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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. believe dat, easy to prep & allows you to divert that extra £$£ to things like records, a decent meal out with yer other half, mates or if you drink a hefty supply of ales ;) Bolognese, chilli, all sorts of combos rich in veggies, lob in a tub, sorted same with winter warming soups & broths, do by the vat and fridge em oop, nutrition for when yer body isnt getting as much natural sunlight from shortened day similarly tasty salad bowls with beets, grated carrots, radish & whateverthefuck else takes yer fancy work wonders too
  2. Ron Trent's catalog speaks for itself wrong spelling, but fk it, epitome of tranced out grrrrroover lost in the sound somewhere in a field or mountain range with the morning sun rising, dayum i miss those days https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kd4niEfoSBA
  3. nearly 30yrs old, may the gods bless Bill Steer 28yrs old, gotta love the fuzz-box bass Reek of Putrefaction & Symphonies of Sickness havent aged, thank fuck for Earache
  4. beer is summat else these days, envious @ the range of flavours, choc stout looks lush gone are the pubs with Badger Bitter on tap
  5. word what what, ere u go bwlad, this will help you, 2 birds 1 stone
  6. Razen continue to release absorbing, immersive fusions of acoustic drones, electronic strangeness & all kinds of warped fun the blurb from their last release's church recordings was enough to lure me in superficially, but this track winds a v distinct path in the autumnal weather commute:
  7. lol edit: Geronimo 21 hours ago This is what happens to liberal women when they are butt fucked every day, they drink because it hurts them and they act out in fast food places all drunk and out of control- yeah im a sicko and demented flol lol, I've heard girls swear that anal sex makes their butts bigger. anal sex is cool n the gang, i've only had 1 ltr where it wasnt on the menu is that sexist with the misnomer that "men like it cos women dont"? not when its being demanded by your other half, mid-fuck, & as a gentleman your only recourse is to oblige & serve it up off point, but it seems one of the last sexual taboos, maybe sex as a whole is slightly taboo state-side, i mean, why all the stockings & suspenders on Halloween, with so many christians and so much porn originating in the same nation? that probably could've been worded more articulately, but as Britain continues to lead the western world in teen pregnancies, we cant judge any1 on standards
  8. 2nd round of EMDR is nearly done b4 a break for christmas, jesus christ thank the gods 2017 has been Dethklok brutal, but to be able to access this via the NHS where the pvt alternatives would equal about £4000 by now, def a first world problem the travesty is if yer in the wrong area the NHS doesnt provide it, which equates to thousands of folks dealing with pstd/c-ptsd indefinitely this would never be allowed with any other area of medicine, eg: break your leg, A&E sorts that fucker on the spot, which begs the question is a career change in order all in good time
  9. Purchased, looking forward to this one, cheers for the heads up bwlad, 2000 copies will be gone pronto
  10. Jodorowsky, on a big screen too? i'd be publicly jizzing just wait for the tower ascent, the Rainbow Room and all the Tarot flowing....it has aged well, 1 or 2 psychedelic aspects, plus Don Cherry helped with the soundtrack
  11. at the time it was interesting how Weatherall's projects & RDJ moved in parallel forms from blissed out 4/4 to the collective comedown psychosis of the mid to late 90's & respective releases Weatherall seemed to have come full circle by mid of the last decade by dropping slower more cosmic House again, but its 25years since Selected Ambient Works & that fact alone makes me feel grizzled but grateful to have had it ingrained in the subconscious of friends & myself after so much listening post-sketchy sessions, something far more ground breaking (personally) for the time & as well as era-defining....big difference between 1992 & 1997 in terms of mood Come to Daddy got a lot of attention because of the video, even if i'm not the biggest fan of the tune. Windowlicker's vid was funnier, more subtle & the tune itself is more durable imho (plus its b-side) still, 20 years? that went pretty fkn fast didnt it
  12. i can see the logic of a type of fruit cutting thru lamb's fattier aspects, my kid bro chef uses pretty full on searing and lime juice somewhere in that process there are a couple of places in Cardiff that do a whole leg of lamb, but you have to book it 48hrs in advance for the prep, its pure theater when it comes out, is carved & served up tinned pineapple & cream was teh only thing apart from gallons of morphine that kept me half-sane after an extended hospital stay, proper throwback back to pizza, homemade dough experiments are gonna be the evening chores for the next few weeks, cant keep reading this thread without actualizing the lack of places to buy anything remotely edible, it cant be that hard & our oven fires like a furnace which should be the alchemical keys to a better end product how more places havent caught on to this gap in the market is absurd, especially if you offer it by the slice too & the quality is there, Bristol has 1 maybe 2 decent gaffs but their range is a few basics meats n peppers & onions, getting a "white" pizza laced with the only acceptable forms of cheese and lashings of garlic i havent found anywhere even during extended sojourns to London working, compounded by referencing Yelp filled up with wannabe authors that miss variety specifics
  13. mango works well in curry, you can dice it, blend a chunk in with pureed onions & garlic after roasting spices, would take that over pineapple pineapple reminds me of a vegan flatshare who would make fruit curries, cumin & ground coriander werent meant for orange slices mf, not when they wilt so fully you had to retrieve slime casing remnants....a bowl of rice & sauce would've sufficed but sometimes you gotta take 1 for the team the worst aspect here was yer Ma was prob right, London only got its food worlds truly sorted by the late 80's, prior to that it was chippys, dodgy kebabs, greasy slops chinese & pizza aberrations, which would've left you with bags of crisps, chocolate & fruit pastilles even chippy chips can be v hit & miss, which is criminal considering thats their mainstay
  14. Januszczak is the art critic for the Sunday Times, he's a documentary natural, funny, insightful, entertaining & a really good educator, wish he was given more scope & air time Bobby Sands - 66 Days ....one of the finest documentaries on Northern Ireland & The Troubles. As much as men of blood can never wash their hands fully clean, the civil rights foundations of so many problems inherent in NI is deconstructed as well as anything that has been produced on the subject. 90mins gives you a historiography of the evolution of sectarian violence, the main players, the effects of Loyalist escalation, the true extent of Provisional IRA killings, a raft of interviews & period footage all edited together so parts of it look & sound like a Burroughs cut-up. But it works. You get images of endless bombings you wouldnt normally see inter-cut with home movie footage of 70's shindigs, which adds to the ambiguity, anxiety & tension. A bit like The Vietnam War by Ken Burns, but boiled down so any fat is rendered out and edited to just the right stylistic juxtapositions. Should be shown in every school to show just how fuckin ruthless our politicians really are/were. Also available by alternative means. Twelfty/10, but the imdb rating underscores it by a significant margin of difference http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5931144/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b096msfr
  15. Good Time - started well but was uneven to the extent it became a bit pointless & when it ended was a tad annoyed i'd persevered i liked when they introduced the black girl & the acid casualty, but both plot-lines went skewiff, the latter comically so & it became increasingly ridiculous Pattinson (sp?) looking shell-shocked didnt have enough heft, which was a shame cos the relationship with the brother felt genuine and heartfelt was the brother like match counting Rain Man, Billy Bob Thornton in Sling Blade & Jodie Foster as Nell ie: various other disabled characters played by fully-abled or whatever the term is? google confirms he directed, soooooooo The Man Who Fell to Earth - Nic Roeg & Bowie are the perfect companion pairing, if you needed someone frazzled to play an extra terrestrial visitor, all skinny & pale, watching multiple tv's, Roeg got the casting spot on. The editing style, the kaleidoscopic view of the US and the protagonist's tortuous journey into the human condition....immense. His gf, the lass from American Graffiti, is an attractive in a good wholesome counterpoint sort of way too, which increases Bowie's strangeness. They truly dont make em like this any more/10
  16. thats looks potentially tasty, not much info via Norman on the track contents beyond the Astral sessions which is a bit annoying but intriguing nonetheless, might have to take a punt
  17. ex-pat ex Massive Attack, Wild Bunch Bristolian Milo/DJ Nature is an institution, his gigs bring the thump if you find yerself close you'll be in for a treat fuck knows how many hours of distilled gems, as a selektor-tor-tor his mixes speak for themselves, possibly lobbed a few pages back but these chug summat else https://soundcloud.com/natureboy
  18. flashbacks, tree jumping, self limb stitching, ambush yeehawing, dog killing, cave lurking, blow yer town up cos they drew first blood "it's a loooong rooooaaaad...."
  19. Weatherall's recent Yello remixes are mellow in the cello
  20. couldnt handle those tunes sorry Chim, Bob Sinclar's single contribution to House imho
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