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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. Bad Timing is like a glimpse into Cosby's inner workings, its so fkn creepy & T Russell's character's arc, mary mother of god White of the Eye jangles like coke, the psycho element is a bit ott but the way his wife gets involved is deeply disturbing Shout is just one of those surreal 70's flicks that i stumbled on via late night telly, really liked the sound engineer scenes & audio intercut with asylum inmates playing cricket, its a bit like Straw Dogs for locations & character studies but prob lacks the punch had this on a ex-drive for a few years, so from your review i gotta watch this nowwww, Parajanov is a class act
  2. Shadow, Thief of the Sun is prob the most played ZF album in the last few years, "Feel the Warmth", "This Moment Obscure", "Cahl Yn Yan" (check that voice echo thing), but the crowning glory is the last track "Static Fields".....mixes well with J Cope/Thighpaulsandra drones (no audio links sorry) - one of those acts where every release is worthy of deep listening & sifting for nuggets cheers for The Duck in a Tree link, fuck me thats a lot of good music, have you ploughed thru the Rapoon discography? different again the north of England seemed to have a way of producing these kinds of acts, Hafler Trio's McKenzie is a Geordie, TG in Hull, summat about those dark Satanic northern mill cities & ports where the nights get late early
  3. Andrew Liles has a major metal fetish, how many versions of the same Ozzy record? funny reading 10 questions with a broad spectrum of musicians, as well as an insight into the mind of a record junkie http://www.andrewliles.com/10-questions/paul-dianno/ http://www.andrewliles.com/10-questions/cronos/ http://www.andrewliles.com/andrew-liles/10-questions/ http://www.andrewliles.com/info/diary-of-a-madman/
  4. christ that bit where he holds the babber up with "i hear them cryyyying".....with his $60 food 'bucket' ad? thats uber fkn warperd, at least Jimmy Swaggart went str8 for the "$100 minimum contributions tonight, we need sacrifice":
  5. check shirt: check, top button done up: check, bandana over eyes: errrr i cant seeeee
  6. https://soundcloud.com/ninbrow-1/terre-thaemlitz-side-b
  7. do it, but clearly not in such a way that said rape happens, but provable in a court of lawl "by any means" half their staff must be in therapy at least twice weekly, can you drown them too perhaps
  8. EMDR can used to treat chronic long term pain & neuropathic pain, accessed it via the NHS here but i was 1 of the lucky ones, summat to look into cannabis tea is worth a look if yer in real difficulties, can lob you a brief how to do thingy, works for me twice a week to get thru specific exercise while avoiding morphine, even tho morphine is lush.....i would really struggle up local mountains w/out the shrubbery, but a small dose has worked while rebuilding limbs, muscles and structural damage. EVen did Pen Y Fan, Britain's highest southern peak a few times this summer, mainly from a flask of special tea & 1 leg slowly in front of the other more 1st world problem, but opiates can be a living nightmare, have you been on Gabapentin or Pregabalin? They're less problematic as long as you dont cane em edit: Sativex is worth investigating too: https://www.google.co.uk/search?ei=3DEQWpbDEYy8acyYtJAO&q=sativex&oq=sativex&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i131i67k1j0l9.159031.162046.0.162622.
  9. your wife must be so proud, do it
  10. if constructive criticism is being a "dick", thats fkn hilarious, what a collective bunch of creepy douches some of you revealed to be i kept the sharper words for the Korn boi & the Roger Sanchez crew, sue me if i think DJ Booring sucks sewage, its empty soul-less toss & reposting it wont make the quality control rise some of you need to get a sense of humour pronto, dick-less
  11. i prefer the "here & now" of music, not projecting some loathsome imaginary mtv world on the music or the scene, seen? nah mate, thats where the bs runs most strongly with your train of thought, i take it you've never been to a free party knee deep in crusty dog packs & people passed out on the dancefloor people are there to dance, not be part of someone else's sense of what a dance music environment should be if you went to a club like Heaven years ago, the gayest of gay London's best nights out, you'd still expect some proper tunes so the schexxxxy-time line only runs so far, Heaven's crowd woulda slung you out for playing hed kandi, Defective, Roger Sanchez crap when they wanted to get their groove on bursting bubbles? pull the other one you're misinterpreting me. im not talking boots with the fur, look at me im sexy, im talking about a more animal element of rhythm and dance as whole. it can have / has a sexual / body element and if you're going to argue against that, go ahead and argue with professors and sociologists around the world lol. "a free party knee deep in crusty dog packs & people passed out on the dancefloor" s yup that's also animalistic, sexual, destructive, dangerous, adventurous, stimulating, fill in the blank. if you're going to try and say legit dance music doesn't have sexual elements, you are going to fighting a long uphill battle. don't get "look at me im sexy, ooh everyone's sexy" confused with feeling sexual or sexual energy. dont go there. dont make me sound like Freud lol. you can have all the above w/out recourse to plastic, disposable, McDonalds-eque wank, its not rocket science but by all means fuel the disagreeable aspects in your misguided approach, projecting an imaginary realm doesnt make it so, it needs a sprinkling of real magic and rather than requoting your previous post, again, the idea of "communal supplication" can be had w/out involving a bunch of dire music, cos shit music will end a party quicker than any objective in making it want to appear glamourous darling...thats a cardinal sin of equivalency making right there chap trying to appropriate the core aspect of House with a shit aesthetic like fkn Hed Kandi, Defecative, Morales & Sanchez....the colloquialism used here for such aberrations is "lengths" do you think folks like Larry Levan & Ron Hardy didnt get the notion that there's a groove to maintain, balance & adjust, rather than playing every shit derivative disco record they could find? its friday night here nowwww, but continue on with your cul-de-sac by all means, in fact by any means, yer never going to sell me on the lameness of the lameness, Lame
  12. nah mate, thats where the bs runs most strongly with your train of thought, i take it you've never been to a free party knee deep in crusty dog packs & people passed out on the dancefloor people are there to dance, not be part of someone else's sense of what a dance music environment should be if you went to a club like Heaven years ago, the gayest of gay London's best nights out, you'd still expect some proper tunes so the schexxxxy-time line only runs so far, Heaven's crowd woulda slung you out for playing hed kandi, Defective, Roger Sanchez crap when they wanted to get their groove on bursting bubbles? pull the other one
  13. if a bunch of facile guff masquerading as music is yer thang, you crack a few over that garbage, there's trash & there's trash, nahmean, but dont expect the rest of the world to acknowledge it as anything other than a shallow cash cow mooooooooooooooo
  14. if you're weird, dont project that on others, please, you seem a bit wound up mate, i only got a bit arsey with the one prick who admitted he didnt even like House & listed fkn KORN in amongst these glorious tunes As for the above, shall we disseminate it publicly so the whisperwhisperwhispers can get a look in? ok, lets rock, hold my hand & i'll walk you thru so you dont fall down: Defected? Defective defecative, i know Andy Daniel & he's a sell-out coke monster who continues to release garbage, his sc is here, you'll be in your element: https://soundcloud.com/andydaniell Morales? Talented jock & producer, until the money arrived, absolute epitome of a sell out Roger Sanchez? Average jock, even worse after the shekels went to his nut, just look at that ridiculous headwear & goatee he sported until a while back So yeah, you picked some right wrong uns there yoof, jesus christ, Defective? i wont dignify the rest, cos, c-c-c-c-cos of the whisperwhisperwhispers, but i've been buying House records for 30yrs this year & Hed Kandi never featured, go figure
  15. lolol dude i love everything hed kandi, so you're not offending me here if you think you are, i've been a fan of their aesthetic and brand since day 1. im not a fan of their recent artist they started using on their comps around the early 2010's, as i think the characters and style looks a tad too realistic hollywood kardashian for my taste, but i still appreciate the efforts. hed kandi is a global dance brand, and one of the biggest faces of the diva / soulful genre, so yeah it's gonna be gaudy, glitzy and over the top. vogue baby. i don't know what point you're trying to make. its no doubt generic and faceless, but that's kind of what it's SUPPOSED to be. On that note, good dance music is made for everyone and anyone, buddy. Sure, I love me that underground, super specific stuff too, but for the most part, house music is about the rhythm, the soul, the love, and the vibes. It's not about the drama, which you seem to be more interested in for some reason...... its gaudy cos its tasteless bile, hence the appropriate Kardashian comparison havent looked for drama, but have i been a bit critical here n there? absolutely
  16. cos that how yous rolls on da beach bwlads, to be schexxxxxxxxy
  17. You have a point here. dont mistake being agreeable with taste, thought you had a bit more about you yoof, clearly not here's some sleeve art inspiration for you, sure to pull the punters in..... make sexy enuff times? drop it like its not
  18. oooh, Mr Korn speaks for one & all, Mr Korn, hushed whispers in background, whisperwhisperwhisper, is that so havent you got a diazper's load of shit to be playing with already, or failing that some drill-core, noize-buttonz & *insert gimp mask here (rhetorical question) go on keyboard warrior, i know you can rock the fuck outta this shit
  19. thats a deeeeeeeep curse number
  20. considering you havent posted one track i'll take it yer another idm hipster clone, rather than a Shane Warne wrong 'un bowling folks around their legs "bowling Warney, bowling" at least Spiral has production chops
  21. the "man" was a nihilistic, misanthropic, attention/fame/money whore, a few years in therapy might've helped but it didnt happen, its not a perfect world what did i know @ 21? enough to know that mixing so many drugs so often never ends well "you gives drugs a bad name", to misquote NJ's finest
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