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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. cheers for the heads up, still reeling that the bloke's creative drive is as potent at 86yrs of age, had no idea owt was following Dance of Reality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2d8fdUENMA
  2. Surrealism & the Occult by Nadia Choucha, a balanced blend of academic rigor & a myriad of threads all succinctly unpicked & inter-woven. Its accompanied a hot summer & nails allusion, networks & interpreting how particular figures evolved their approaches, rather than the typical the long leather coat chaos wrapped in veiled bs line of inquiry. Only quibble is it helps to reference google images to let your eyes breathe & rummage fully @ the intensity of wonder. Tasty brain food & hits this sweet spot/10 edit for possible double post review last page div move
  3. shitty water pressure in the shower c'mon, this is Britain, we live rain
  4. he reminds me of Dave Chappelle's impressions of white Merkins, but not funny with it
  5. Grey Gardens is superb, a sublime piece of Americana. There are occasional aristocratic clans here slumming it in outbuildings while their country piles fall into dereliction. Wasnt it Cicero or some famous cunt who said families are either rising or falling Re-watched The American Friend (1977) & better than remembered, Hitler in particular. The 1970's seem an incredible decade for film-making, so many nations with outstanding variety, but thats for another thread
  6. gotta love the lil spider gawds, well at least the indigenous British varieties that dont drop you with a single eight-eyed stare they harvest the things that'll really nibble yer face while you're asleep and every home should have its own spider alter today's First World problem is indigestion following a superb & satisfying meal, fish rarely gets this good & it was my own shoddy fruit crumble that over-did the stomach acids
  7. Lo & Behold - would have to agree with Mr Eugene. It takes too long to get to the juicy bits and then misses exploring those tendrils fully enough. And yes Werner does indeed lob in some unnecessary questions that clearly interrupt the interviewee's train of thought. An opportunity missed, which is rare for someone with such an incredible body of work. Spartacus - watched wiv me Ma & god damn this never gets old or boring. Kurt Douglas rocks, end of. This and his milky eyed show in The Vikings were the stuff of legendary rainy sunday afternoon re-enactments as a kid & its good to see how well it flows both through various plot-arcs & its age. MINT.
  8. re-People Just Do Nothing, it treads that fine line between patronizing snobbery and some proper lols fairly succinctly, even if it doesnt always get it right every episode. The young cast/writers satirizes the whole MC/DJ realm with too many acute observations to list here & almost takes you back to the early KISS FM days with Paul T-T-T-T-Trouble Anderson et al. The Great British Menu - fuck off please, complete BBC Tristram-guff overload. Pureed lettuce? Cant lettuce just be mate? My kid bro will occasionally blast em on a griddle which kinda works, but........ Also, its a bad omen when even advanced telly avoidance negates knowing that The Great British Bake Off is switching to C4. Sue Perkins is a bit of gay crush doe, so hypocrisy all round.
  9. a dog would never do that ;) it might puke on your bed, lick most of it up, so you dont clock the ming for a few mins until you're nice & comfortable....
  10. isnt it about time that the US went proper fascist? not like fascism-lite of Nixon, Reagan or Bush Inc, the full blown variety with every cunt wearing some kind of uniform with special arm gesture salutes wreaking even greater havoc than its does already the kind we've seen just about everywhere else in the world at respective times it only seems a few %-points to the right to full oy vey
  11. a proper dark n funny cunt, derailing slightly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGC7NbAPOmI
  12. Its crept into his recent work, the over indulgence of narrating or appearing on screen. Maybe its age finally catching up with him a tad. Cave of Forgotten Dreams nearly went that way, the crocodiles for example, but archaeo-bias means that still enchanted To flip the comparisons, The Wide Blue Yonder shouldnt really work, but it does cos of Brad Dourif's intensity and the floating effect created by undersea ice footage, the slow sway of the sea & the sense of inter-galactic scales in comparison Bit gutted cos i was looking forward to this due to Herzog's genius in past favourites
  13. ere u go bwlad now illegal legal-highs in Wolves: Valium in Scotland: Shrubbery:
  14. problem is there's no cultural pre-screening program
  15. didnt a famous Beat once claim everyone should get high for the next ten years? doing my best, Mr Ginsberg
  16. a lot of US cultural imperialism in this fred, so to mix things oop...... a rare venture over to bbc3's content revealed their Dickensian-esque "Drugs Map of Britain" nothing new to be learned except for just how much black-market valium/diazepam is in this cuntry essentially poverty porn at its very worst, like drive-through despair, but with zero answers offered
  17. been in contact with a bloke called Jeff Ditchfield since a recent med-mary-jane doc here: https://www.google.co.uk/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=-pHOU8n5Bc_H8ge1xoJA#safe=off&q=jeff+ditchfield issues around chronic (no pun) ptsd & pain management might just yield something that could lead to ditching over-prescribed levels of opiates & tranqs this cuntry is fkn retarded
  18. thank-you to the bloke who listed Adam's Apples itt the Danes have a way with conveying such nuanced, insightful & universal experiences, plus the crow genocide scene was priceless muchos appreciados
  19. Narcos made me deceptively believe i can speak made up Spanish fluently
  20. have you seen any of the Pusher series? the first 2 are mint & Zlatko Buric (the overlord) is infinitely watchable, cant quite believe its 20 yrs since the first of em came out
  21. films of the year: Son of Saul & Embrace of the Serpent <---immense
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