up & do tomorrow's job @ a discount or i'll cut his face off & wear it while dumping his corpse in fuckin reception
  9. just pray she doesnt receive a silver dollar with your details attached
  10. read Lena Dunham is remaking "Camping", one of the best British comedies from the last few years would ignore that & check the savagely glorious & awkwardly funny original (like anything written by Julia Davis) & turns out all 6 episodes are online get comfy & be prepared https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x440sho
  11. It's your telly/news/media. It's the kind of thing that I think is obvious to all outsiders. That's why YouTube has effectively replaced cable TV for me. In fact, I think telly is mainly a baby boomer and elder outlet now. "Reality" TV has corrupted the encouragement of rational thinking the last two decades. Cable companies wanted more views, and in turn more profit, so they wanted to "spice" things up a bit because they assumed the average American has the attention span of a mayfly (which is probably true). That's my theory anyway. youtube still pushes a lot of US content & profiles a lot of wicked documentaries have found their way online through the platform doe, constant surprises cos education & entertainment certainly werent like this as a kid, right thru to i.d'ing long sought after mystery tunes, which was nice
  12. personal favourite, 1st heard dosed to the gills on actual Oramorph
  13. yeah it hasn't aged well at all. bottom faired better, still great.
  14. thread's journey along certain lines of horror tropes inspired a rewatch of Exorcist III Brad Dourif is a genius even if its all a bit ott
  15. Agnetha Fältskog was my 1st noticeable crush "come to Butthead"
  16. Doc Rowe is an institution, bought the actual G-paper today but missed this, cheers ears some proper strangeness, Kernow's Obby Oss seems a lot like the Mari Lwyd here, different feast day's doe, Solstice & Beltane, they're almost carnivalesque insomuch as everyone gets ripped to the gills, mingles, bit like the Wassail & Mumming over the border too Philadelphia has a big Mummer's parade on New Year's Day/possible repost, so these traditions have traveled a bit (longish vid but yah gets me bwlad)
  17. https://i.imgur.com/moidgyH.gifv pity the poor cunt whoever trips up
  18. pre-order done - cheers for the heads up Rubin, 2 of their finest creations getting the full love & attention to detail with the quality of pressings they deserve Norman are cool as fk too, last order of Astral Disaster went amiss in the post & they sent a 2nd free of charge w/out hesitation, cant say fairer than that love to see/hear the Sonar gig from Barca in 2000 get this kind of treatment, possibly my favourite live set of theirs, different criteria to a studio re-issue/re-press but if these last few are anything to go by there could be more on the way, fingers crossed
  19. genius and fuck that cat too
  20. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2018/apr/27/my-partner-still-has-some-of-his-exs-underwear
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