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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0mIlgcjYTo
  2. for longer mixes of other people's tracks, absolutely they help enormously for a program called Guided Imagery & Music, aka GIM, driving, cooking din-dins & general relaxation techniques the demons need to feed, suppressing them leads to being overwhelmed, so a sonic interface or cocoon means that process is re-focused into creative outlets used in conjunction with a technique called "Musical Breathing" increases the calming effects immensely: http://web.b.ebscohost.com/abstract?direct=true&profile=ehost&scope=site&authtype=crawler&jrnl=10988009&AN=43982605&h=09IqD4NQfDXRFO%2bWBIu3PYjgvRRLZcZg9cXJc4NLQ3mYQdzLnG3a9KaeAzSFxklNEytb0LsGUtikwiHQAjGy%2bw%3d%3d&crl=f&resultNs=AdminWebAuth&resultLocal=ErrCrlNotAuth&crlhashurl=login.aspx%3fdirect%3dtrue%26profile%3dehost%26scope%3dsite%26authtype%3dcrawler%26jrnl%3d10988009%26AN%3d43982605
  3. finally, on a short-list for an experimental British MDMA study into its efficacy in treating PTSD odds on i get the fkn placebo
  4. track 1 off this behemoth, aka Richard H Kirk's "Synesthesia" off Disposable Half-Truths, no audio sorry https://www.discogs.com/Richard-H-Kirk-Disposable-Half-Truths/release/80158
  5. Quarry - so far so good, doesnt overdo the retro & the tension is well-handled, handle-bar taches all round. Few cliches, but its building a world that you want to see more of. Poldark - the things you do 4 Mums after sunday dinner, although the triangular hats could be a hipster feature in no time. Still contrived chest bursting out of shirts lust by suggestion 4 the ladies this autumn, good vs evil, locations never fail doe & Cornwall looks as good as it does in real life. University Challenge - top ever personal score was 25-ish, but the mascots & the occasional "whoah" @ the inevitable uber-autistic twitcher never fails. The music though......
  6. this moment alone made me want to brick the cunt in the face someone should tell NWR it takes more than initials to even begin to be conisidered a genuine auteur theres an interview vid on youlube of him speaking to Kenneth Anger, where the latter is squirming within a few minutes.... i just hope Ken dolloped some hardcore curses on the upstart twat afterward
  7. cripes theres quite a bit of "i watched this awful film.....and it was AWFUL" in this fred so much Super-Hero wank & vapid bollix masquerading as culture btw the last time i typed summat like this it lead to a ban it can only be the sweet bird of youth offering the mirage of limitless time to waste on god awful crap *disclaimer, fuck it Schlitze'll do that 4 me
  8. dont most people have a fair enough idea who they're going to vote for well b4 the debates? what do they actually achieve, the semblance of democracy or actually annihilate 1 or t'other's chances? "errrrrrrr, well Hillary's experienced but Trump's got a big schlong & he runs big things anyways, god damn.......'hello, yeah could i get a thin-based wit' peppers n onions?" are there even any swing voters left? could annihilate a pizza now
  9. a H Clinton assassination wouldnt surprise me assassinations have happened b4 & in the land of the assault rifle, is it so unrealistic? regarding the debate:
  10. as an abstainer this thread doesnt half brew up a thirst maybe in another life
  11. the Keith Richard's/BBC late night weekender was good fun, i can watch n listen to the olde insaniac's anecdotes all night loads of Spike Milligan's "Q" sketches, cartoons, interviews, insights & more....quite a rare treat for a pretty staid broadcaster well assisted by Julian Temple Quarry was so-so, could go either way
  12. surprised Sadiq Khan hasnt lobbed his hat in the ring, or H Clinton's favourite pooch Miliband, although cant see Muslimic or Jewish fellows being too popular in the home-counties what what
  13. the idea of MM & Rob Zombie making filems fills me with nausea & not in a good way
  14. introductions could take in Throbbing Gristle & DEF Cabaret Voltaire, plus Richard H Kirk's early gear is mint, eg: Disposable Half Truths, Ugly Spirit (huge William Burroughs influence on the latter) and the almost un-listenable (in a good way) Black Jesus Voice. Like all good scouts, be prepared! TG are a world unto their own, but pers favourites are Journey Through a Body and their much later In The Shadow of the Sun soundtrack, get yer ears round these beasts. ITSOTS was a fairly recent audio work for a compilation of ritually symbolic Derek Jarman vids = immense. Cabaret Voltaire - try Voice of America as an intro, cos its got oodles of funk thru the fug of distortion + i never tire of the way they manipulated their vocal ranges & percussion. With CV i musta been listening to their tunes for over 30yrs and if you indulge them fully their transition to House/ambient House is worth taking a few journeys to. Dripping in paranoia thru to slows grooves. A national British treasure if ever there was one. didnt mean to be patronizing, but digging thru crates for tune discoveries is a bit of a dying practice with Soulseek etc so close @ hand. anyway, try some of these cos they might enlighten yourself and any appreciation of the shallowness of more recent pretenders. Coil are a universe unto themselves & justifiably have their own thread here somewhere, that'd be well worth your time listening to links & cross referencing acts like Thighpaulsandra & Cyclobe who, while not exactly industrial, would warm the cockles of any sonic adventurer. Good luck.
  15. strewth, that was a close shave, this thread def needs more Icke-ian interpretation of politics
  16. the strangest thing witnessed with Hillary was her fawning over David fuckin twitchy eyed baby eating psychopath disguised as a human Miliband in recent years this bloke v nearly became Tony B.Liar 2.0 (and could yet) is it misogynistic to suggest a physical liaison? brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  17. I don't mean it personally BuuuuuuuuT whenever i hear a guy about hillary being demonic or somesuch (eg. "cant stand her voice" or "she's being insincere" are also good ones), I basically assume he's having some deeper issues with his mother and/or women in general. And yes, that's a broad generalisation. Kinda like those deplorables. Quite the sanctimonious tone you've taken here, whoever you are...... 1) I'm not merkin & could give a rat's arse who runs that cesspit of capitalist dogma, fascist military industrial complex run riot under various Repub/Democrat regimes & exporter of cultural imperialism gone mad. 2) They're all cunts, ie elected representatives, not just because she's a fuckin woman or cos i secretly wank over me Ma. Whats wrong with lusting over my own Mother & then projecting that confused rage outward at a female public figure of similar age? 3) BuuuuuuuuuuT.......carry on with believing in whatever inanities get you thru the day bwlad, just cos someone points out a slight against Trump's opposition doesnt make it invalid or sexist, bollock-head.......sorry i wasnt alluding to you there personally with the pejorative dismissal there ok actually i was.
  18. as much as she's a form of demonic representation on the earth, that was funny
  19. bbc is running ads for series 3 of The Fall, so its iminent as much as i love Belfast & could bathe in Ms Anderson's allure the fact they couldnt wrap it all oop in one series was a bit of a pisser imho after the end of series 1 i gave up tbh, although a mental health worker as a psycho was a different take on mutilated womens (why's it always the ladies getting butchered btw?)
  20. https://www.google.co.uk/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=-pHOU8n5Bc_H8ge1xoJA#safe=off&q=industrial+music
  21. ah at least British police will only kick n smash you into a coma while you're going about yer bidness, rather than popping a few rounds into while yer unarmed you know, civilized state sanctioned ultra-violence (unless you're Brazilian on the tube & mistaken for a terrrist after a major domestic terrorist incident)
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