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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. can you recall the woman who sway dances on top of Frank Booth's car in Blue Velvet, the "lovetter" lipstick scene approx? all these layers of surreal are imminent again soon, woo hoo
  2. The Signalman (1976).....short, unearthly psychological BBC of the kind really nailed during the 1970's @ times Denholm Elliott plays the lead in a Dickens classic, but it has a similar drifting atmosphere as Picnic At Hanging Rock, def wintry safeness to that sultry madness
  3. have you read Blood Meridian by Cormac? its yuuuuge, head & shoulders above his other work & would personally guarantee you finish it in days (ideal 4 a rainy weekend) visceral & ungodly one sec, landscape diary the next, with a snaking plot, philosophy, genius characters & fate all in 1 get some
  4. sowing doubts of a reckless personality @ the helm is 1 thing, its prob a good tactic with Putin & the Kremlin in some aspects, but the Iran bs this week on top of the world attention grabbing visa charade could end up worse than Irag, Syria & Afghanistan combined at least with Obama, Bush, Clinton et al you felt their imperialism was transparent, with the 45th douche its like an Ayn Rand wet dream on some as yet unidentified hyper-aphrodisiac/erectile dysfunction drug combo ugly
  5. its lube-free collective sodomizing though isnt it, no spit, not even a "brace yerselves"
  6. planned parenthood cuts and all that US pro-life bs might be one area Trump wouldnt negotiate on but state revenues for "legal" shrubberies must be fairly substantial by now, cant see his Apprentice persona kicking this into the long grass no pun intended with the $£$ involved i fuckin hope he keeps his paws off it cos theres more chance of possible transatlantic pollination in this realm if things keep moving forward state-side
  7. Seriously. Zeus will be like, "Dude, I gave you EVERYTHING, and you chose with very, very bad taste. You have horrible aesthetic sense." One swallow doesnt make a summer, but loads of em & you'd have to understand olde Zeusy casting your arse into eternal fiyah or whatever He does when your life-long films-watched sheet looks like the wet dream of a Hollywood blockbuster producer in league with the gods of bilge, nahmean
  8. aka Game of Thrones in stetsons & smartphones Thandie doe, come to Butthead
  9. keep up the good work! if a 2nd edition copy is going, i'd love to lob some shekels your way.....whatever's easiest bwlad
  10. why waste your life on such predetermined shite on your deathbed the gods will not reimburse you
  11. already cursed by Zahgurim who kills in an unnatural fashion
  12. discovering Can mid-teens was a revelation & a huge part of that was how locked-in their rhythm section could be Krautrock veterans like Holger Czukay (78) & Roedelius (82) stagger the mind with their respective catalogs....some of the finest music from the 2nd half of the 20thC
  13. one of the Inland Empire soundtrack versions has audio: track 09 David Lynch - BBQ Theme shorty ditty, but find a copy for just how well DL can flex the olde electronica mindfuck sound world as well as any visual imagery created its immense
  14. its about time Slade &/or Black Sabbath got a few Peaky Blinders cameos
  15. disclosure of Trump in watersports whoring vid in the coming weeks aka bodily fluids start WW3/Dr Strangelove parallels just get worse oh well, despite the money worship, materialism, narcissism n everyfin, good luck Merka
  16. the Democrats are guilty of complacency, just like certain sectors of British & EU politics have been they couldnt seem to see Bernie as a viable candidate in key realms of that system, HC looked like some pre-ordained legacy heiress and thats from a fairly neutral perspective the media vomitorium spews debates about supposed liberal failures to address identity politics, globalism, cunts @ Davos etc, but the 2008 crash has cemented something in the collective psyche of large sections of certain nations & an 8year digestion incubus of diarrhea being sprayed at election/voting times is in full effect T May wont last long and Trump is surely a 1 term president @ best if he doesnt get monsooned in assassination frenzies
  17. the pomp, pageantry & madness of the inauguration reminded me of these moments from cinema "what do you think of that, allies, acquaintances & foreign/domestic problem makers?": the collective psychosis enveloping the Republican administration, CIA & Pentagon results in a disastrous disassociative structural breakdown: "GCHQ here, what? The Americans launched pre-emptive nuclear strikes on Chinese military atolls? Three minutes ago?"
  18. cunts like Soros are the deal-makers n breakers & how can you ever regulate a vampire like that it would be easy to list Bush & Obama's war crimes records, but real money is always ahead of politics at least you didnt have a cunt like B.liar lapping out a fellow war criminal's ring-piece publicly week in week out, his end will be the only human death i could ever raise a pint to
  19. could you arrange a treaty with post-Brexit Britain for a sausage gravy n biscuits export franchise? (i'm looking at Bob muthafuckin Evans here) that would be infinitely better than the current state of other exports in the realm of saturated ming sorry i have to masturbate now cos look, the technology is @ hand:
  20. Leland, Bob n the wee fella give it real malevolence, but the way Leland slips between his characters glues it all together the only media that gets near its atmosphere are other Lynch works & for this year's gift humbly thank the gods sacrificing this flower of special virtue too much death in 2016, so pls let this one get through, universe
  21. indeed seeing this today, not looked @, actually seen, the agency of it, the horror of it, the fact that Michael quesy Gove still has some kind of career, "1st in line, oh mein worshipful majesty Drumpfy?" 2017, & every cunt thinks 2016 was shiiiiite.......
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